Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin (standing, pointing), gets NASTY with Beto O'Rourke.
>>> Hey SCOTUS and Others -- dig THIS!!! ANSWERS on Uvalde, Texas !!!
For Ambassador Rahm "Tiny Dancer" Emanuel:
Does your wife, Amy Rule, know that you suck DORK and were addicted to partying hardy in Gay Bath Houses with Barack Obama???
GOOD LUCK 'splaining' yourself -- as Ricky Ricardo used to say!!!
>>> ADDED LATER: It is six hours since I sent this to President Biden and Vice President Harris. EVERYONE ELSE sent immediate received receipts. They have sent NONE. This is the THIRD TIME in the past week that the TWO of them have blocked me -- and NO ONE ELSE HAS!!!
What is going ON with the NAZIS in the White House??? Have Rahm "Tiny Dancer" Emanuel, David Plouffe, Marc Zuckerberg, Vladimir Putin, and Thomas S. Kenan III got them PINNED DOWN???
Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Antonio, Gustavo García-Siller, comforts citizens of Uvalde
Meghan Markle visited Uvalde, Texas, on Thursday to honor the victims of the elementary school shooting that took the lives of 19 young students and two teachers.
Meghan, who lives in California with her husband Prince Harry and their two young children, was spotted laying white flowers with a purple ribbon at a memorial outside Uvalde County Courthouse. She then knelt down and hung her head at the cross for 10-year-old victim Uziyah Garcia.
The Duchess of Sussex crossed her arms as she walked around looking at the memorials to the victims. She was dressed casually in jeans, sneakers and a baseball cap.
What is NOT reported here is that she SNUCK IN and also dropped off a TON OF SANDWICHES and DRINKS, and was in and out of town before ANYONE RECOGNIZED HER!!! (or Queen Elizabeth II got any ideas)!!!
Mayor and City Council of Uvalde, Texas
mayor@uvaldetx.gov, district1@uvaldetx.gov, district2@uvaldetx.gov, district3@uvaldetx.gov, district4@uvaldetx.gov, district5@uvaldetx.gov
Cc: linda.ramirez@archsa.org, https://www.uvaldeleadernews.com/forms-and-submissions/letter-to-the-editor-form/, Marc.Duvoisin@express-news.net, nlopez@express-news.net
May 28, 2022
Dear Mayor McLaughlin, City Council, and Other Interested Parties,
My name is Scott David Kenan and as any of you know who have half a brain, my Kenan Family associated with founding UNC Chapel Hill, today controls Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, Kenan Advantage Group, the Ku Klux Klan and the top Prelate of the Episcopal Church, the ENTIRE Republican Party, the Clintons, Manchin, Cuellar, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and many more.
In the Bible Dictionary, my surname means "The Sadness" (depression -- the Kenan trait your community is now mired in), or "Unbridled Greed and Acquisitiveness" -- the SICKNESS of EVERY REPUBLICAN and too many Democratic Party Politicians who worship the FALSE PAGAN IDOL, Jesus.
I love what that little Jewish Reformer taught about how to live, and God only cares that we follow His Laws -- not what we do or don't worship.
I have never been to Uvalde, but I've visited or crossed Texas almost more than I have Mexico, which Colin Powell's retired C.P.O. Army Col. Dorothy Newman had to get me to first in 2010, after my parents, siblings, and employer Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, Georgia, with the CIA and Republican Party of Georgia were determined to murder me, since they were unable to commit me after five tries in one month, after I first blogged that top Jews in Atlanta had told me in 1990 that my parents were America's TOP NAZIS.
I tried TWICE to meet up with Frank Sinatra, Jr. (Pancho Sinatra), at his ranch near Wharton or El Campo, Texas (I forget which one), but he was out of town. I met Patricia Sinatra here in Wilmington, NC in June of 2011, and she sat me down for over three hours and told me how she had engineered selling their BankAmerica to Kenan-controlled NationsBank, but the Kenans turned Bank of America NAZI, and the Sinatras now HATE the Kenans. I will be happy to send you Pat Sinatra's cell number as well as Lt. Gen. Russel Honore's cell. I met Russel at the 2015 Tennessee Williams / New Orleans Literary Festival, and he currently fights the Kenans for TOTALLY POLLUTING much of Louisiana, and knows that they run worldwide Hard-Drug Trafficking with the Bush Family and many Christian Churches.
I met a top Manager of Dick Cheney's Halliburton at a rest stop on I-10, and he told me that EVERYONE at Halliburton knew that it was THEIR COMPANY -- not British Petroleum -- that CAUSED the blow-out of the Gulf well that took forever to cap.
On that same trip, I also met Nancy Busch (an Anheuser/Busch Heir), on the boardwalk over the wetlands at the Texas Welcome Center near the border with Louisiana. SHE was a close friend of Betty (Price) Kenan, and also lives in Raleigh, NC. She LOVED all the gossip I had for her on how the Kenans work to DESTROY DEMOCRACY, and in fact, since then, Kenan Family lifelong employee Rex Tillerson was pre-positioned in Moscow when Donald Trump was declared the winner in 2016. He walked to Putin's office, and signed the contract for Exxon-Mobil financed by Bank of America to develop Russia's vast Oil Reserves -- worth at least HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS to my Kenan Family.
And THAT is why since Kenans legally put Trump into the Presidency -- despite Ms. Clinton getting MILLIONS MORE VOTES -- and Trump nominated Rex to State -- BEFORE THEY HAD EVEN MET!!!
Previous to that, William Rand Kenan, SENIOR caused the ONLY successful Coup d'Etat in US History here in Wilmington, NC. He, an Elder at First Presbyterian, led the White Christian Church-Goers in murdering Blacks indiscriminately, stealing their Political Offices, Businesses, and Residences and flipping the town to majority WHITE. Since then Kenans have TERRORIZED non-Whites and Homosexuals, etc., here in Wilmington, and NOW all the top Christian Politicians of BOTH PARTIES make tons of money distributing Addictive Drugs, and they keep trying to KILL ME HERE for Jesus Christ the Patron Saint of DRUG ADDICTION and WHITE SUPREMACY.
But I'm TOO SMART and now TOO CONNECTED to the TOP of the US Government for them to do that.
And here is a meme that your community might want to keep in mind:
For the record, I am NOT AGAINST GUNS, but have not shot one since I was five years old, when my mother's father was teaching me to hunt rabbit and squirrels in S.E. Indiana -- but I am NOW BARRED FROM TOUCHING ONE -- because I have been FALSELY committed to Mental Hospitals in 1978, 2011, 2015, and 2018 (the last three by Wilmington Christian Politicians because I blogged about their Drug Trafficking), and when the CIA/Rex Tillerson/US State Department (Obama and Clinton), held me hostage five times in 2010, the time I was held in the MAFIA HIDEOUT across the road from the Kenan-controlled Coca-Cola/Ciel bottling plant in Nayarit state, they had barracks full of machine-gun-toting guys in Kevlar vests and armored vehicles.
The property owner was the CIA Agent and world-class engineer who had placed the Booby-Trap in the Chunnel -- but they FOUND IT and closed the Chunnel for "repairs" as they removed it!!! And EVERYONE at CNN and Fox News knew at the time 9/11/2001 was happening that GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld had planned it with the Saudi Royal and Bin Laden Families -- but the Bushes had murdered Osama Bin Laden's older brother years before, so he attacked ONE DAY EARLY!!!
Because Bush knew that his Aides knew it was to happen on
September 12, he thought they were playing a PRACTICAL JOKE on him, and that was why he kept reading to those kids.
Not only THAT, but because GW Bush with Rahm Emanuel and Vladimir Putin had BLACKMAILED OBAMA over his GAY LIFE, he had the Seals ASSASSINATE Osama -- because he would PROVE IN COURT that he planned it with OUR US GOVERNMENT!!!
Wilmington, NC's TOP CIA AGENT Kevin Maurer wrote this for the CIA. THEN THEY FORCED MARK OWEN (actually Matt Bissonnette), to turn over his $6,800,000.00 in royalties -- but Kevin KEPT HIS MILLIONS!!!
Kevin had also debriefed me for the CIA via phone from his desk where he Headed Wilmington Star News's City Desk -- under GUISE of writing a FRONT PAGE PIECE on how Wilmington District Attorney Benjamin R. David had SCREWED ME ROYAL.

OK, you all have a lot to THINK ABOUT and research on your own -- don't take MY WORD for any of it!!!
But you should know that yesterday, while trying to track down the widow of Dentist Glen Woody Farris, I contacted this practice where he had worked pretty much "pro bono" for years, years ago -- they remembered him, but had no idea how I could contact his widow -- but I found another family member who is very high in Kenan-controlled Morgan-Stanley/Bank of America, so we DID get re-connected.
Glen Woody Farris
Dentist Office In Uvalde, TX
Within 1,110 mile
201 Evans St,
Uvalde, TX 78801
I spoke with the Admin there for 4.5 minutes -- explaining much about how my Kenan Family caused all of this because of their TWISTED, SICK belief that Jesus loves Adolf Hitler, Atilla the Hun, Donald Trump, and Vladimir Putin.
But this morning, I realized it is CITY COUNCIL and the POLITICAL LEADERS who need to know the TRUTH about my Kenan Family and how it has DESTROYED Uvalde's Community, and will take YEARS TO HEAL.