Sunday, February 14, 2021

Two Days of the EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER of the Trump Trial in the Senate Kept ME from Blogging -- Due to WHIPLASH -- LOL!!! / Celebrating LOVE on Valentines Day 2021:


By all accounts, Sen. John McCain -- the ONLY US Senator of at least 50 of them I've written who sent me an individually dictated and signed Letter -- was STRAIGHT -- but he SURE KNEW HOW TO CONTROL the Closet-Case Gays in the Senate, no???

>>> ADDED LATER: Of the four US Senators I have included in my Emailing Lists, the only one I have INVARIABLY gotten Received Receipts from, sent one tonight for THIS POSTING -- so if  Lindsey Graham  hasn't READ IT -- his staff WITHHELD IT from him -- HA!!!

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New York (CNN Business): Fox News has amped up its highly charged rhetoric in the post-Trump era, focusing on bashing the left and President Joe Biden.

With Donald Trump out of the White House, Fox News is taking a hard-right turn in an effort to win back an audience that it lost, said CNN's Chief Media Correspondent Brian Stelter on "Reliable Sources" Sunday.

"Every move Fox makes is a move further right," Stelter said.

34m Daily Mail Online 
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There is even a video clip included here of her fondling the GROIN of a Trump cardboard cutout proudly in public!!!

The real thing would not be much more of a bulge than the flat cardboard has.


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Lara (Yunaska) Trump is from WILMINGTON, NC and has a BIG PLACE with Eric -- the WEREWOLFIAN Trump -- on Wrightsville Beach -- only NINE MILES from my apartment!!!

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) predicted former President Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump will benefit from his second acquittal in an impeachment trial this weekend.

"The biggest winner of this whole impeachment trial is Lara Trump," Graham said on "Fox News Sunday."

"My dear friend Richard Burr, who I like and have been friends to a long time, just made Lara Trump almost the certain nominee for the Senate seat in North Carolina to replace him if she runs, and I certainly will be behind her because she represents the future of the Republican Party.”

Lara and Eric Trump

Lara and Eric will be WELCOMED MORE by the Christian Democrats of the Lower Cape Fear -- since they are TOTALLY into Hard-Drug Trafficking with the Christian Churches and local Republicans (who make the BULK of the money) -- just ask Mayor "Bill" Saffo!!!

Take a gander at Bill Saffo's Greek Orthodox Hard-Drug Mafia parents (although Bill's Uncle in New York City runs the Saffo Drug Mafia from there):

A.V. "Dokey" or "Dorky" Saffo and his Mafia Queen, Despina (Tripodes) Saffo

I've lived in MANY towns and cities from Peabody, Massachusetts to Key West -- and as far west as Mitch McConnell's Louisville, Kentucky -- and NOWHERE that I've lived or visited was the ENTIRE MEDIA so dominated by the Christian Churches and their HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING, that COMMERCIAL radio stations FREQUENTLY PROMOTE the false idol JESUS!!!

Tommy Gunn on 99.9 FM is so Christian he goes only for MARRIED WHITE WOMEN!!!

This is SHOCKING to see black folks worshiping Jesus when my Kenan Family that put Trump into power with our Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, Ku Klux Klan, etc., force-converted their 900 African Slaves to Christianity because the New Testament says Slaves must obey their masters like they are Jesus Christ!!!

ALL people who worship Jesus as a false idol (the literal "son of god"), should be enslaved to non-Christians!!!

Race is NOT the issue.

May be an image of 4 people, including Able Mable Thomas and people standing
I am a licensed Evangelist under an International ministry called Kainos which means New as in form or quality. My pastor Apostle Carol E. Dixon is in the middle who was the Clergy of the Day at the State Capitol. Next to her is Minister
Elisabeth Omilami
of Hosea Helps who was visiting on the same day. We all had lunch together with 20 legislators.


White Christians kidnapped Blacks from a less scientifically advanced society -- and used JESUS to make then SLAVES!!! They were NOT SLAVES but PEOPLE in Africa:


Take your Damned Jesus and stick it where the sun don't shine!!!


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