Sunday, June 2, 2019

My REPLY to the Clerk of Superior Court -- Regarding the Scurrilous COMPLAINT Against Me by Ms. Katrina Knight and Her Good Shepherd Center!!!:

Clerk of Superior Court
New Hanover County
Wilmington, NC
Re: 19CV001983, filed 5/29/2019 by Summer S. Rice, Deputy Clerk for Katrina Knight/Good Shepherd Center

June 2, 2019

To Whom It May Concern,

Regarding the above noted “Civil Summons Workplace Violence Prevention Act”, I am somewhat confused because it states on page 1 that I must file a written answer within 10 days, and a copy of that to the petitioner (whom I’m not allowed to contact), or her attorney (who is not listed), by personal delivery, so since the Clerk’s Office issued this, I am delivering my response to you – although I may only have to show in Court Room 302 June 7, 2019, at 9:30 AM.

There are other concerns – highly unusual – that might affect how the Court wants to deal with this. First of all, I am a blogger:, which is legally a form of the Press, and when I returned from Political Exile in Mexico in summer 2015 (Secretary of State Colin Powell’s retired Chief Protocol Officer Col. Dorothy Newman had initially gotten me there after my immediate family could not commit me to a Mental Hospital in Georgia after five tries in one month early 2010), I did so to expose the crimes of my immediate family (my parents helped set up the Drug Mafias when they lived in Wilmington 1980 – 1999 in both Wilmington, and Atlanta, GA – with President Nixon’s Aide John Ehrlichman and just in Wilmington with Father Robert J. Kus of St. Mary’s Catholic -- both of whom I knew from several meetings), who fled to Honduras summer of 2018, not to retire, but to start a new career. I believe my blogging helped him make that decision.

I continue to send what evidence and info I have to “The Feds” as well as to top NC State Prosecutors -- Kimberly Overton Spahos,, for one – she having worked with me in District Court when I was suing Jonathan Deputy last August for “Communicating Threats” (for several reasons, we dropped the charge, Jonathan having gotten my message – and he LOST his job over it soon after that) – Jonathan, then manager of my apartment building, had committed me to New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital on lies because I blogged about his and NC Representative Deb Butler's involvement together in Drug Trafficking – which Deb actually admitted to me in person on June 30, 2018, at City Hall at the big protest against Family Separations at the US-Mexico border:

Since then, I have several times asked Rep. Butler to CLARIFY her comments about Drug Trafficking, but Deb has NOT responded. Her legal wife Maria Antonietta "Anni" Parra, died of an apparent drug overdose on December 28, 2018, as did Ryan Lee Burris, 3rd Vice Chair of the Democratic Party in mid-October 2018 – and Ryan’s fiancé Wes Taylor died of an overdose 1.5 years before that. 

I am VERY CONCERNED about the Democrats who seem to be dropping nearly like FLIES from drugs – and all of these people are also Gay, like I am. Fortunately, I finally QUIT my own addiction of Nicotine two months ago and have not looked back.

My point is NOT to write a book here, but because D.A. Benjamin R. David with an Assistant and Judge Chad Hogston convicted me of Cyberstalking in early 2011 (probably the same action Ms. Knight refers to in her complaint), Lawyer David Nash – after I blogged about all the small and large drug sales and deals made I had witnessed in his Costello’s (gay) Piano Bar. Judge Hogston said he knew that I had Rights of Freedom of Speech and of Press, but convicted me anyway, saying that although no Mental Health testimony had been given, that I needed Probation with FORCED Psychiatric Treatment. 

When Chief Public Defender Jennifer Harjo saw that what they convicted me on had NOTHING to do with what constituted Cyber-Stalking, she took over from Defender Emily Zvejniecks, I appealed, and she forced Ben David (who had no actual evidence I had committed ANY crime), to ERASE my record – which he only did after I fled back to Mexico for a year.

It is illegal for anyone NOT to release a person from FALSE CHARGES and CONVICTIONS without condition, and I have recently filed a Major Grievance with the North Carolina State Bar against D.A. David. Mr. David later cooperated with a Fox News Talking Head and Chicago Lawyer and a Wells Fargo Advisors Exec and without legally serving me in Mexico, tried me in Chicago Courts in Absentia, convicted me falsely of LIBEL, and the plaintiff got ten times what he asked for – the ONLY thing he had asked for -- plus copyright to my memoir of Tennessee Williams memoir that had established me as the authority on the last two years of his life – and Scott Rudin and the producers of all the Harry Potter films were looking to buy movie rights – UNTIL Mr. David and the others illegally stole my rights:

They also got copyright to my blog and every email I write about these matters until I die. BUT neither nor Google/Blogger believed the Court Order was REAL. I still own the blog, and since Amazon got no asked-for PROOF it was real, out of caution they closed my book’s sales site, but sent ME all the royalties!!!

Excuse me, but WHAT COUNTRY is THIS -- that does THAT??? In my Kenan Family, I was raised with Swastikas on the dinner china, and daily beatings – if THAT gives a CLUE!!!

The File number of the Case the NC State Bar has opened against Mr. David on April 1, 2019: 19G0342.

Tonight, I went to file the first of my Grievances against NHC District Count Judges who have seriously violated my rights in Court in 2011, 2012, and 2015 – 2018, that will be FIVE of the NINE, and every one of them should recuse themselves. 

I have previously forced Judge Sandra Ray to recuse herself, and Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther has seriously violated my Rights and is well known to attend White Supremacy Meetings in Ireland since she was elected Judge – her then husband, NHC Sheriff’s Detective Evan Luther, was posting memes on Facebook that Christians have to take up guns and MOW DOWN everyone who disagrees with them!!! Judge McKee/Luther an ELDER until very recently (like D.A. Ben David), at First Presbyterian.

That church LED the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 via Elder William Rand Kenan, Sr. – THIS is “Christianity” in Wilmington, North Carolina – TOTALLY SHOCKING to me. I grew up LOVING Roman Catholic Values – and wanting to be a Jesuit Priest (until I WOKE UP -- it’s just a HATE FRONT).

I see that I MUST keep Grievances against Judges SECRET (until and unless they are found GUILTY in Supreme Court of my allegations), so I will NOT say more about that which I am filing, but here is the Complaint I sent the State Bar against D.A. Ben David:

D.A. Ben David and Sheriff Ed McMahon (I know them both well – they can tell you about me), CLAIM to be Christian and so do ALL our Judges – even Judge McKee and Detective Luther – and if THIS is the Message of Jesus’s LOVE – I’ll worship the DEVIL!!!

But this is CIVIL COURT – not Ecclesiastical Court.

These are some of the reasons it is best I am not Under Oath and Testifying in Court.

As to Ms. Knight’s concern, it is not well founded, but because she is so upset, I will NOT contact her for at least a year REGARDLESS WHAT HAPPENS. She must be too shy to first ask or tell me not to contact, as my email recipients frequently do when I contact people who do not like my questions. I asked about how she had cleaned up the criminal element in the Good Shepherd that I WITNESSED committing major crimes in 2011 – but not Katrina, and I have no proof she knew what her staff was doing then. 

Also, she REFUSES to allow outside auditors examine her books, and given her long tenure, she should have them in GREAT ORDER now. My Kenan Family is KNOWN for their Charities and they are ALWAYS audited!!!

I propose that since I GET IT, and AGREE not to contact her (and I will write her a statement to that effect – but the written statement ONLY if she drops the Legal Action). In May 2019, I wrote THIRTEEN people similar Letters and Emails and NONE of the others of them got scared of me – some replied; some did not. I am WELL KNOWN by local Police and Deputies, as well as Judges, and I ALWAYS cooperate with Law Enforcement and the Courts. 

I have NEVER been violent in my life – including the THREE TIMES I was severely beaten in Mexico by Drug Mafia – I curled on my side to protect my vital organs – and since I never hit or kicked back, they must have soon felt bad and stopped short of killing me (which they CLAIMED they were going to do when they began).

OK, I hope we can save the Courts and Taxpayers some money by keeping this out of Court. If she prevails in Court, I will appeal to Jury Trial in Superior Court – and things will be even MORE public.

As everyone knows from my faithful fight to reveal Kenan Family Crimes in Wilmington, Atlanta, and other places, I am TOTALLY on the side of Law Enforcement and the Courts – and I had hoped to find out MORE about how my former roommate David Escalante’s friends were murdered by men driving a Good Shepherd logo-ed van – and also claiming they worked for that organization – and that Katrina Knight had CLEANED-OUT the criminal element from her organization.

Thank you for your consideration,

Scott David Kenan


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