Sunday, September 2, 2018

Well, at Least This Happened in KUWAIT!!! / Goofy Things That Happened in the USA:

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Kuwaiti police has shut down a fish store that was sticking googly eyes on fish to make them appear more fresh than they are. :-)
via Al Bayan newspaper, @bayan_kw.

At least the little girl did not do thisChristians TORE HER TO PIECES -- to save a WOMAN from GOING TO HELL in a MAN'S CHRISTIAN WORLD!!!

Remember THIS from the 1980s???

At the WoW (Women Organizing for Wilmington) bedazzling tent during the Port City Pride Block Party, displaying the obvious. # justice4schools #PortCityPride

Paid for by Judy Justice...

Well, I didn't see Judy Justice in this booth, but passed her twice, avoiding her. Like Julia Boseman (whom I did NOT see there), Ms. Justice is at the bottom of the barrel for getting campaign donations, last I saw -- back in June.

Yesterday morning, I ended up watching MOST of the McCain Funeral, and since that has been all over everywhere, I'll only mention that it occurred to me that BOTH John McCain and George W. Bush were about the DIMMEST BULBS in their bunches -- McCain graduated FIFTH FROM THE BOTTOM of his class of 899 at the Naval Academy, and George W. Bush graduated Yale with a "C" average -- and then was REJECTED by the University of Texas School of Law -- LOL!!!

Meghan McCain hit the EMOTIONAL NOTES, but Barack Obama showed what INTELLIGENCE and ORATORY are all about!!!

NO WONDER McCain told so many "stupid jokes" -- he was rather stupid, but BOUND AND DETERMINED to serve his Country nonetheless!!!


And just a FEW MORE NOTES about Port City Pride, yesterday:

To MANY people who were obviously there for the intended reasons (and not allied to Ryan Lee Burris or Deb Butler), I told how I with Dean Hansell founded the FIRST Gay Group at Denison University in 1972, then Dean soon co-founded GLAAD, one of the MOST RESPECTED Gay Rights Groups, was Attorney General of Illinois, won a HUGE CASE for Michael Jackson's Mother, was Police Commissioner of Los Angeles, and for 2.5 years now, is a California Superior Court Justice in L.A.

Dean Hansell accepting the GLAAD Founder's Award about five years ago.

Several people said it would have been GREAT if we could have had Dean Hansell to Port City Pride as an HONORED GUEST!!!

SADLY, notorious Wilmington Homosexual Lawyer David A. Nash was NOT at festivities, yesterday:

And then I ran into the LAST PERSON I ever thought I'd see again. I don't remember his name -- nor did I get it yesterday -- but I met him when he hung out outside the SUPER 8 Motel on Market Street, while I stayed there on the $2,000.00 Deb Baratta had given me -- BEFORE Joseph Crawford Faulk, Jr. of Manhattan, NY supported me for 5.5 years:

He was about 23 years old, and asked to sleep with me at night -- which he did on three separate occasions. He was so sweet and cuddly -- as well as hot and frisky -- I've often wondered what happened to him. But he was also SLOW (like the football-player-sized black guy I met in David Nash's Costello's Gay Piano Bar in early 2011, who was Mr. Nash's sex-toy, but took me home to Oak Island to plunge my butt), so an actual RELATIONSHIP was not likely.

Yesterday, he found me; I recognized him -- but was ALARMED by his condition in filthy clothes, white gunk around all his teeth (but none yet messing), and then he wanted MONEY to come home with me for sex.

I turned him DOWN -- like I no longer have sex with "The Cherokee", (Chris Millikan) who has serious alcohol and opioid-pills problems, he formerly living in Denise Renee Wood's apartment beneath me in Gold Walker's 205 South 4th Street property.

LAST THING -- since I am DEDICATED to getting JUSTICE for Evan Fish, murdered by Wilmington Police on September 3, 2011 (seven years ago, tomorrow), and Evan stayed ALSO with me, sexlessly, in the SUPER 8:




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