Friday, September 6, 2019

My "FINAL" Letter to NC Representative Holly Grange -- also a 2020 Gubernatorial Candidate:

North Carolina Representative Holly Grange
8209A Market St #294
Wilmington, NC 28411

September 6, 2019

Dear Ms. Grange,

First, I apologize for being so disjointed in my last two communications with you – and I hope your husband and his father got their copies of my last Letter that I sent to you all at your family business, Osprey Global Solutions, via Secured Server:

Between learning some major things about my Kenan Family’s corruption, ownership re-organization of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., and Hurricane Dorian coming in, things just got too scattered. I hope and expect this will be the LAST Letter I send you!!!

You see, I am very pleased with Gov. Cooper’s performance – except for his protecting the Christian Drug Trafficking run by my Kenan Family with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families. But PERHAPS that will change – and he ONLY had to do it to get into office, and NOW (especially if he wins a second term), he can really get down to the business of CLEANING UP the Hard-Drug Trafficking that your neighboring NC Rep Deb Butler (Dem) is so TOTALLY involved in.

Deb has admitted that to me to my face more than once – that she works with Republican Jonathan Deputy, who was once the property manager where I live, and because I blogged about his and Deb’s Drug Business, Jon committed me to New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital in 2018 on lies – Chief District Court Judge J.H. Corpening later released all my commitment papers that prove that.

You see, former Dem. NC Rep. Susi Hamilton – who lives less than a block from the William Rand Kenan, Sr. house at 110 Nun Street (currently under renovation, no longer owned by the Kenan family), was elevated to Roy Cooper’s cabinet – and SHE had protected the HUGE Hard-Drug trade going through that house in 2011 – 12, when I first lived in Wilmington. In fact, Anna Berry, who ran that “boarding house” those years, invited me to rent a room from her – but the biggest drug trafficker there had a FIT, and soon enough, I was arrested for violating a Restraining Order that had never been served to me – for walking down the other side of the street. This was one of MANY charges and convictions gotten by Dem. District Attorney Benjamin R. David against me that Rep. Chief Public Defender Jennifer Harjo forced him to VOID.

The William Rand Kenan (Sr.) House, 110 Nun Street is now under renovation -- after being boarded up for several years!!!

Anyway, Curtis Thompson was once Wilmington’s ruling Drag Queen, but by then he had cut his hair, butched-up on Meth, and has been drug mafia since then – best I can tell. Curtis hung out in the Kenan House with the Drug Traffickers back then. You can check with him, he works at Village Market at 2nd and Dock Streets, and although he’s blocked me, I believe this is still his Facebook page:

Curtis Thompson

Both “Yah-Yah”, who runs Village Market, and his brother Tony, who runs Howard’s Seafood at 5th and Castle, are big in Drug Mafia – but NOT many if any others in their extended family. Pound for pound, the Muslims in Wilmington are FAR MORE CHRIST-LIKE than the “Christians” here. 

Yah-Yah was who got me to rent my extra bedroom in 2015 to Phil Rosario, a Puerto Rican originally from New York City, who had lived in Wilmington for 30 years, and CLAIMED he ran Heavy Drugs and Whore Houses all that time with St. Mary’s Catholic – specifically with Fr. Robert J. Kus (even when Kus was stationed for a while in Raleigh). When I found Phil dividing a throw-pillow-sized bag of pot and smoking CRACK with two others in the apartment, I kicked him out!!!

Phil Rosario's altar to Catholic Drug Fun (Phil pictured behind the shades), in his room in my apartment.

Anyway, Gov. Cooper appointed the Drug-Trafficking Deb Butler to fill Susi Hamilton’s Legislative seat, and then in the 2018 election, the Republican – very early – suspended his campaign to ENSURE that Ms. Butler won that election (Republicans making the most money off Democrat Drug Business). It will be interesting if anyone has the GUMPTION to expose her criminal ways and take Deb out in the Primary or General Election next year.

It will give YOU something to clean up – should YOU win. And I will HELP YOU, or any sincere reformer, regardless Political Party or even Religion!!!

Anyway, thinking of a GREAT MEME I have of Donald Trump inviting Vladimir Putin to the THUNDERDOME to fight to the death for World Domination, I was thinking that if you face Roy Cooper in the Gubernatorial Race next year, the two of you should TRY THE SAME THING!!!

Sound CRAZY??? 

Not as crazy as Donald Trump pretending that he’s a Christian – or anything other than a Satan-serving Hitler Imitation. Hitler was SO much better at that – Trump won’t get us into a World War because we’ll have him in prison before that. He can MURDER CHILDREN at the border, etc. -- and get away with it until the Opposition gets up enough steam to take him down, preferably Legally.

Jesus sure AIN'T DOIN' A DAMNED THING as this MEME points out:

So, I certainly wish you the BEST in your Gubernatorial Campaign, but if Roy Cooper keeps hitting HOME RUNS like he’s been doing lately – and not just his handling of preparedness for Hurricane Dorian – he and Josh Stein are AFTER the “Vaping”, and I HOPE they get REALLY SERIOUS about divorcing Hard-Drug Trafficking from North Carolina Government -- and Deb Butler WAKES UP – or maybe also dies of Bad Drugs or an Overdose, like her wife Anni Parra seems to have done on December 28, 2018, and Dem. 3rd Vice Chair Ryan Lee Burris last October, his fiancé’, Wes Taylor, a year or so before that.

The Democrats of New Hanover County have a HUGE DRUG PROBLEM and have REFUSED TO FACE IT

I hope that YOU can BUCK my Republican Party Kenan Family that actually runs it with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families.

All best,

Scott D. Kenan


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