Friday, September 28, 2018

After Lindsey Graham's Audition for Attorney General of the NAZI/Kenan/Trump/Christian Churches HELL-HOLE of America -- Formerly the United States of America -- I Got an Email from Professor Kenneth Holditch:

Often compared to Aunt Pittypat, Senator Lindsey Graham ONLY ADDRESSED President Trump in his speeches, and REGARDLESS whether one believes Dr. Christine Ford or Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Mr. Kavanaugh displayed a temperament that should get him IMPEACHED as a Judge at ANY level.

ACTUALLY, this looks MORE like the CHRISTIAN WOMEN of the United States -- indeed, of the WORLD!!!

Brett Kavanaugh was completely Party-Partisan -- claiming the hearing was somehow a Hillary Clinton Conspiracy -- and LIED THROUGH HIS TEETH about terms that referred to SEX GAMES, which he claimed were about FARTING and DRINKING -- and after the hearing, it turned out that all the Senators had gotten messages from Kavanaugh's college (or was it high school), classmates making CLEAR that everyone knew they were about sex.

ENOUGH of that, except that INSPIRED by all of Brett Kavanaugh's absolute LOVE of drink, I drank a full 750 ML of Tequila Reposado last night -- and actually, that had MORE to do with finally getting back with my Landlady Gold Walker, so that NOW -- after living in this apartment for TEN MONTHS -- I feel comfortable UNPACKING MY BELONGINGS!!!

This is the FIRST TIME since about four years ago -- while running from Drug Mafia in Mexico -- that I have TIED ONE ON half as bad as this. But I DIDN'T pass out -- or suffer a "blackout" -- and today I have FUZZINESS, but no headache or vomiting.

I have not felt comfortable enough to really make my space MINE for YEARS, now, having been chased by the Kenan/Christian/CIA Drug Mafias all over tropical Mexico and Wilmington, North Carolina.

And this morning, I found that THIS blog posting was hit by many overnight -- perhaps Sherry Hall Spivey has now died of her cancer. Here is her SPEW of lies and HATE that reflects almost nothing of reality -- and her FALSE IDEAS are the exact same lies that Jonathan Deputy claimed were true, and WHY I charged him with Cyberstalking and TOOK HIM TO COURT.

There, I was faced with Republican Judge Chad Hogston:

Judge Hogston ADMITTED IN COURT in 2011 before CONVICTING ME of Cyberstalking Lawyer David Nash -- a HUGE DRUG TRAFFICKER who is HIGH in First Presbyterian Church (with D.A. Ben David and THREE Judges) -- that he was IGNORING my Constitutional Rights of Freedom of Speech and of the Press (which a blog legally is), and having been RAPED LEGALLY by our lovely CHRISTIAN JUDGE, I KNEW I could not face trial from EITHER side in his Court.

So when NC Special Prosecutor Kimberly Overton wasn't certain I had enough evidence to CONVICT Jonathan Deputy (I had expected Court Date would be set and Trial would be later, so did NOT have all the email evidence with me), I JUMPED at the opportunity to DROP CHARGES -- Mr. Deputy had already learned his lesson, anyway

And HERE is the beginning of that posting:

Sherry Hall Spivey's Facebook Profile Photo

You accepted Sherry's request.
Hi Sherry Hall Spivey -- I guess it would sound strange to you if I write that I'm glad to know you are a devoted Reader -- it came as a complete surprise to me. So I have decided to put your response to my earlier posting on blog, unedited -- and I will let my Readers make of it what they will. I trust you will find that fair. Scott


>>> AND JUST NOW . . . 

Rob from apartment one came down to USE MY TOILET as he STILL has no water!!! And he claims he is moving out in two weeks, but has not yet found a place -- EXACTLY what he has been saying for over two months now -- and that he's been working a job clearing yards for three days and has applied to deliver pizza at a place he has WORKED BEFORE under the SAME Manager, who he PREVIOUSLY totally TOLD OFF when he walked out -- LOL!!!

I offer Rob this Mexican GOOD LUCK CHARM!!!

And right after I completed the above line, Rob came out of his apartment and filled a bucket with water from the spigot just below his kitchen windows (presumably to flush his OWN toilet), and because I found that water running a few days ago -- and assumed it was Rob's, as I think Maintenance Manager Tom Purdy ALSO assumed when he checked it soon after that.

But, I'm NOT going to let them know that -- Purdy handled that spigot, but it might not be HOW he determined the water was off or on -- and they have BIGGER PROBLEMS to worry about now.

And THEN, Rob came down to borrow my plunger, and soon came back after SUCCESS un-plugging it -- but he still has no water, so will dump buckets. He said it was plugged because a friend of his dumped hundreds of pennies in it a few weeks ago -- and he'd had no confidence the plunger would work on that -- but it did.


It is in response to my Letter emailed to several people at the Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival, and the Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theater Festival -- now, actually, in progress (nearly halfway down):

From: Kenneth Holditch
To: Scott Kenan
Sent: Thu, Sep 27, 2018 4:18 pm
Subject: Re: Sad news of the death of "Mr. Key West", David Wolkowsky, who gave my Williams memoir the BEST REVIEW and was the BIGGEST collector of Tennessee Williams's paintings:

Yes, a sad passing. Mr. W. owned more of Tennessee’s paints than anyone else.



Thanks for this, Kenneth -- I was afraid this email was BLOCKED to everyone I sent it to at the TW Festivals!!! But it did NOT come back blocked by anyone, and I got the received receipt from sending via P'town Fest's secured server to David Kaplan -- HA!!!

My Kenan Family is the MOST EVIL FAMILY in World History (and contributed to Tennessee's murder by the Episcopal Church, Republican Party, etc.) -- like Thomas Keith continues to commit crimes to cover up -- and I am PROUD to expose them using TW Drama Queen tactics and FACTS.




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