Wednesday, June 5, 2019

My Letter to Personal Injury Attorney Woody White -- also a New Hanover County Commissioner, Republican / My Current List of 100 Email Recipients of EVERY Blog Posting:

>>> ADDED LATER: FUNNY that this was BLOCKED to everyone on New Hanover County's domain -- ALL County Commissioners, including Woody White (who got it by secured server) -- LOL!!!

I will now send it to THEM via my alternate email and I wish to REMIND EVERYONE that THIS LETTER to Richard Poole, Head of the County Democrats (also sent to NC Top State Democrats), is the MOST POPULAR blog posting of the last year :

>>> I AM NOW WRITING THE LETTER -- after finalizing and sending it, I will post it here. In the meantime, it relates mostly to the same matter as this posting:

And it also related to this:

>>> I will also send this via your Secured Server at your Law Office. Best to you in CLEANING UP New Hanover County -- ESPECIALLY the two Political Parties and the CRIMINAL Christian Churches (not all of them)!!!

Woody White
Woody White Law PLLC
2004 Eastwood Road
Suite 201
Wilmington, NC 28403

June 5, 2019

Dear Mr. White,

First, I must thank you for while heading the New Hanover County Commission, trying to cut all County funds to the Good Shepherd Center. When I was homeless in 2011, I caught one of their long-term residents “Whitey” in the men’s room of Pine Valley Church of God (when they still served their monthly “King’s Breakfast” for homeless in their facility), cutting Heroin into small bags, and alerted the Pastor to that. Also, I had a roommate early that year, David Escalante, an undocumented Ecuadorian who worked for the Shepherd in landscaping, but when he and two buddies demanded back pay, his friends were shot in the face, and David told if he ever demanded pay again, they would shoot him. David immediately fled for Charlotte, never to be heard from again.

David’s bosses picked him up daily in a Good Shepherd logo-ed van. I also have reason to believe they hacked my wifi when they simply sat in that van in front of my rented house (I was homeless all that year, except able to rent an apartment on S. 8th Street for a few months), for long periods, and at one time early in 2011, I heard from several homeless friends who stayed in the Shepherd that they had posted a photo of me with “Wanted Dead or Alive” – because I am working to expose the Hard-Drug Trafficking and other crimes of my Kenan Family.

While I was a resident of Mercy House Shelter in late 2011, several other residents claimed that their own Christian churches had at first supported the Shepherd, but that Shepherd employees had embezzled so much money and bought cars and boats, that they dropped their financial support. It was common knowledge among “street people” while I lived among them in 2011 and 12 -- also under the 4th Street Viaduct, hidden behind bushes on church properties, and even beneath the ashes of my first cousin’s husband A.F. Col. Fred Smith in my Kenan-Family-endowed First Presbyterian’s columbarium (with then-Pastor Ernie Thompson’s blessing).

Anyway, thanks for trying to cut off their County funds. I know the Democrats (the Party I am registered in), made sure the Shepherd is still on the County dole – and former NHC Democratic Party 3rd Vice Chair Ryan Lee Burris, his fiancé Wes Taylor, and NC Representative Deb Butler’s legal wife, Maria Antonietta "Anni" Parra, have died of drug overdoses in the last couple of years.

NOW, the reason I was contacting you this morning was to see if your firm could represent me in reopening a settlement from two years ago, that I was FORCED to accept. Several other law firms have told me I am one of the few cases that could likely be re-opened because of the facts of what happened, but your screener this morning said that is impossible, so I have NO IDEA what to make of that, but I hope she gave you the message of thanks for trying to cut off the Shepherd.

I am in Court this Friday, after their Director Katrina Knight rather than answer my questions about how she cleaned it up since I knew about crimes committed by their agents, in a Civil action to keep me from contacting her at work, which rather than pay the $150.00 filing fee for this, Katrina should have simply emailed me asking me to no longer email her – which I would have done, and do when people ask that of me.

That settlement with Time-Warner/Spectrum/Charter Communications was because one of their big cherry-picker trucks knocked me out of the crosswalk on Third Street at Princess at 9:30 AM on a clear day – in fact the driver did NOT see 6’ 11” me, and ACCELLERATED until he felt the impact. I had not long before that warned Mayor Bill Saffo by email that I was walking to his office to demand under Freedom of Information Act the FULL Police Report of my friend Evan William Fish’s death by jumping from the top of the parking deck next to the downtown Library on September 3, 2011.

At the time, Sheriff’s Deputies also on the scene – including the negotiator, who had talked Evan back from the edge in a very complicated situation – told me how Police held Evan’s former girlfriend Eleanor “Ellie” Schwaner (his former partner as the second biggest Cocaine Distributor in Maine), out of sight until Evan was back and all began to relax. At that point, she was released and ran up to him, whispered something in Evan’s ear, he hollered, “There’s NO WAY OUT!!!”, and jumped to his death.

I have continued to try to get that FULL report, and even Chief Judge Corpening has written me that he has NO AUTHORITY to order it released. They DID send me a copy of the “public release” in which Evan’s names are out of correct order and Eleanor Schwaner is listed with a similar but incorrect last name – and there is nearly no information or details in it. Judge Corpening DID previously release the Commitment Papers of my FIRST three times of being committed on lies to New Hanover Behavioral Heath Hospital (two in 2011, and one from early 2018), and they all were lies by people who were angry I had blogged about their Hard-Drug Trafficking, including Republican Jonathan Deputy, who Democrat Deb Butler has to my face said she does Drug Trafficking with (and Deb’s wife DIED of this since then). I have asked Deb several times for clarification of that statement, but she now ignores me.

And when I had healed enough in spring 2017 from the truck’s hitting me on February 13, I again attempted to get Mayor Saffo to release the report, and in his outer office as I was speaking with Dawn Grants, Commissioner Charlie Rivenbark came in, I introduced myself and he immediately said he “hopes I get a DOG, and it too is HIT BY A CAR!!!”

I’m hardly a FAN of the local Democratic Party, which seems mostly made up of Drug Addicts and Traffickers, and KILLERS – Sen. Harper Peterson MIGHT be an exception to that!!! But I know my Republican Kenan Family of Chapel Hill RUNS the Drug Mafias with their Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, and other companies, and Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families. My own parents, William Scott Kenan (deceased as of Easter Sunday 2014), and Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, now 96 and living in Raleigh, set up the Drug Mafias of Wilmington when they lived here 1980 – 1999, with Nixon’s Aide John Ehrlichman and Father Robert J. Kus, recently fled to Honduras, and I knew them both well.

In Atlanta, they set them up with Ehrlichman, my employer 1990 – 2010 Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA (and my co-salesman there, Lee E. Gosney, Jr., not only spent prison time three times for running Meth Labs in GA, but distributed the drugs to Wilmington’s Politicians and Clergy – as well as Cocaine to Evan Fish and Ellie Schwaner in Maine – the REASON Wilmington Police (on behalf Politicians and Churches who profit from Hard Drugs), had to murder Evan – he KNEW TOO MUCH.

Evan had gotten OUT of Drug Trafficking and Ellie Schwaner was determined to get him back into it – so she could be RICH AGAIN.

Thomas S. Kenan III’s (I dated Tom’s ex-boyfriend in Carolina Apartments in 1985 -- while Blue Velvet was being filmed there), Uncle Jimmy (James Graham Kenan), in 1990, directed me to his wife’s nephew Gregg Loomis (still a lawyer and best-selling author in Atlanta where I then lived), who told me that the Kenans in Chapel Hill hate only Jews more than they hate “Niggers” – and some of Tom’s and his close kin’s friends have the last two years told me they STILL hate Blacks and Jews!!!

The wealty Kenans have given the Episcopal Church/Sewanee over $100,000,000.00 to support the Episcopal Confederate Mace kept at the University of the South, but now HIDDEN from view since 2005, but ONLY because of Pollical Correctness (they REFUSE to destroy their LOVE OF CONFEDERACY). EVERY Sewanee grad I know is a White Supremacist.

That is why they put Donald Trump into power – and most Wilmingtonians KNOW THAT.

But back to my original dilemma that I had hoped you might be courageous enough to help with. I have long thought you might be an actual PRINCIPLED Republican, and yesterday, Kelly in Gary Shipman’s Law Office AGREED with me, and said that you are highly respected by everyone where she works. ONLY principled Republicans have ever stuck their necks out to help me, including Army Col. Dorothy Newman and local Defender Jennifer Harjo (Lt. Gen. Russel Honore’ is an Independent) – NEVER a Democrat!!! Here is the dilemma:

Beginning in 2011, I have found it impossible to hire a Lawyer for nearly ANYTHING, with many telling me they could NEVER file an action against D.A. Ben David – because they see him every day in Court. This includes Kelly in Mr. Shipman’s office of their lawyers – everyone seems to be more afraid of Ben David than Congressional Republicans are of Donald Trump!!!

But I am not now trying to file against Mr. David – I am attempting to revisit a personal injury settlement made unfairly under EXTREME DURESS – but I DID tell her about my filing the Grievance against Mr. David back in March that is still under investigation: At that point Kelly said every Lawyer in their firm would REFUSE to represent anyone who EVER filed a THING against Ben David!!!

Is Ben David the return of Jesus Christ??? I think not.

I know Ben well, and he admits his crimes against me, but refuses to make amends with me for stealing my memoir about Tennessee Williams that was about to be sold to the movies, for convicting me of several crimes in 2011 and 12, ALL of which Defender Jennifer Harjo FORCED Ben to erase. He was a First Presbyterian Elder until recently (and I’ve met his wife Stephanie and their children), while also having a long tern lover, Lee (Ben’s BEST kept secret is his Bisexuality – unlike Mayor Saffo’s or disgraced former Republican NC State Senator Thom Goolsby, I frequently get people finding my blog by googling “Mayor Saffo gay”, etc.

As you probably know, and she had listed it for YEARS on her Linked-In, Stephanie David has been a HUGE fundraiser and strategist for Mitt Romney and Lamar Alexander, and Ben’s identical twin brother Jon is the Republican D.A. across the river. The County Democratic Party REFUSED to list Ben David as one of their candidates in the last election, so THEY are fed up with his crimes, too!!!

OK, I realize that your screener knows it is not impossible to reopen a case like mine, but she certainly was adamant that you would not be interested. She did NOT explain the real reason. So now I will try the Legal Aid Society, that – with luck – is NOT beholden to Ben David or any other Hard-Drug Trafficking and White Supremacy protector or supporter – and of course all run via Christian Churches.

My PARENTS set it up – HELLO!?!?! – that’s how I KNOW SO MUCH!!!

As a Lawyer, you know that you cannot “un-know” all of this, and to claim otherwise must be accompanied by some kind of proof that I am in error.

Here is where I will publish this on blog, listing below it my current list of 100 Email Contacts that get EVERY blog posting emailed to them, so you – and others – can see who those people are. I have NO GUARANTEES that everyone READS my emails:

All best, and HERE’S to a BETTER WILMINGTON!!!

Scott D. Kenan

Cell: (910) 200-XXXX

info, info, kholditch, pjwillisnola, mitchdouglasicm, scoops, editorial, ari, breakingnews, ben, kimberly.n.overton, wilmjourn, harperpetersonncsenate9, sarmstrong, bill.saffo, council, bruce, officeofthechief, emcmahon, benjamin.r.david, 1kikiwin, gingertindall, robin.w.robinson, jennifer.harjo, lindsey.m.luther, newsroom, rapoole2000, rkenan, nelson, info, rzapple, chadhogston, mayor, michael.franklin, runningsun, blvaugha, pbcommasst, newhanoverblackleadership, jfaulk001, faulkjoseph6, cynthia, Butlerla, ds, jamie.sutherland, ajames, michael.p, tom, jamie.p, pam.sander, mike.distelhorst, bweyher, valerie, oldbooksonfrontst, info, marc.hill, 5thaveumc, philipchryst, hello, Thom, info, telliottk, plaborde, errol, info, deb.butler, news, jkenan02, duffyjr3, connor.kenan, mschultz, Investigations, dan, mckayforwilmington, office, joyce, donna.peterson, dnash, Ed, info, curtin_m1, correi_z1, acsgdl, Lillian.Salcines, W.Holt.Trotman, info, rector, bruce.blaise, mikekenan, abram, torrese, cppabert, president, waynegoodwin, cmckay, joe, ps, joel, scottdkenan, scott, bojones


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