I KNOW I got it to Kristen (Meyer) Harris and Maxwell Andrew Kenan (so he can see how I reported his brother, Connor Michael Kenan's, Homosexual Past) -- I don't know of Max having one, but it would not surprise me. Max can't date a woman for long, either -- and Connor's "Kat" has no photos, so I think she is just in my brother Michael William Kenan's IMAGINATION!!!
And I sent it to some Kenan-side cousins who all LOVE Thom Goolsby and Donald Trump, including Gail Johnston and her sister Cherrie Pridgen (former manager of JC Penny's HAIR-HOUSE in Independence Mall -- ONLY Cherrie gets FACE-LIFTS) -- two of the FOUR DAUGHTERS of Laura "Doris" (Kenan) Russ and Wilbur Russ:
And I ALSO sent Facebook Friend Requests -- but only to SOME OF THEM!!!
It is now WELL KNOWN on both Facebook and the Internet that the ONLY REASON Dick-Head Biden REFUSES to call for a ceasefire -- is to PROTECT Benjamin Netanyahu -- the TOP HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING PARTNER of Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel -- and for THAT MATTER, D.A.s Ben and Jon David of the Lower Cape Fear!!!
Undeliverable: Hollis Briggs, Jr.: You blocked my other email several days ago -- here's some of what you have MISSED -- LOL!!!
To: hollis@bosemanlawgroup.com; joboseman@nhcgov.com; rzapple@nhcgov.com; jbarfield@nhcgov.com; dhays@nhcgov.com; brivenbark@nhcgov.com; hill@cameronco.com; bill.saffo@wilmingtonnc.gov; bill@cameronco.com; kevin.maurer@gmail.com; emcmahon@nhcgov.com; benjamin.r.david@nccourts.org; breakingnews@newsobserver.com; wilmjourn@aol.com; info@portcitydaily.com; info@JoshStein.org
Cc: Scott Kenan
Of course D.A. Jon David is now being sued for his SEX CRIMES, but Ben David still prefers hairy-chested men. Mayor Saffo still goes for YOUNG GUYS (not illegally young).
Last night, I published much about my immediate Kenan Family’s SEXUAL ADVENTURES which are ALSO scandalous.
And Josh Stein, Antony Blinken, and other Dems NOT corrupted by the Christian Drug Mafia run by top Dems and Repubs, APPRECIATE my info – even if it makes you want to pack your bags and flee to RUSSIA!!!
Putin is your TOP ALLY!!!
Remember: My blog FORCED Fr. Robert J. Kus to flee from St. Mary’s Catholic to hide from US LAW in Honduras – and ALSO for John Uecker, who on command of the Episcopal Church, CIA, and others MURDERED Tennessee Williams (Ben David, Barack Obama, and Rahm Emanuel stole copyright to my memoir when Scott Rudin and others were looking to buy movie rights). Anyway, Uecker fled US Law to a distant country TOO!!!
NOTE TO Julia Olson-Boseman: I have not yet heard from you about getting that $10,000,000.00 payment from County, City, and NC State together for me so I don’t have to file RICO prosecution against you all!!! (most of you, anyway).
See almost 2/3 the way down here: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2021/05/christian-drug-mafiosa-hollis-briggs-jr.html
Please, Julia, reply or I will have to begin showing up at all your public meetings!!!
Scott David Kenan

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