Saturday, June 1, 2024

Guilty Pleasures!!!


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For Benjamin N. Schachtman, Nelson Beaulieu -- and Republican FOUR-TIMES-FAILED Politician Justin(e) LaNasa who owns Hard-Wire Tattoo Parlor -- and much more (he calls himself "Sir", his Armory in western North Carolina is "Reich LaNasa" where then Repub New Hanover County Commissioner Brian Berger was caught having broken into Justine's firearms stash including a hand-grenade), and ALL TATTOOED FOOLS:

I HOPE you don't get CANCER FROM IT!!!

Whatever is going on with "Sir" Justin LaNasa -- he declared BANKRUPTCY last July -- HA!!! Maybe he can get a job working for CONVICTED FELON Donald Trump!!!

Justin(e)'s ENTIRE REICH

And this REMINDS ME: When you consider Justin LaNasa and the OTHERS who have run against Mayor "Bill" Saffo who is a Dem whose fave politician was Repub Sen. Jesse Helms and who is ONLY supported by Republicans the last few election cycles, ONLY former Dem Mayor and former NC State Senator Harper Peterson was an IMPROVEMENT over the TOTAL DRUG-TRAFFICKING, WHITE SUPREMACIST SAFFO -- but he LOST and is now working to REVEAL THE CRIMES committed by our Christian Politicians of both Parties who stole New Hanover Regional Medical Center system (worth $2.2 Billion!!!), from the County Citizens.

Only ONCE since 2011 has anyone been an IMPROVEMENT over Saffo and his DRUG MAFIA FAMILY HQ'ed in New York City.

A.V. "Doky" or "Dorky" and Mafia Queen Despina (Tripodes) Saffo

I don't know if now-Repub City Commissioner Charlie Rivenbark -- who claimed that the Confederate Monuments would only be removed OVER HIS DEAD BODY, but they are GONE!!! -- shook my hand and said he HOPED I got a DOG and IT, TOO, was run over by a TRUCK!!!

Mayor Saffo and Councilman Rivenbark are CHRISTIANS, through and through!!!

 Star News 
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Wilmington Dem City Councilman Rev. Jonathan Barfield Jr., is Asst. Pastor of New Beginning Christian Church. Sheriff Ed McMahon introduced me to Pastor Robert Campbell there -- McMahon's BIGGEST CHURCH DRUG TRAFFICKER!!! Barfield here supports Port City United that has been involved in GANG WARFARE. ALL Christian Ministers serve SATAN (Jesus Christ), and the NAZI PARTY demands Christian Church Membership. The Ku Klux Klan requires PROTESTANT-ONLY Christian Church Membership. EVERY POLITICIAN IN POWER in Wilmington in EITHER PARTY is a CHRISTIAN!!!


Julian Bond was my PERSONAL FRIEND!!!

The Diabetic Ulcer on the big toe of my left foot has gotten WORSE!!!

I don't have Diabetes -- but my mother used THE LAW to force me to take Lithium Carbonate for 31 years to SHUT ME UP about her NAZI ACTIVITIES with the CIA and Roman Catholic Church.

Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are the two LARGEST CRIMINALS of the Democrats who are Catholics (now that Joe Manchin went "no Party")!!!

I am in the middle of activities to PREVENT my toe having to be AMPUTATED. Mom murdered her brother, Robert J. Meyer, DDS, because he allowed his daughter to marry a Jew -- and because he was actually GAY -- with help of a Veterans Hospital (now closed), in South Mississippi and using DOUBLE STRENGTH LITHIUM CARBONATE.

Here are Mom's notes in her original handwriting that I do now possess. Notes on Mom's research in 1978, when she first had me committed to the Nut House (but it was NOT LEGAL as Cape May, NJ's Police Chief claimed I needed commitment and NJ requires a JUDGE of PHYSICIAN to do that -- and I saw NEITHER)!!!

According to Ali Velshi this morning on MSNBC-TV, Israelis plan a SUPER PROTEST to GET RID OF NETANYAHU overnight, tonight!!!

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Last week, Maher appeared as a guest on the Greg Gutfeld show on Fox. Maher listened to Gutfeld’s monologue, even laughing heartily a number of times, and then he engaged the host and the other guests — all conservatives — in lively conversation. Maher and Gutfeld especially locked horns in regard to former President Donald Trump and his fitness for high office, with neither man backing down from his position. But they didn’t insult one another; they didn’t resort to smear tactics. They presented arguments and, at the close of the program, they were both laughing.

What Maher was doing — and I give him great credit for it — was demonstrating in action that intellectual opponents do not have to demonize one another and that they can talk through issues without resorting to violence or personal attack.

And in so doing, he was both striking at the foundation of wokeism and showing, in a truly patriotic spirit, that he still believes in the democratic process. So, leaving aside for the moment his past and its far less than adequate understanding of religion, let me say, “Three cheers for Bill Maher!”

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“The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he extends his apologies to those who felt offended by the use of a term, as reported by others,” the Vatican said in a Tuesday statement.

“As he (Pope Francis) has said on several occasions, ‘in the Church there is room for everyone, everyone! No one is useless, no one is superfluous, there is room for everyone. Just as we are, everyone.’”


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