>>> ADDED LATER: The email of this posting to my 100 Political Contacts was blocked ONLY to New Hanover County Commissioners Rob Zapple, Julia Olson-Boseman, and Woody White!!!
* * *
I'm not quite THIS BAD -- yet!!!
He heard about the "Six-Foot Kenan-Cock" -- what First Presbyterian's congregants call this Rooster Wake-Up Call of the Reformation, atop the Kenan Steeple (tallest in town!!!), over Kenan Chapel with the Kenan Pipe Organ:
The Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 was LED by William Rand Kenan, Sr., an ELDER at First Presbyterian. Kenans were rich enough to PAY so that few History accounts mention the Kenan leadership of this -- like TODAY, Kenans pay so that no one knows they put Donald Trump into POWER or WHY!!!
While checking today to make certain the MANY local elected officials from D.A. Ben David to THREE District Court Judges, to Head of County Commission Beth Dawson (who resigned at Church and Commission -- after her husband, Daniel Dawson was arrested for Soliciting Prostitution):
These Politicians who have served First Prez as Deacons or Elders the last several years are NO LONGER THERE, and I discovered that John Ray Stike, DDS and land developer: -- has NOW been elevated to DEACON -- DESPITE my emailing the Pastor and others at that congregation that he BORDERLINE RAPED ME in 1985!!!
John Stike today -- and recently, Stike was partners with Lawyer David Nash in Costello's Gay Piano Bar. Nash got -- and they ALL ARE TOP CONGREGANTS AT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN -- D.A. Ben David to PROSECUTE AND CONVICT ME (with help of Republican CHRISTIAN Judge Chad Hogston, who even SAID IN COURT he was ignoring my Free Speech and Press Rights).
Also, in Stike and Nash's Costello's Bar, I met the HOT, HUNKY (but "semi-retarded") Black groundsman for an Oak Island Hotel -- who claimed David Nash paid him to poke David's Presbyterian ASS -- and he took me home TWICE and poked ME good for FREE!!!
David A. Nash -- WHAT MAN has sex with this F*CKING CORRECTION !!!: FUCKED-PIG???
BEST was that the claims of my activities had NOTHING TO DO WITH the charge of Cyber-Stalking -- which Judge Hogston, D.A. Ben David, and Assistant D.A. Lindsey Roberson, who did the dirty work, ALL KNEW!!! But when Defender Jennifer Harjo took over my defense, Ben David was FORCED to admit he had NO EVIDENCE I'D EVER
But Ben INSISTED I leave the state of NC for a YEAR before he would erase the several convictions and charges then on the books (and Ben kept to his word).
But it was what CHRISTIANS DO!!!
"NORMAL ASSHOLES" would be FINISHED after that -- but Ben David went on to work through his Legal Intern Jeffrey Duncan and Daliah Saper (a Fox News Talking Head in Chicago who is ALSO a lawyer), and HIRED Mr. David's LACKEY Jeff Duncan, and also worked with Jamie Lee Sutherland (then a Well's Fargo Advisor's Exec in Chicago), to charge me in Cook County, Illinois Courts FALSELY with LIBEL. They NEVER LEGALLY served me, then tried and convicted me In Absentia.
Then, when I returned to Wilmington in June of 2015 (after Drug Mafia twice tried to kill me in one week in Puerto Vallarta -- and the next week they broke into my car and placed a FAKE BOMB in it, so I fled back to the States), I soon twice ran into Ben David. BOTH TIMES he said he wanted to "bury the hatchet" (get past our troubles), and he TWICE promised to get the false conviction in Chicago VOIDED TOO -- but he has NOT been able to do that, and since then, has worked with OTHER CRIMINALS in local Governments to HARASS ME FURTHER!!!

I found this FACEBOOK PAGE on Ben David on Facebook (and a second one "CORRUPTED PIECE OF SHIT JON DAVID, DA" also on Facebook), after I returned to Puerto Vallarta in 2012, but soon after I had arrived in Wilmington the FIRST time -- in 2011 -- I met two rockers in front of Slainte Irish Pub at 7 North Front Street who TOLD ME how their Band had been playing in Carolina Beach in summer of 2010, and Ben and Jon David (both married with children then), came up to them DRUNK AND STONED -- and DEMANDED to know where they could get "Cocaine and Pussy" -- also known as WILMINGTON CHRISTIAN COMMUNION!!!
Ben David is very FLEXIBLE, no??? I just feel sorry for his wife Stephanie (and his three children):
Stephanie David, a TOP Republican Party Strategist and Fundraiser, is on the right -- and she has gained a TON OF WEIGHT (at least last I saw her in person).
Shane Fernando on right, with his husband Brian York.
1. I heard Shane Fernando speak at today's weekly meeting of the Senior Men's Club of Wilmington -- Shane the HEAD of the Wilson Center,, the LARGEST theater space in Wilmington:
Shane ALSO works coordinating shows at "The Kenan" (as he called it), the Sarah Graham Kenan Auditorium on the UNCW campus:
And Shane coordinates with Thalian Hall Theatre as well!!!
When I spoke afterward with Shane, he remembered that we had met before (which I don't remember -- but don't doubt), which I think had him a little uncertain what to make of me today -- but he tried his best not to show that.
I know I've been displaying my symptoms of "Complicated PTSD" around town -- but I've never been violent or a danger to ANYONE, including myself -- and I'm IMPROVING FAST. It seems to me that I should do SOME KIND OF WORK supporting the Arts (preferably paid and perhaps volunteer as well). And Shane told me who to contact about that -- which I will do after my upcoming two operations.
What STRUCK ME MOST is that MANY REASONABLE PEOPLE must have memories of me as UNREASONABLE -- and the ONLY reason I appear unreasonable is IN REACTION to the HATRED OF CHRISTIANS: First, BOTH of my parents and ALL of my siblings (most of them having backed off, now) -- that is ANY and EVERYONE who ever claimed I was BIPOLAR, after my Psychiatrist declared that in eight years with me as her client (2009), she had NEVER seen a sign of Bipolar in me.
Also includes -- for various reasons -- nearly EVERY Politician in the Lower Cape Fear -- and EVERYONE here in Law Enforcement, with Ben David being the MOST EVIL of them all.
Also includes -- for various reasons -- nearly EVERY Politician in the Lower Cape Fear -- and EVERYONE here in Law Enforcement, with Ben David being the MOST EVIL of them all.
I asked the obviously late 60s or older woman if she has SENT BACK all her Social Security checks -- and REFUSED TO USE Medicare.
"THAT'S NOT SOCIALISM!!!" she yelled at me.
And to be FREE OF SOCIALISM, governments will no longer build roads -- and we'll pay Private Industry to be allowed to use the TOLL ROADS they build. NONE will be free.
3. I on foot toured the 4th Street at Red Cross Street neighborhood I used to live in, today. It was at a CITY PRESENTATION of an AWARD in 2011 -- to Rev. Clarence Shavers of Bethesda Christian Life Church, there, that also owned and ran Mercy House Shelter where I lived for a number of months in late 2011. EVERYONE KNEW that Shavers accepted TONS OF DONATIONS for his Mercy House Shelter -- but gave the homeless next to none of it -- SELLING the great bulk for his PERSONAL ENRICHMENT -- and he was ALSO a top Drug Trafficker.
This is an old photo I took. Today, that wooden frame and canopy are gone, and you can SEE how ATTRACTIVE the church sanctuary must be, no??? Almost as attractive as THIS Church Centre in England:
I also met the MOST corrupted Judge, James Faison III, who being a Christian Minister as well and a known Hard-Drug Trafficker, he NATURALLY is in charge of "Drug Court". I did not yet know all of Wilmington's Politicians, but I DO KNOW that D.A. Ben David, Sheriff Ed McMahon, Police Chief Ralph Evangelous -- ALL known Drug Traffickers for Jesus Christ their GOD -- were all there giving Drug Trafficking Rev. Clarence Shavers a SPECIAL AWARD FROM THE CITY!!!
Just LOOK at Rev. Shavers' LINKED-IN page and how he spelled his church's NAME -- LOL!!!
It is the CHRISTIAN WAY!!!
I knew a few OTHER Kenan drivers back then who had been BLACKLISTED for trucking jobs after Kenan FIRED THEM for refusing to BREAK LAWS!!! Also one who sent me a copy of the Letter he sent Thomas S. Kenan III GROVELLING, trying to get back his job -- and Tom replied that he took him off the blacklist for OTHER trucking companies, but he would never drive for Kenan again.
I told Sherri J. that I would post what I found of Kenan trucks -- protected by Trump's Federal Police GOONS -- violating Laws in Oregon or Washington state:
5. In a quote from this piece in today's Port City Daily: "(D.A. Ben) David noted that 'body camera footage provides a clear picture of what happened that day.' However, that footage will not be voluntarily released to the public (although members of the media or the public can petition a Superior Court judge to release it, pursuant to state law)."
This means I can now petition a SUPERIOR Court Judge -- who CAN force Police/the City to release the FULL REPORT on the Death of Evan Fish!!!
6. So YES, I will MEDITATE on how to approach Ben David in a POSITIVE WAY, and then write and deliver a Letter to him ASAP!!!
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