>>> Dear V.P. Harris and ALL OTHERS :
I'm afraid the woman who made her name prosecuting BLACKS especially HARSHLY -- and GIGGLES ABUNDANTLY -- instead of handling Border Security , which Prez Biden assigned to her , will not be invited to participate in the NEXT Democratic Presidency -- SORRY !!!
Dear President Biden,
I already got Received Receipts from Gov. Roy Cooper (who has been suggested as YOUR REPLACEMENT running for President -- this year) -- and NC Atty. Gen. Josh Stein :
Dear Atty. Gen. Josh Stein,
Next, this will go to Biden, the Obamas, SCOTUS, and TOP DEMS in CONGRESS !!!
Dear Gov. Cooper:
This is not just for YOU -- but for Rep. Deb Butler (the accidental "WIFE-KILLER-BY-DRUGS"). She BLOCKED my email tonight for the 1st time in TWO YEARS !!! Please pass it to her:
I have been PERSECUTED by Homosexual Closet-Case Democratic Politicians since I moved to Wilmington, NC at the end of 2010, including by Mayor "Bill" Saffo, D.A. Benjamin R. David, NC State Representative Deb Butler (who is out and accidentally killed her wife with illegal Drugs on December 28, 2018 -- https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/01/hannah-jelkes-oh-god-please-cant-we.html)
-- and HOMOSEXUAL Republican Politicians including DISGRACED former NC Senator Thom Goolsby, former Mayor of Raleigh & former Head of NC Republicans Tom Fetzer, four-time Election Loser and self-styled NAZI ARMS DEALER from "REICH LANASA", Justin Lanasa (who is now married but once asked me for a Blow Job).
The Weather Continues . . . : "Sir" Justin LaNasa -- the "Adolf Hitler" of Wilmington, North Carolina (to ME, she's MISS Justine LaNasa -- since she once asked me for a BLOW JOB!!!), Declares BANKRUPTCY, as the REVENGE of the GHOST of Evan Fish ROLLS ON!!! / MORE:
Currently, besides those mentioned above who are still in power, I continue to have troubles from . . . well, too many Democrats, primarily, to list. ALL HAVE CHRISTIAN BACKGROUNDS!!!
If you want to worship JESUS, here is how to do it:
At least I've had the decency to be in email conversation with not just Pope Francis (Dem. Sheriff Ed McMahon was using the Roman Catholic Knights of Columbus to HARASS BLACK CITIZENS who were just living their lives!!!), but the Heads of the Anglican/Episcopal Church and the Church of Scotland/Presbyterianism as well:
The Weather Continues . . . : With THANKS to Pope Francis and the Heads of the Anglican Communion and the Church of Scotland (Presbyterianism) -- and ALSO Some CAUTIONS to Them about the SAD CONDITION of Their Congregations in Wilmington, North Carolina!!! I Have BELONGED to the Catholic and Presbyterian Churches -- and Worshiped for Months Episcopalian -- but NOW am into METAPHYSICS:
And then, Sheriff McMahon GOT HIS REVENGE -- by KICKING ME OUT of my Kenan Family's GIFT to UNC Wilmington, the Sarah Graham Kenan Auditorium, while I was speaking with Nikole Hannah-Jones!!!

“Old age is a shipwreck.”
That’s how former French President Charles de Gaulle explained the arc of Marshal Philippe Pétain’s career. A military hero of World War I, Pétain formed the Vichy government at the age of 84 and shamefully collaborated with the Nazis who had invaded much of France in World War II.
But there is a far more positive model for governing at an advanced age: Benjamin Franklin. “As an octogenarian, he was by far the oldest delegate at the Constitutional Convention,” wrote Eric Weiner, an author and former NPR international correspondent. “Many doubted whether Franklin was up to the task and snickered behind his back, but he proved them wrong. He contributed mightily, helping to set a tone of compromise and crafting a breakthrough that saved the day, and the young republic.”
Franklin was 81 then, the same age as President Joe Biden. “Lost in the debate about how old is too old to occupy the White House is the fact that chronological age tells us little about a person,” Weiner wrote. “It is not how old someone is but the kind of old that matters. Are they grumpy old or sanguine old? Resigned old or bold old? Franklin was in a category unto himself. He was never president, of course, but he proved that age need not be an impediment to sage and inspired leadership.”
