Looks like Hillary Clinton is the REVEREND here, no??? Most have probably forgotten, but after losing the Presidential Election, she said she wanted to be a METHODIST LAY MINISTER and she had a LOT OF SUPPORT in that -- HA!!!
Hillary Clinton and Rev. Bill Shillady with “Strong for a Moment Like This” a book of devotionals Shillady and others wrote for Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign. PHOTO COURTESY OF REV. BILL SHILLADY
>>> Hillary Clinton wants to be a lay preacher. Here’s what her spiritual adviser says.
By Martha Quillin
1. That I NEED to write a POWERFUL LETTER to District Attorney Benjamin R. David (that I would rather not write -- because I'm TIRED of having to stand up for my Rights when he, who is PAID TO DO THAT, has screwed my Rights and income at EVERY OPPORTUNITY for Jesus Christ his Presbyterian-White-Supremacist God). I'm sorta procrastinating (but under no Time Limit -- since I am BLOCKED from taking Grievances to Court, the NC State Bar, etc.).
2. This week has the Prep for my Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm Repair in 12 days -- and I was designated an URGENT CASE, but had to have a Pacemaker installed first -- slowing things by about three months -- so I'm nervous.
That said, I've had a GREAT LIFE, so if I go I have no regrets -- I've made Peace with myself and my God and SCREW all the Racist, Drug Trafficking Christians and their Criminal Churches!!!
3. Fourth of July is this week, so lots of CRAZINESS ALL WEEK, I'm sure.
Writers and Lawyers need this book the most -- but since EVERYTHING WE THINK and then DO is because WE ARE WRITING TO OURSELVES (and we silently write what we speak to others as well), EVERYONE can benefit ENORMOUSLY from this book (and learning writing)!!!
So AT LEAST get it from the Library to read (it is short -- and is LESS HORRIFYING than Mr. King's later book):
Some years later, I re-defined myself as a WRITER, and that symptom instantly became a GIANT PLUS for my new vocation -- and NO LONGER meant I was MENTALLY ILL!!!
Now, that was TOTALLY TRUE, but as I have ALWAYS SAID (the last seven or eight years, anyway), even today, remembering my thoughts and behaviors, I really DID have Bipolar I from then until 1992, when I last had any DEPRESSION -- or sleeplessness from "mania". I ALWAYS can fall asleep easily now -- and get plenty of sleep.
So the PROBLEM is that either Medical/Psychiatric Science has it WRONG that Bipolar can't be cured -- or I am a WEIRD EXCEPTION -- or was MIS-DIAGNOSED. And frankly I don't CARE which it is, I'm happy NOT TO HAVE THAT ANY MORE!!!
FUNNY that it was a Canadian Female Drug Trafficker who while holding me hostage for about two weeks in Puerto Vallarta in 2010, was browsing in my Kenan Genealogies, and came across the above info -- that TWO BLOOD KENANS were most responsible for removing Homosexuality from the list of Mental Illnesses -- in 1973.
The PROOF of my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan's DEPTH OF HATRED OF ME, is that even in RECENT YEARS she has referred to my being gay as my "arrested development" that Jesus and NAZI TECHNIQUES (we had Swastikas on our dinner plates growing up -- remember???), would CURE ME!!!
Yes, even as recently as my late January 2019 FALSE COMMITMENT -- my mother and my "has had his own gay sex experiments but can't DISCUSS THOSE" brother, Michael William Kenan, were still pushing to MEDICATE ME TO STUPEFACTION.

Mom, flanked by me and my younger sister Julie, Christmas 2018.
My mother got all her ORDERS on setting up the Drug Mafias of Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA -- as well on preparing for the CHRISTIAN REPUBLICANS and DEMOCRATS bringing FULL VICTORY in the NAZI TAKEOVER of the USA -- from Catholic Popes, especially John-Paul II, whom Mom met with in Rome at least twice.

Mom, flanked by me and my younger sister Julie, Christmas 2018.
My mother got all her ORDERS on setting up the Drug Mafias of Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA -- as well on preparing for the CHRISTIAN REPUBLICANS and DEMOCRATS bringing FULL VICTORY in the NAZI TAKEOVER of the USA -- from Catholic Popes, especially John-Paul II, whom Mom met with in Rome at least twice.
And if YOU don't want to believe this -- I understand -- I didn't either. I SCREAMED MY THROAT RAW when I realized how HATEFUL THAT CHRISTIAN BITCH IS and what DAMAGE she has done to the USA for her Catholic Popes!!!
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