>>> Dear Vice President Harris and ALL OTHERS:
President Biden has ALREADY received this:
Dear President Biden,
Do you even UNDERSTAND THIS??? I hope so!!! I have to vote for you (Repubs are FAR WORSE) -- but MANY DEMS will REFUSE TO since you worship the Pagan Idol: GOD-DAMNED JESUS -- and they don't remember what an ASS-IN-TRAINING -- NOW FRUITING!!! -- Devout-Christian President Trump was!!!
All Best,
Christian/NAZI Politicians of BOTH PARTIES keep competing for WHO IS MOST TRAITOROUS. Do YOU believe Joe Biden or Donald Trump is winning??? Here are a few who descended like a PLAGUE FROM JESUS here in Wilmington, North Carolina!!!:
Sheriff Ed McMahon and D.A. Benjamin R. David -- Click image for a BURST of PANICKED FACES!!!
‘Senseless acts of lawlessness’: 1 dead, 3 on paid administrative leave from overnight shooting
Port City Daily Staff
June 14, 2024
Although I FORCED Democrat D.A. Benjamin R. David to NOT run again for District Attorney, he still gets paid a fee for Speaking Live of $10,000.00 - $20,000.00. His wife, Stephanie David, has been a TOP REPUBLICAN FUNDRAISER and STRATEGIST since she graduated college -- most recently working for Mitt Romney and Lamar Alexander.
Ben has been a Deacon and an Elder at First Presbyterian -- in 2011 -- while keeping my friend Lee as his boyfriend -- and the Asst. Pastor at 1st Prez told me they PRIDE THEMSELVES for shielding the CRIMINAL HOMO!!! His twin brother, Jon David, is the REPUBLICAN D.A. for Brunswick County (across the Cape Fear River), and BOTH OF THEM get campaign funds ONLY FROM REPUBLICANS.
Roman Catholic, Drug-Trafficking, Republican Sen. Thom Tillis with Drug-Trafficking Jon and Ben David.
Sheriff Ed McMahon told me WHICH CHRISTIAN BLACK PREACHERS he does the MOST Hard-Drug Trafficking with:
Pastor Robert L. Campbell of New Beginning Christian Church has NO STUDIES in Religion, the Bible, etc. -- but ADVANCED DEGREES in Business Development!!!
BOTH Ed McMahon and Ben David kid around with me about us having SEX -- but only D.A. David is SERIOUS (Ed is true to his wife) -- and two nights ago, I watched WECT-TV News CAREFULLY -- and Ben wore NO WEDDING RING -- so maybe Stephanie has given him the "OLD HEAVE HO"!!!
After Sheriff McMahon got Chip Jones to get the Roman Catholic Knights of Columbus to wear TRUMP GEAR, SWASTIKAS, KU KLUX KLAN symbols, march through downtown Wilmington threatening Black Citizens with DEATH IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOR, I first wrote Pope Francis -- and he SHUT SHERIFF MCMAHON DOWN!!!
Shortly before Ed awarded Chip his Certificate of Gestapo Training, he awarded Rick Holliday (a SCHOOLS OFFICIAL), with SPECIAL THANKS -- a month before Rick was ARRESTED for SEXUAL ABUSE of a CHILD!!!:
Mayor "Bill" Saffo lusting after Lara (Yunaska) Trump's BEST WILMINGTON FRIEND, Jesse Davis!!!
Mayor Saffo and City Councilman Charlie Rivenbark had this SPECTRUM TRUCK try to KILL ME!!!
Chasten Buttigieg said it BEST!!! Pete is AMERICA'S ASS!!!
Disclaimer: My own parents organized the Christian Drug Mafias of Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA with Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman and my wealthy Kenan relatives control EXXON-MOBIL, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group/COSTCO, the Ku Klux Klan, entire Republican Party and Clinton Democrats whom I'm trying to put into PRISON -- first put Trump into power and then bought off Joe Biden -- WHY Biden gets NO SUPPORT from young Patriots!!!
Amazing man happy pride month Pete
All reactions:
1Scott Kenan
Happy birthday Apollo C. Vermouth!
They say it is my birthday

and I’m looking forward to being spoilt rotten by my loved ones! - Paul
All reactions:
7You and 6 othersScott Kenan
Paul McCartney's first bro-in-law John Eastman was the CIA Agent who ordered the murder of Lennon after stealing most Beatles copyrights for McCartney. Eastman ALSO was last lawyer to Tennessee Williams and ordered the CIA murder of my boss Thomas Lanier Williams -- just like Jackie Kennedy Onassis told us he would do!!!
McCartney's SECOND and current wife Nancy Shevell's family trucked and distributed illegal addictive drugs up and down the East Coast with Kenan Transport -- now Kenan Advantage Group, the largest trucking company today in the USA, Canada, and Mexico!!!

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