Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Home ALONE Through Hurricane Florence (in Wilmington, North Carolina)???:

REALLY, don't try it!!!

But I would NOT mind if someone put some of my co-inhabitants of this four-apartments building in an oven (or clocked them on the head enough to give them some sense) -- HA!!!

This morning, I talked with both my mother and sister Jane -- they seem well-prepared in Raleigh, Mom hard-boiling all her eggs to last longer if they lose power -- and I've done that too. We were all in good spirits, but know things could get very dicey.

The A/C repairmen completed work on Gray Hunter's system this morning, finishing about three hours ago. That compressor has been running since then without stop, so I hope they didn't set the temperature too LOW, since I DOUBT Gray will be back before the storm.

After I emailed the following to property manager Jonathan Deputy and landlady Gold Walker, I called Gold, knowing she is BAD about getting emails, and we spoke more than five minutes, I giving her all that info (except the "bathroom break"), and promising to secure all remaining things -- even if the owners DON'T leave.

She was in a GREAT mood (under the circumstances), and very glad I have assumed responsibility. She had not heard that the A/C job had been completed, and her greatest worry now is that she said MANY of her properties do NOT have "wind-damage" insurance, but there's nothing to do about that now.

I reminded her that a little alcohol always made it possible for me to sleep through nearly ANYTHING when I was homeless and living outdoors under bridges, bushes, etc., and I suggested she keep THAT in mind.

Dear Jon and Gold,

I just spoke with Rob in apartment 1, and he plans to leave, but doesn't know where to go or when he will do it. He hollered at me for knocking on his door before noon, something he's never before mentioned, insisted I get off the porch first, then came out, and while speaking with me urinated against the house just below his living room window on the side, claiming the storm is a Capitalist Plot. I guess he never got his water reconnected -- off for about 2.5 weeks for non-payment.

I told him my interior hall is probably the safest place, and I have enough food and water to share if he gets in a jam. If he does go, I'll secure the chair and swinging bench -- that huge desk is so heavy it should be fine. I HOPE he thinks to close his open windows before he locks up and goes.

John Gray Hunter totally cleared off his deck two days ago, and Pete and Allie in apartment 2, had first stacked all their small items that have been all over Gray's porch and the yard by piling them outside Gray's door, and in the hallway and under the stairs by my door. I told Allie late yesterday afternoon that they needed to be secured better, and then right after dark they DID secure 80% of those MANY items, and no one but Rob and I have been here overnight and today (except the A/C people).

So I am about to completely dismantle my deck garden, and will secure all other items of other people once it begins getting bad -- if they have not.

Best wishes to you both and your families -- and your properties -- at least the winds now appear to be less than last night!!!


Jim Baylis shared a post to the group: Firesign Theater.
Trump Humor / Trump Humour
8 hrs
Hang on people, the Almighty savior is on his way to help
To be clear, I am remaining in my apartment in Wilmington, NC because it is inland and I am well supplied and have great survival skills -- but I would NEVER remain on one of the barrier islands!!!

About this website

“I think we are going to do everything normally,” she said. MSNBC spoke to a North Carolina resident on Wednesday who said that she was not obeying a mandatory hurricane evacuation because there is “strength in numbers.”Just hours before Hurricane Florence is set to strike the Carolinas, MSN...

Los Amiales, about 15 miles southwest of Colima, Mexico, which was DESTROYED by flooding from a hurricane in 2012 -- a HALF MILE of these restaurants/party-places on both sides of the river that was tamed into a series of waist-deep pools.

A year later, all was RE-BUILT -- and the jungle vegetation on its way back!!!

That Abe Lincoln sure was AHEAD OF HIS TIME, no???


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