Tuesday, May 5, 2015

In COMPLETE DEFIANCE of Alyson Books/HERE Media -- and Sewanee/Episcopal Church -- and the CIA and Republican Party: I AM NOW PUBLISHED!!!

And what a journey it has been!!!

And to be clear, I had been electronically published via Amazon for two years beginning 2011, and after a short break, my memoir, Walking on Glass: A Memoir of the Later Days of Tennessee Williams has been published in blog form for FREE reading here: http://laterdaysoftennesseewilliams.blogspot.mx/

And in the anthology, my Chapter 3, "To New York", is published as a stand-alone story (as nearly all my chapters could be with little reworking). You can read it by hitting the link above and selecting from chapters listed on the right.

You see, when Alyson Books first cancelled publication in January 2010 via email -- and giving me back my rights, their lawyer gave me a call (he would NEVER have put this in something print -- like an email or letter), and told me that they would GUARANTEE that not only THIS book (which is actually devoid of politics), and ANY OTHER BOOK or WRITING of mine would NEVER BE PUBLISHED.

At that time, I thought that was just an expression of anger and thought little of it. Then, I had NO IDEA of the extent of my distant Kenan Family's wealth or involvement with the CIA and not just narco-trafficking, but MURDERING and ESTATE STEALING of the Holy White Supremacist Episcopalian Church.

And I also had no idea how involved my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan of Raleigh was involved in the NAZI Catholic Church's plans to plunge the whole world into darkness and slavery -- for JESUS!!! 

Jesse Helms, former Republican Senator from North Carolina

Dad had recently acknowledged putting Sen. Jesse Helms into power, and of course some of the top NAZI players, like Coach Lou Holtz, Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman, and Sean Hannity's close friend Christal Presley, came through our lives over the years, but I had been on Lithium Carbonate for 31 years -- until my shrink-nurse took me off having seen no sign of Bipolar Illness in our eight years together -- and then it has taken these five years to RECLAIM MY BRAIN!!!

In any case, I was THRILLED that I might be published in this anthology (and I remain thrilled that I was), but the definition of "published" has since then changed to INCLUDE electronic, so I didn't really need to do this to defy them -- but it STILL FEELS GOOD!!!

I'm just sorry I had to FIGHT so hard with Colin Hamilton (a leftover British Colonialist and racist -- and fake Christian), Charles Quigley (A HUGE NRA supporter who cannot conjugate many verbs including "to see", yet is a PRIMARY member), and Frank K. Meyer, DDS, who married one of his client Frank Sinatra's girlfriends years ago -- but now is on his FIFTH wife, a youngish Mexican, and has FOUND JESUS, so is forgiven ALL automatically, and BOUND FOR HEAVEN.

Yes, this is what good Muslims get.

And this is for good Christians:

And I have NEVER had a problem with any of them being in Writers Group -- or their often-silly subject matters, but they ALL (with support of only a few others), are fossilized old farts (primarily), and TOTALLY INTOLERANT of anything or anyone else.

They are just old and waiting to die.

And they wonder why no one young or youngish wants to stay in the group -- LOL!!! They should call it "Sunsetters' Memory Writers-Down". And googling that, I got this:

Anyway, the best part of today was seeing RosAngelica Moreno again -- she and I have our differences, but it was at least half a year ago that she first said, "We have a special connection" -- and we DO, but it is not actually political, we have both seen high heights and low lows -- and made the best of ALL OF IT!!!

It was great seeing her pride in her first grandchild -- a handsome young man -- just getting accepted to Stanford University, where RosAngelica's daughter got her undergraduate degree before going to UNC Chapel Hill to get her masters in Theater (and I forgot to ask what that daughter is doing now).

And RosAngelica not only shares deep understanding of the Catholic Church (and she is significantly Jewish-blooded too), but is a SERIOUS student of History -- she of two Mexican parents and raised in Mexico -- but totally fluent in English and as understanding of American Society and Politics as a native American!!!

And of course she turned down a date with Vincente Fox -- before he worked as an executive of Coca-Cola (so arguably for the Kenan Family), before he became Presidente of Mexico.


1. The REASON Texas has gone TOTALLY BONKERS over US Military exercises there is that the NAZI US PRESS won't publish this, but Texas is QUICKLY TURNING  INTO A DEMOCRATIC PARTY STRONGHOLD.

Even Rand Paul knows this!!!: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/09/rand-paul-texas_n_4755718.html

2. I got a much-needed haircut.

3. I popped in to see my dentist, and he adjusted my partial making it MUCH more comfortable!!!

4. I realized that my super-slow water in my kitchen sink was due to the valve beneath the sink not being open enough -- and adjusted it after half a year of SLOW AGUA (and speeding my morning coffee!!!)



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