Saturday, May 8, 2021

The David Brother District Attorneys' Lower Cape Fear Sexual Dalliances -- and MY BROTHER's and My Sexual Dalliances (are NOT quite the same)!!!


During the summer of 2009, 2010, Democrat District Attorney Benjamin R. David and his identical twin brother, Republican D.A. Jon David -- DRUNK AS SKUNKS -- ran up to two rockers I met who were performing one night on Carolina Beach -- demanding to know where to get "Cocaine and Pussy".

In THIS CASE it is a WILMINGTON PRESS COVER-UP of Jon David's SEXUAL DALIANCES -- and not just the two brother's running Hard Drugs with their Presbyterian Churches -- Ben David an Elder at First Presbyterian, and Jon David one at St. Andrews / Covenant Presbyterian.

And I want to say that I was ONLY trying to find a photo of Jon David's WIFE -- I ALREADY have several of Ben David's wife, Stephanie David, whom I know PERSONALLY:

This is an OLD photo of Stephanie David (on right). I first met her while I was a MEMBER at First Presbyterian, the second half of 2011, when she was VERY TRIMThe LAST TIME I saw her (a few years ago), she had gotten FAT AND HAGGARD -- HA!!!

According to LINKED-IN, Stephanie has been a MAJOR FUNDRAISER and STRATEGIST for Mitt Romney and Lamar Alexander -- and in his LAST re-election, the County Democratic Party REFUSED to list Ben David as one of their Candidates -- although he ran, again, as a Democrat.

Also, in the last year or so, NC Atty. Gen. Josh Stein has taken Ben David OFF prosecuting major DRUG CRIMES -- because while KNOWN as a TOP LOCAL DRUG TRAFFICKER with his Presbyterian Church, you can't just FIRE an ELECTED D.A. -- at least you can't in North Carolina.

Ben's love is HAIRY CHESTED YOUNG MEN -- like this one. He long-term dated my friend LEE, until THIS HAPPENED -- and Ben gave Lee a newish pick-up truck, a PILE OF CASH, and told him to leave town and "never look back" -- that to ME from Lee, whom I ran into the same day he left town (and I have previously blogged EXACTLY WHERE, too) -- about nine years ago.

>>> THIS IN SEVERAL DISTANT NEWS PUBLICATIONS -- but since the Press of Wilmington is all CHRISTIAN, they ALL PROTECT the David Brothers and the Christian Churches' HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING -- and their heterosexual and homosexual DALLIANCES!!!

Sen. Thom Tillis (Roman Catholic), with TWO of his TOP DRUG-TRAFFICKING WHITE PRESBYTERIAN SUPREMACISTS, Jon, then Ben David.

This first reported ACROSS NORTH CAROLINA -- but NOT in Wilmington, on April 16, 2021 -- less than a month ago:

Bladen man files alienation of affection complaint against District Attorney Jon David

District attorney sued in heart balm lawsuit

Find out more here:
May be an image of fruit and text that says 'FLS Heterosexual Men Act Differently Around Women With Ûisibly Erect Nipples, Study Indicates Thanks to new research, we have more information on the effect of erect nipples on heterosexual men, and it turns out they' go out of their way to be around them.'

AMAZINGLY, as I write this, the Rev. Al "BOOTY-CALL" Sharpton -- FAMOUS for fucking women with BIG BOOTY -- Roman-Catholic-Run MSNBC's FAVE CHRISTIAN CLERGY-PERSON is bloviating on my TV!!!

Al Sharpton was in BUSINESS with Donald Trump -- where Sharpton made his many MILLIONS -- AT LEAST 2002 until June 16, 2015 -- when Trump rode the elevator down and announced his run for President.

As reported ON MSNBC on September 2, 2015!!!

And it was my DEAR FRIEND Linda Wilkins-Daniels -- who recently served four years as President of the African-American Caucus of North Carolina Democrats, who FIRST TOLD ME that Sharpton is just a BLACK DONALD TRUMP.

Linda Wilkins-Daniels -- was in Bishop William J. Barber II's CONGREGATION when I met her, and a BELIEVING CHRISTIAN, but I pointed out what an ASSHOLE Barber is:

William Barber showing off his GLUTTONOUS ACHIEVEMENTS (a CARDINAL Christian Sin).

And LOOK what Linda posted just TODAY!!!:

Well, let's see what HETEROSEXUALS think of MULTIPLE SEX PARTNERS, NO???


I post THIS to remind everyone that Joe Biden's CATHOLIC DRUG TRAFFICKING and Pete Buttigieg's EPISCOPAL Drug Trafficking -- in partnership with my KENAN FAMILY of Chapel Hill and our Rex Tillerson/Vladimir Putin/Exxon-Mobil -- and the Bush Family's CIA (both families are Episcopal), the Cheney, Clinton, Obama, and Biden Families -- UNITED IN CHRIST -- are RAMPING UP imports of FENTANYL FROM MEXICO -- and it works EASIEST as long as the US GOVERNMENT doesn't get along with Mexico's President "AMLO":


Strangers take a long time to become acquainted, particularly when they are from the same family.

M.E. Kerr

THIS is the problem with my brother Mike and me -- I HAD Heterosexual Sex with five women in late 1969 and have NO PROBLEM admitting to that -- while MIKE got high on powder Cocaine in 1980, called me in Key West worried he might be GAY (but he's NOT GAY, best I can tell), and his two SONS, Connor Michael Kenan and Maxwell Andrew Kenan mostly had GAY FRIENDS -- especially when Connor was an undergraduate at UNC Chapel Hill!!!

Connor is tallest in green, Max is in horizontal blue stripes -- their younger sister, Taylor Ann Kenan, can BARELY SQUEEZE IN!!! And then a few years later, Connor's FACEBOOK FRIENDS labeled this photo of Connor "The GAY DARTH VADER"!!!

TODAY, Connor lives in Denver, Colorado with his live-in girlfriend, "Kat", whom Mike told me yesterday, Connor will EVENTUALLY MARRY.

But there are NO PICTURES OF "KAT" -- HA!!!

And I ALSO learned, yesterday, that Mike's wife, Gail Ann (Godley) Kenan's PARENTS, Larry and Ann Godley, are HIGH PRESBYTERIAN and very WEALTHY -- so Mike and Gail don't DARE LET THEM KNOW they might have GAY GRANDCHILDREN -- they could LOSE THAT INHERITANCE!!!

Well, here's an old photo of our "blended families" in Mike's house in 2007 -- taken by Larry Godley:

The tall guy on the RIGHT in back is Gail's older brother, now retired US NAVY COMMANDER James Iredell Godley, named for TWO of his EARLY North Carolina US PATRIOT ANCESTORS, an ORIGINAL US Supreme Court Justice and an early Governor of North Carolina.

TODAY, Cdr. Godley and his NEW WIFE, Darleen, live only a few miles from my nephew Connor and are HUGE SUPPORTERS OF DONALD TRUMP -- even today.

So NOW, I understand why my brother MIKE has been such a PRICK to me the last eleven years -- sometimes more HATEFUL than my MOTHER. I get on FINE with Mom, now, and my sisters Jane Ann Kenan and Julie Ruth (Kenan) Duffy -- Mom and Julie EVEN TODAY are devout Roman Catholics and BOTH voted TWICE for Donald Trump -- but NOT MIKE -- who PRETENDS to be a PROGRESSIVE -- LOL!!!

So REMEMBER, everyone, tomorrow is MOTHER'S DAY:



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