My off-beat take on Memorial Day.
For the past 6 years, a dog named Capitán has slept on the grave of his owner every night. His owner, Miguel Guzmán died in 2006 and Capitán disappeared shortly after the family attended the funeral services. They searched everywhere and put out flyers to try and find him. But no one had seen him.
A week later, some people who were at the cemetery late one evening spotted Capitán laying on a grav...See More
— with Karen Musone Hill, Daryl Jean Villazon Bergado, Anna J Lazcano and 35 others.A week later, some people who were at the cemetery late one evening spotted Capitán laying on a grav...See More
My hired worker, Frenchy, with his American girlfriend back in 2012, when I ACTUALLY first met him!!!
In fact, the huge umbrella in my back garden was HERS, until she trashed it, and then Frenchy sold it to ME!!!
For various reasons, I, a few days ago, blogged what has been happening, but took pains to disguise Frenchy's identity, but he BLEW IT (not me), yesterday, so THAT deal with him is OFF!!!
The funny thing is that Frenchy MIGHT have had the best intentions:
He did GREAT work -- efficiently -- and he's a "workaholic", in that I NEVER saw anyone work so hard so consistently in my life -- that I can remember. And he knows ALL ABOUT narco-trafficking of his "friends" -- Sonny and others.
And he has TOLD ME about it -- enough info to MAKE A DIFFERENCE in fighting narco-trafficking in Puerto Vallarta and Texas, BOTH -- and I have passed it to PATRIOTS in both the USA and Mexico already.
I THANK him!!!
Frenchy and "Sonny" (Jimmy Humberto Montaño Prieto), in 2012, as seen here:
Two days ago, Frenchy told me he knew ALL ABOUT the fact that Sonny works for the CIA (and Frenchy does too, but he wouldn't admit that). And he told me Sonny's name that the US Justice and Prison Systems know him as (Sonny told me it in 2010, and I recognized it as the same) -- he was released after serving far less than half his 25 year sentence in MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISONS in the USA for BUTCHERING corpses all up and down the US East Coast -- to make them easier to dispose of, but ALSO committed murders (Sonny admitted THIS to me, a few years ago), and that's not all:
Sonny always claimed to me that he had been a TOP OPERATIVE of the Sun Kings (ColOmbian) Narco-Gang that began in Brooklyn, took over the New York City Police Department from the old Family Mafias, and then took over much all the way down to Florida -- but ESPECIALLY set up the Stone Mountain Drug Ring -- and ALLIED with the Episcopal Church via those at Episcopal Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, near ColUmbia University!!!
Me with Thomas Elliot Keith and his long-time ColOmbian boyfriend Arturo, at the above mentioned church for the party in the Bishop's Residence after Tennessee Williams's Poets Stone was dedicated!!!
Although Arturo's Colombian Family lives in the Smoke Rise section of Stone Mountain, Georgia (a couple of miles from where I lived for twenty-some years), they BOTH shut up about it after that was MISTAKENLY revealed. Arturo's family RUNS the Stone Mountain operation -- best I can tell.
And Thomas Keith is a SHILL of the narco-trafficking Episcopal Church and their Republican Party, CIA, and FBI ALLIES!!! And they ALSO murdered Tennessee Williams, and stole his estate from Harvard University -- just like Jackie Kennedy Onassis told us they would do.
And of COURSE Thomas S. Kenan III and his step-mother Betty (Price) Kenan -- blood related to Stanley Winborne of Puerto Vallarta Writers Group -- and their near relatives have given Sewanee (The University of the South -- their only seminary in the "Old South"), nearly $100,000,000.00 over the last 90 years -- in support of THIS, forced into retirement ONLY in 2005!!!
Well, enough of that. Frenchy was too hepped-up on drugs yesterday afternoon to follow instructions that he had AGREED TO TWICE and repeated back to me -- so I sent him home and he can think about it for now. If he says/does the RIGHT THINGS, he can complete the job in a couple of days -- and maybe a job or two more.
Lord KNOWS he loves the blow jobs I give him -- he all but BEGGED for one earlier yesterday (and said he DOES want me to sit on that giant thing -- ASAP)!!!

Michael William Kenan was completely cheerful and friendly toward me.
Great, so far!!! But he still won't tell me for whom he works -- or even the industry.
Turned out that Mike, both my sisters, and my 92-year-old mother (I just did the math, and she's not yet 93 -- LOL!!!), are renting a house on the beach in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. BEST news is that Mom's in good enough shape still to join them after a LONG drive.
The PRETENSE for the call was to ask me ("Mr. Memory"), WHERE it was that Julie wandered away from our camp site at a Southern Beach -- and we were in a PANIC for an hour or two until she was found. I remembered that it HAD to be Myrtle Beach State Park, about 1967 or 68.
And all of it was so friendly and loving -- all the rest of them clearly right near Mike. But here is MY problem with the WHOLE THING: Not a single one of them has expressed a SHRED of empathy for me in ANY of my severe difficulties of the last six years -- and they WON'T!!!
They all KNOW that sister Jane cooperated with the CIA/Republican Party by calling Stone Mountain Police and demanding they commit me for being suicidal -- minutes after Patrick Stansbury of FIRED ME after 18 years -- because I can PROVE IN COURT he distributes the drugs coming into Maxwell AFB in Alabama (where we had three legitimate contracts)
Allen Rosen was my part-time roomate for 12 years. Here he's seen with his FUNDAMENTALIST CHRISTIAN wife, Linda (Beasley) Rosen.
And they all know that Jane (who had had NO contact with me for over a week), called because CIA Agent Allen Rosen (who also spied on Tyler Perry for years:, who ALSO had had no contact with me for at lease five days, DEMANDED SHE DO SO!!!
I DID confront Jane with this about 1.5 years ago, and she replied, FULLY ACKNOWLEDGING that she had done EXACTLY THAT -- but NOT apologizing, and she was totally SELF-RIGHTEOUS about that. She acted like it CAUSED ME NO PROBLEM (that I didn't FULLY DESERVE).
And WORSE was that the Stone Mountain Police TOLD ME that the last commitment attempt (FIFTH in one month -- prompting BOTH the County Mental Health Nurse, who had come out on some of the attempts, and Col. Dottie Newman (Colin Powell's recently retired Chief Protocol Officer), to tell me the REPUBLICAN PARTY (and CIA) were behind ALL of it. Dottie Newman adding I MUST flee the USA as they ACTUALLY planned to MURDER ME.
Anyway, the cops told me that it was a "Julie Duffy" -- my younger sister is Julie (Kenan) Duffy -- had been the LAST of the five callers to them to commit me -- but by THEN, they saw it as a JOKE, too, and the cops and I had a BIG LAUGH ABOUT THAT.
For the record, it was the cops who told me Jane had called them on the FIRST commitment attempt too, so I've nothing against MOST of the cops (excepting Officer Nunn).
Jane at least ADMITTED her FEDERAL CRIME (it was an interstate call so FEDERAL) -- but Julie is a TOTAL Swastika Lover and Devout NAZI Catholic -- like Mom -- and DENIES she did it and claims the cops are LIARS!!!
My family at Wrightsville Beach, NC for Dad's 90th birthday in 2008. Julie took the picture.
Clearly, those with kids in college (or not), who can afford a luxury weekend on the Outer Banks, can afford to give (or even lend), their son or brother TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS within three days -- or TWELVE THOUSAND if later, after it is MORE INVOLVED to vacate the illegal, unconstitutional CONVICTION of me in Chicago Courts of LIBEL (really, only because I blogged Jamie Lee Sutherland had seen Obama and Rahm Emanuel in his private Chicago Gay Bathhouse).
Perhaps you recognize the OTHER two who have Lifetime Membership here (or until the CIA scrubbed the club's records):
Well, now that I have satisfied myself that my ENTIRE FAMILY are CONSCIOUS NAZIS -- I intend to begin calling Max Kenan's boss, Jane Kenan's boss, Taylor Ann Kenan's faculty adviser at UNC Chapel Hill -- to make CERTAIN all know what criminals my family are.
And I will go after ALL these people at the Meyer NAZI Reunion in Indiana, 2009!!!:
If they WEREN'T all SWORN NAZIS, they would have some EMPATHY for me, and they can SAVE themselves -- but ONLY if they act FAST!!!

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