>>> To THESE people FIRST -- and for VARIOUS REASONS!!!
To john.mcelwee@starnewsonline.com john.mcelwee@starnewsonline.com, pam.sander@starnewsonline.com pam.sander@starnewsonline.com, Marsha.Brown@jdnews.com Marsha.Brown@jdnews.com, kevin.maurer@gmail.com kevin.maurer@gmail.com, peacebsteelman@gmail.com peacebsteelman@gmail.com, scott@localdailymedia.com scott@localdailymedia.com, hunter.ingram@starnewsonline.com hunter.ingram@starnewsonline.com, jhaynes@starnewsonline.com jhaynes@starnewsonline.com, outreachcharlotte@fbi.gov outreachcharlotte@fbi.gov, newsroom@wwaytv3.com newsroom@wwaytv3.com, newsroom@wect.com newsroom@wect.com, ps@pentagon-usa.com ps@pentagon-usa.com, flynn@pentagon-usa.com flynn@pentagon-usa.com, mike@collegiatepubs.com mike@collegiatepubs.com, leegosney@outlook.com leegosney@outlook.com, errol@myneworleans.com errol@myneworleans.com, info@JoshStein.org info@joshstein.org, jamie.sutherland@ampf.com jamie.sutherland@ampf.com, dsaper@saperlaw.com dsaper@saperlaw.com, bweyher@ymwlaw.com bweyher@ymwlaw.com, reservations@suncoastvr.com reservations@suncoastvr.com
Cc Scott Kenan scottdkenan@aol.com, mikekenan@comcast.net mikekenan@comcast.net, kenan5@aol.com kenan5@aol.com, jkenan02@gmail.com jkenan02@gmail.com, duffyjr3@verizon.net duffyjr3@verizon.net, connor.kenan@nordicwi.com connor.kenan@nordicwi.com, lenaludwig@gmail.com lenaludwig@gmail.com, susan@susangrant.com susan@susangrant.com, bojones1951@gmail.com bojones1951@gmail.com
Samuel A. Perroni, President
American Foundation for Judicial Accountability
190 W. Cimarron PL. Unit 659
Farmington, AR 72730
424 West 4th Street, Suite A
North Little Rock, AR 72114
(501) 519-4419
February 11, 2021
Dear Mr. Perroni,
My name is Scott David Kenan, I now live in Wilmington, North Carolina, but served as the last assistant to Tennessee Williams, when in December 1981, writer Gavin Lambert came to help Mr. Williams with a writing project -- and told us how Natalie Wood had told him in November that she had walked in on Robert Wagner and Christopher Walken naked and in passionate sex, backed out of the room and thought neither of them had seen her. She told Gavin in panic that if they DID see her, she was CERTAIN they would kill her. A week (or two), later she was dead.
In 2010, I was in touch first with Natalie Woods' family's attorney as well as Lt. John Corina (actually more than once over a few years). Today, I chanced on info on your book which apparently is not yet finished, and I wish you LUCK in getting it published -- as well as in getting all you requested from Authorities.
My OWN book, which established me as the authority on the last two years of Tennessee Williams's life, was SUNK in early 2010 by publisher Alyson Books who via Publisher Don Weise had contracted for it to be the FEATURED hard-cover release of 30 books Alyson was to publish in spring 2010. It had been edited for Alyson by Williams Scholar Thomas Elliot Keith, who did a VERY sloppy job because he knew they never intended to publish it.
I had delivered my final draft to Mr. Weise in person in NYC late fall 2009 -- after he SWORE I had to erase ALL DRAFTS but the final one on my computer, and when I returned to Stone Mountain, GA, I discovered that THAT FILE had been emptied on my computer at home -- but NOT trusting Weise, I had saved all of that on a memory stick -- LOL!!!
Thomas Keith's Colombian boyfriend Arturo Noguera -- whom I met at the Bishop's Reception at Episcopal Cathedral St. John the Divine in Manhattan when they installed Tennessee Williams's Poets Stone there -- actually was a HUGE Drug Mafiosa -- his family running the Drug Mafia in Stone Mountain, GA, and lived just a couple of miles from me there.
My story goes on and on, and I'll spare you much of it now, because more importantly, my parents were first identified to me in 1990 as America's TOP Roman Catholic NAZIS, by two prominent Jews in business in Atlanta, and when I first blogged that in 2010, all hell broke out, and my personal friend, Army Col. Dorothy Newman, the retired Chief Protocol Officer of Secretary of State Colin Powell, had to get me to my FIRST of two times in Political Exile in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (where I was promptly held hostage FIVE TIMES by Drug Mafia associated with my Kenan Family's Exxon-Mobil/Rex Tillerson, the CIA, Episcopal Church, and Hillary Clinton State Department, but eventually escaped each time).
Later, about Memorial Day 2011, from Wilmington, NC where I had returned to, I self-published on Amazon.com, but in summer of 2013, local District Attorney Benjamin R. David with Fox News Talking Head and Lawyer Daliah Saper, then Wells Fargo Advisors Exec Jamie Lee Sutherland (now with Ameriprise Financial, Chicago), and amazingly also with Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel -- both of whom Jamie knew well since they each had Lifetime Memberships to Man's Country gay bathhouse in Chicago, sued me falsely for LIBEL, never legally served me, and then tried me in absentia in Cook County Courts -- Jamie asking ONLY for $50,000.00.
They ALL KNEW I was all but homeless, but look what they got -- and Jamie had gotten a PROMOTION before the case came to Court -- so WHAT did he SUFFER???
And it includes rave reviews from John Lahr, Williams Scholar Kenneth Holditch, and even Thomas Keith -- as well as eight Customer Reviews from when it was for sale on Amazon.
Here are the three chapters (but I did NOT include Gavin's report on Natalie Wood), that mention Gavin Lambert's visit (separated by my visiting my family for Christmas in Hampstead, NC -- just north of Wilmington):
And currently, I work with North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein, as well as US Secretary of State Blinken, FBI Director Wray, acting CIA Director Rosen -- and even Lt. Gen. Russel Honore', whom I had two meetings with at the 2015 Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival. Russel knows ALL ABOUT Kenan Family Corruptions -- not just Exxon-Mobil POLLUTION, but running the Drug Mafias with the Bush, Cheney, Clinton, and blackmailed Homosexual Barack Obama!!!
So, we now have Kenan Family/Vladimir Putin Puppet Donald John Trump NEARLY in jail -- which is where I HOPE to put my wealthy Kenan relatives as well!!!
For the record, I tied for highest College Board Scores at B. Reed Henderson High in West Chester, Pennsylvania -- Math and Science -- before we moved to Columbus, Ohio for my senior year at White Supremacist Whetstone High so my parents could live across the street from Coach Lou Holtz who became John Boehner's TOP ALLY in the NAZIFICATION of the USA -- until Boehner QUIT, claiming Congress had TOO MANY NAZIS IN IT, and he (also born in Cincinnati like I was), now is the TOP Lobbyist to Legalize Marijuana!!!
I WISH I had more that was "actionable" regarding Natalie Wood's death -- and I HOPE you find a good publisher!!! I would like to buy a copy of your book. I'm SO IMPRESSED with your lifelong quest on behalf JUSTICE.
Anyway, I am ALSO in communication with key Democrats in the Senate, and want to get this to them tonight before Trump's REBUTTAL, tomorrow. I will send this to you via a link to your secured server to be certain you get it. And publish it on my blog that's gotten 1.9 Million REGISTERED HITS so far -- as well as another 3 million hits if everyone I've emailed it to over the last eleven years actually READ what I sent them.
I will FIRST send it to some of my TOP CONTACTS -- and witnessed by my "Immediate Family Group" as witnesses. And I will post THAT at top of this blog posting before sending it to my four other key groups of Political Contacts -- so you can see at least that.
I hope I will hear from you. My cell phone number is (910) 200-XXXX.
All best,
Scott D. Kenan
Full Name:
Mr James K Rd Mcquillan
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