Wednesday, June 5, 2019

'Twas a WINDY Day in Ireland (England???) -- and Then Frank Sinatra SAVED THE DAY!!!

A British activist group projected the country's approval ratings of President Trump and former President Obama on the Tower of London during Trump's state visit to the United Kingdom.
My relative Mary Lily Kenan was Flagler's last wife -- and he GAVE this house to her as his Wedding Present!!! I LOVE this museum, but CRACKED UP -- because it sort of reminds me of the memes of Criminals, Ku Klux Klansmen, NAZIS, and other Scoundrels lined up at the White House (not Whitehall) to see someone with ORANGE HAIR that my Kenan relatives helped put into the Presidency -- LOL!!!

Henry Morrison Flagler Museum
14 hrs
Sixty years ago on June 5, 1959, the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum was founded by Jean Flagler Matthews, granddaughter of Henry Morrison Flagler. In her honor, ...See More


Scott Kenan I not only knew President and Nancy Reagan, and all of JFK's sisters and their families, Jackie Onassis, etc., but in 2011 met Frank's fave niece Patricia Sinatra who runs Sinatra Enterprises and sold control of their Bank of America to my Kenan Family's NationsBank, been by Frank Jr's (called Pancho by his friends). ranch in Texas, and was close friends with Frank's great-nephew Danny Sinatra when he and his wife Goth actress Phoebe Dollar lived and made films here in Wilmington, NC. 

We used to smoke pot together by the Federal Court House at the Cape Fear River -- with our backs to the Police Cameras!!! Frank (and his near family), PLAYED Catholic when they had to, but Frank HATED RELIGION (swinging back and forth between Republican and Democrat):

  • Bob Condosta How did he have a niece named Sinatra, he had no brothers.

  • Giovanni DAgostino Scott Kenan Frank was a Catholic and he said so. He wrote a letter to then President of Egypt, Anwar Sadat in 1977 around Christmas-time where he labeled himself a faithful Catholic. He later read the letter aloud when he was doing a concert in Egypt in 1979. If he played at being Catholic, he wouldn’t have said that in a private letter that, at the time, he had no intention of having anyone else read
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(Click image to enlarge.)

Scott Kenan GOOD QUESTION Bob Condosta -- LOL!!! That was how she described herself (as "Frank's favorite niece by marriage" so no blood relative), but her son Danny (an Adderall/Meth addict when I knew him well, who since then spent 3 years in prison, but was released just before Christmas 2018 -- is because of jail ALIVE), looks SO LIKE FRANK and was signed to a contract to play Frank in a biopic (if he ever gets his "drug act" together enough), can be found in IMDB and other actors' databases. He, his wife Phoebe Dollar (daughter of "Confederate Dollar" and Lois Dollar), and their "Little Dividend" at a party in 2011 here in Wilmington. 

I have Patricia Sinatra's cell phone number -- message me if you want it to call and ask her!!! 

Also, my relative Mary Lily Kenan (of Wilmington, NC), was Henry Flagler's last wife, inheriting control of Standard Oil from him in 1913 when Flagler died -- he owning more S.O. stock than even J.D. Rockefeller, and my Kenan Family that co-founded UNC Chapel Hill in 1789 still control it and Rex Tillerson who worked for us his entire life. My Kenan relatives put Donald Trump into the Presidency -- because they say he is as GOOD AS JESUS -- but Flagler and Mary Lily had a LOVE CHILD outside marriage while Flagler was still married to his second wife -- who was raised as "Louise Wise", the NIECE of Mary Lily raised by Mary's sister who had married a Wise. NOTHING is as it appears in this world!!!

Scott Kenan Giovanni DAgostino I was raised Catholic and wanted to be a Jesuit Priest years ago, and ALWAYS say both GOOD THINGS and BAD THINGS about the Catholic Church!!! My parents set up the Drug Mafias in Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA with help of Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman (whom I knew well), and others and Mom went to Rome and got her orders in person from Pope John Paul II -- and we ALL know about THAT!!! 

Message me if you would like to call Lt. Gen. Russel Honore on his cell to ask what HE KNOWS about my Kenan Family and Christian Churches running all the corruption in Atlanta!!! Or contact Russel via Green ARMY

  • Giovanni DAgostino Scott Kenan All of that has absolutely nothing to do with the conversation though, so I don’t know why you’re bringing it up, other than because you want some attention

  • Scott Kenan Giovanni DAgostino You must not have been raised Catholic, as it is IMPOSSIBLE to be a Catholic and divorce a spouse and have sex with anyone else until that first spouse dies. Those are the Roman Cathlic Rules. HOW MANY WIVES did Frank Sinatra have??? I suggest YOU keep yer "man stuff" only with the first spouse (or become a priest or brother with Vow of Celibacy). In any case, WHO has not flattered those one hopes to SELL THINGS TO, LOL!!! That's how the World goes round!!! (also it is TACKY to "like" your own comment.)

Nancy Filingeri It's hard to believe Frankie said that! What a shame, how he got so let down by JFK.

  • Giovanni DAgostino Nancy Filingeri He didn’t get let down by JFK. He always supported JFK and he snubbed Frank, but he still supported him, but Frank turned Republican in the mid 60’s when he supported Reagan for governor because of the hard left turn the party took. It was the same reason Reagan became a Republican. To quote Reagan, he didn’t leave the party, the party left him. It’s the same thing that happened nowadays. The dems took such a hard turn and started taking in these crazy socialists that a lot of dems started turning Republican. That also happened when Reagan ran for President in 1980. A lot of dems turned into Reaganites because of how great Reagan was, but also because of how ridiculous the party had become

  • Scott Kenan Nancy Filingeri and Giovanni DAgostino: According to Patricia Sinatra in 2011 to me in our three hour sit-down after she learned I was playwright Tennessee Williams's last assistant and a North Carolina Kenan (whom she sold control of Bank of America to about 2002 -- my rich Chapel Hill relatives, that is), Old Joe Kennedy got Frank to pressure his pals in Chicago to stuff the ballot boxes in Chicago and the election was stolen from Nixon (but JFK did not know that until later), THEN GW Bush stole it from Al Gore, so KARMA IS SERVED!!!

  • Giovanni DAgostino Scott Kenan The name dropping here is some serious stuff 😂😂

  • Scott Kenan Giovanni DAgostino I can't help having had an exciting life of knowing Presidents, First Ladies, Secretaries of State (of the USA, Mexico, and Argentina), Military Leaders, Actors and Actresses, even TWO Heads of Religious Denominations. The thing I came back on FB to add to this thread is that I LOVE Jesus's Teachings, but don't trust anyone fool enough to believe Jesus was the literal "Son of God" -- here is my fave meme about that -- and REMEMBER I knew Jackie Onassis, and escorted her into a party 1/11/1982 where Truman Capote yelled at her, claiming she was just a WHORE, and I felt the CHILL go up her spine as if JFK had just been shot again

Nancy Filingeri Wow. Thanks for the info. I guess I didn't realize all the details.

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Scott Kenan My Political blog has gotten 1.5 million hits so far -- and HERE is my most popular posting of all time -- just over 24,000 hits -- FOUR TIMES as many hits as the 2nd most popular (this taken the same year I went to a White House Party)

Me and Frank, Mulberry Street in Lower Manhattan, 2009.


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