Saturday, September 22, 2018

Christianity Yesterday and Today!!! / Aaron Gallimore Declares ALL OUT WAR against ME -- so GLOVES OFF on the TRUTH of Spofford Mills Executives Playhouse Apartments -- LOL!!!

In 1933, Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (soon to be Pope Pius XII), and Adolph Hitler meet as equals.

Scott Kenan shared a link.

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More than 100,000 child porn videos and photos have been found on the computer of former Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski, who is also accused of raping numerous children in the Dominican Republic and Poland. Wesolowski, currently under house arrest at the Vatican, is one of the highest-ranking church of...

Dana Milbank weighs in on Netanyahu who, to my mind, is the Israeli version of Trump. He writes:

"A poll for the American Jewish Committee in June found that while 77 percent of Israeli Jews approve of Trump’s handling of the U.S.-Israeli relationship, only 34 percent of American Jews approve. Although Trump is popular in Israel, only 26 percent of American Jews approve of him. Most Jews feel less secure in the United States than they did a year ago. (No wonder, given the sharp rise in anti-Semitic incidents and high-level winks at anti-Semitism, from Charlottesville to Eric Trump’s recent claim that Trump critics are trying to “make three extra shekels.”) The AJC poll was done a month before Israel passed a law to give Jews more rights than other citizens, betraying the country’s 70-year democratic tradition."

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Netanyahu is betting Israel’s future on end-times Christians, orthodox Jews and wealthy conservatives such as Sheldon Adelson.

Although on the surface this is a very small thing, today, after I dragged all the limbs and branches from Hurricane Florence to the curb to clean up the yard, Aaron Gallimore came back to apartment 1 (Rob has the lease), and threw this empty can where he knew I would see it -- Aaron having the CRACK WHORE Leah over several times a few months ago, and sold CRACK, LSD, and marijuana (the last one, no one cares about), out of that apartment -- until I wrote his father, James Gallimore:

I decided to handle this by emailing Gold Walker (the owner), and copying her Lawyer-of-Record, Oliver Carter III:

Oliver Carter III

September 22, 2018

Gold Walker (Property Owner)
Oliver Carter III (Gold’s Attorney)

Dear Gold,

I hope all is improving since the storm for you – I stopped by your house yesterday and saw the missing chimney, but thank God insurance should cover that. I also passed Oliver Carter clearing debris from the front of his Law Office, but since his son was also there and he was rather rude (refused to shake my hand or even say hi when he passed in front of me), when I took Jonathan Deputy to Court, I decided against it. 

You (and especially he), should recall that Oliver next sat one row in front of and one seat over from Mr. Deputy in Court, and when Special NC Prosecutor Kimberly Overton spoke with Mr. Deputy, he told her I was an “ideal tenant – even always paying rent early,” and then Lawyer Carter chimed in to say the whole matter should just be dropped and forgotten.

As everyone now knows, Ms. Overton was sent here to BUST the Wilmington Christian Drug Mafia, and she got all my evidence and I also got connected to the FBI – and since then no one in Wilmington (especially Police and Sheriff’s Deputies), has harassed me – EXCEPT Jon Deputy and some of the tenants he placed in apartments 1 & 2.

I just discovered that Kimberly must have just gotten married, because now she is “Kimberly Overton Spahos”:

Jonathan Deputy

And given that both Mr. Deputy and Mr. Carter KNEW I had lost 10 days in the “Nuthouse” when Jonathan committed me on lies after I filed charge of Cyberstalking against him, he is a PATHETIC lawyer to think I am not owed compensation for that and for Jon’s claiming I am a Child Molester, never met Tennessee Williams, and that he could steal copyright to any new books I write – just like D.A. Ben David with others in Chicago stole rights to my Tennessee Williams memoir, stopping a likely sale to the movie industry – or MEGA-BUCKS.

Since late December when Mr. Deputy threatened me physically if I did NOT move out ASAP, he has behaved toward me in many illegal ways – which Lawyer Carter and you were both emailed about many times – and I can prove that in Court. If neither of you read my emails, that is NO claim of innocence – especially for a Lawyer. I know, Gold, that you do not really get to your emails often.

* * * 

So that you know, today I got all the limbs and branches out to the curb, and tomorrow expect to bag smaller twigs, etc., so the yardman will have simpler clean-up to do when he can get here. I will blog this Letter, where you can find more details, but this morning, neighbors from TWO houses across the street told me that it is OBVIOUS (by condition of his eyes and of his speech-patterns), that Rob is on Adderall. 

I had not considered that, but given how he has now TWICE threatened to punch me in the face when I went to tell him something practical -- not Political or complaining about the Hard Drugs flowing through his apartment. Rob has NO VIOLENCE in his nature – it makes sense, since “speed” and alcohol incline people to EXTREME ANGER.

Anyway, last night the neighbors told me Rob then had pot to sell – but of course none of us care, and one of them was considering buying some from him. Then Aaron Gallimore, who has off-and-on lived in apartment 1 since Rob first moved in, was back for the first time since right before the storm, and deliberately threw his empty drink can where he knew I would see it – right after I had cleaned up the yard, so I am taking my gloves off – with the ABSOLUTE ENCOURAGEMENT of our neighbors, who are LOVING that Sherry Hall Spivey and the people next to her were forced out of the neighborhood and Hard Drug Trafficking is now HUGELY diminished here.

Aaron Gallimore

The exception being what Rob and Aaron sell beyond pot, and as I have previously emailed you – Rob and Aaron, as well as Pete from apartment 2, used to party with Sherry Spivey, but Rob said it was “too crazy” and that stopped him, but not Aaron and Pete.

Sherry Hall Spivey's recent Mug Shot

Tom Purdy saw that Pete was here for just a few minutes several days ago, and has NOT returned since then at all – nor have Allie Ryan (whose car it was found next to -- the prescription Adzenys XR ODT tablets – VERY popular now as a recreational drug), her sister and sis’s boyfriend Jack, who all live there, now. 

I don’t know what-all she sells other than the marijuana pastries that she ADMITS to me she sells – she and boyfriend Pete leaving daily with many packs and small bags of them to sell all over town and largely in Pete’s “Dealer-Plate” vehicles that always change and the plates ARE NOT HIS!!!


Well, Rob’s friends will soon tell him I blogged this, and perhaps he will be down to threaten me again – or just to again use my toilet for his “solids-dumps” – since he had his water cut off over a month ago for non-payment. As you will recall from an email right before the storm, Rob came out in broad daylight and urinated against the house right below his living room window (the side one).

Frankly, I think you could use a better Property Manager than Jonathan Deputy – LOL!!!

Keeping my Sense of Humor, REGARDLESS – and Sincerely,

Scott D. Kenan


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