Thursday, September 22, 2022

My NAZI Mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, MELTED DOWN TOTALLY during a Ten Minute Phone Call with Me -- Late This Afternoon!!! / A SPECTRUM TECH Saves My TV Service / Ari Melber Had His BEST SHOW EVER, Tonight -- but Christian Bitch Joy Reid Had PUTIN Ally David Plouffe on Air to PLEASE MSNBC's NAZI OWNERS!!! / EMERGENCY PROTEST against WILMINGTON CHRISTIAN NAZIS Tomorrow Morning at the County Courthouse -- BE THERE!!!


I wish my mother's problem was just this SIMPLE -- but Mom is three months from turning 100 -- on January 6 -- the ANNIVERSARY of the Christian Insurrection of the US Capitol.

>>> Ambassador Emanuel has read this -- YOU are next, OK ???


As a JEW, I'm certain that you will be THRIIIIILED that my NAZI Mother is ready to commit "hari-kari" over the LOSS of her NAZI DREAMS of WORLD DOMINATION of the Christian Religion, and enslavement of ALL minority (non-white, non-Christian), peoples.

But don't WORRY , Mom is NOT suicidal !!!


Mom and I on May 27, 2022 -- I have LOST 30 pounds since then!!!

For ME, this includes the COWARD APPARENT, Dotson Rader. After ALL THIS TIME, he has NOT emailed or called me by phone:

In 1981 and '82, I knew BOTH Dotson Rader and Pat Kennedy Lawford -- and even worked on a Project for Columbia University with Pat -- on behalf Tennessee Williams!!!

Before I begin, a REMINDER of Wilmington, North Carolina's DISTINCTIONS:

1. The LAST PORT of the Confederacy to fall -- that soon led to the END OF THE CIVIL WAR!!!

2. William Rand Kenan, Sr., led the 1898 Wilmington Coup d'Etat -- and HE was friend of President Woodrow Wilson, the DEMOCRAT who re-segregated the ENTIRE US GOVERNMENT -- including the ARMED FORCES.

3. William Rand Kenan, Jr., PAID THE MOST to get Adolf Hitler elected Chancellor of Germany -- then controlling Standard Oil of New Jersey's stock (now EXXON-MOBIL), he built the Refineries in Germany that supplied MOST of the gasoline, diesel, lubricants, and PERVITIN (Methamphetamine or Adderall), used to fuel Hitler's WAR MACHINE.

The Kenans with the Bushes -- who ALSO FULLY SUPPORTED HITLER -- have controlled WORLDWIDE ADDICTIVE DRUG TRAFFICKING since then -- and NOW with Vladimir Putin, Rahm Emanuel, Joe Biden, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Joe Manchin, Nancy Pelosi, Pete Buttigieg -- the Bush & Cheney Families, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, etc. (Christians with a few CORRUPTED JEWS -- like Rahm Emanuel and Chuck Schumer), STILL RUN IT, TODAY!!!

4. Wilmington in not only the LARGEST IMPORT PORT for addictive drugs in the USA -- set up by my parents with Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman and Father Robert J. Kus -- whom this blog forced to FLEE US LAW to Honduras four years ago -- HA!!!

5. Wilmington has the HIGHEST RATE of DRUG ADDICTION of any city in the USA -- and HAD HELD Top Spot in the state for ALCOHOL ADDICTION -- until Charlotte and Fayetteville BEAT US OUT, recently.

6. Two VERY HOT GUYS I tried to pick up in front of Drug Mafia Hangout (still), Slainte Irish Pub on Front Street in 2011, told me that THEY MADE A FORTUNE having sex with MARRIED WHITE CHRISTIAN WOMEN -- because they claimed 85% of married men in Wilmington are actually GAY and having sex with guys -- but in MY EXPERIENCE, it is just over 50% who are cheating on their wives with men -- and Prominent Politicians who are included are District Attorney Benjamin R. David (, Mayor "Bill" Saffo (, former Raleigh Mayor and Head of the NC STATE Republican Party Tom Fetzer, and former NC State Senator Thom Goolsby:

Readers will recall, that several months ago, I found Goolsby had THIS POSITION with the NC Republican Party:

But TODAY -- Goolsby has been WIPED TOTALLY OFF  the Republican Party's website -- LOL!!!


Amanda Wallace

To Scott Kenan


Sorry for the late email but the plan just changed and I am alerting everyone. I have to be at court tomorrow at 9:30 am to be heard on the contempt of the no contact order . I requested a continuance but my attorney is telling me that I need to be there because he doubts the judge will grant it. The ACLU filed an amicus brief in support of the dismissal of the order , and that was rejected by the clerk. It is some corrupt stuff happening right now and I need all eyes on it .

If you can come out tomorrow please do. Courtroom 302. New Hanover County Courthouse. Please invite everyone you know in Wilmington. My attorney told me I could face up to 30 days in jail if I didn’t take the agreement from the social worker. The Social Worker is requesting I take down social media post and parts of my website that talk about the kidnapping of Ty’Ava. Complete violation of my rights which is why the ACLU has filed a brief as an interested party.

But New Hanover County is very corrupt and they can do what they want to attempt to silence me. Come support if you can.

Responding in Power,


Sent from my iPhone


I called at 4:45 PM, and Mom was just back from getting a haircut. She had FORGOTTEN to do laundry yesterday -- and then also realized she had forgotten to turn on the dish-washer yesterday -- and had NO CLEAN DISHES AT ALL -- so had to do that first (and she had had a shower), and figured her water-heater could not handle all of that in a WAKING DAY, so got my sister Jane to drive her to get her FLU SHOT!!!

But Mom said they got THERE -- only to discover her card said she HAD ALREADY GOTTEN ONE and was not yet due, so she got a HAIR CUT, instead, and was EXHAUSTED. Mom's MIND is REALLY SLIPPING!!!

Then, I told her how I'd been nearly KICKED OUT of FOOD LION yesterday by TOTAL WHITE CHRISTIAN BITCHES, had been HARRASED by the New Hanover County Republican Party and FEARED they would SHOOT ME UP -- they are so HATEFUL.

ALSO, that KENAN Family PAWN Joe Biden is having Elton John to the WHITE HOUSE, tomorrow -- and Elton LOST ALL HIS GAY CRED at Kenan-owned The Breakers Palm Beach -- when he played at Drug-Rush Limbaugh's FOURTH SERIAL CHRISTIAN WEDDING!!!

AND that Donald Trump is having an AIRPORT RALLY in Wilmington tomorrow -- and I can't WAIT to see the PRESS REPORTS of WHICH POLITICIANS and CHRISTIAN CLERGY are in ATTENDANCE  -- HA!!!

I told her THE GIG IS UP!!! Her FORCING ME TO TAKE Lithium Carbonate for 31 years -- when she KNEW I WAS NOT BIPOLAR -- but actually have Complex PTSD -- now LARGELY CAUSED by Mom and my SIBLINGS, former employer Patrick Lee Stansbury, the Republican Party (and many corrupted Democrats), with the FBI, and CIA trying to KILL ME since early 2010, when Army Col. Dorothy Newman said she KNEW ALL OF THAT, and got me to Puerto Vallarta for two periods of Political Exile.

Col. Dottie Newman at a Veterans Charity Fundraiser in NYC, October 2018.

Mom DID LISTEN TO IT ALL -- and then suddenly had to "go to the bathroom" -- if Mom were SUICIDAL, she would KILL HERSELF, TONIGHT !!!

I have ALWAYS SAID that I HOPED Mom lived to see HER LIFETIME WORK to HONOR HER TOP HERO, Adolf Hitler , DESTROYED BY ME and OTHER PATRIOTS -- and now it is happening BEFORE MOM'S EYES -- and even her BELOVED FOX NEWS cannot deny it -- HA!!!

I need to get this out QUICKLY to anyone interested in the COURT HOUSE PROTEST. So a FEW NEWS ITEMS without further comment:

STRANGELY  -- HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE hit this Important Posting in the last 24 hours:


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