This is the cannibal, Jeffrey Dahmer.
Facebook quickly replied that it WAS IN FACT against their standards, and allowed me a LENGTHY second appeal, which is below. And WHY did it take them over THREE MONTHS to flag this???
ADDITIONALLY, this is the TWENTY-FOURTH time Facebook has kicked me off for 30 days since 2015, but the FIRST TIME it says I can't "go live or advertise" on Facebook. I have NEVER gone live or advertised on Facebook, and just now I discovered they did NOT stop me from liking, commenting, or posting on Facebook!!!
I did this in a box above, but the meme was in jest about a cannibal, and I posted it because it was so CLEVERLY WORDED. No one would ever think that I promote those things because most people know I work with Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' (a personal friend who can be contacted via Facebook), as well as other Patriots -- including several in the US Senate and House -- reporting to the FBI info on those who materially supported (with money or actions), the Jan. 6, 2021 Insurrection of Congress.
This meme is NOT important to me, and you can keep it down. What I want is to be again on Facebook. Previously, you have kicked me off for 30 days -- usually for criticizing Christianity. I've had my life threatened many times on Facebook and you never took action against those people. I was NOT afraid, because I have been held hostage five times by Drug Mafia in Mexico (when Colin Powell's retired CPO, Army Col. Dorothy Newman had to get me to Puerto Vallarta in 2010 -- because I know too much about my own family's Hard-Drug Trafficking). My Political Blog -- which you blocked links to on FB -- has gotten 1.9 million hits and is read by top Law Enforcement and Press in the USA.
I report all trouble with Facebook to the FBI as well as NC's Atty. Gen. Josh Stein, who is SUING Facebook because of all of these efforts to restrict FREE SPEECH. My Kenan Family allied with Vladimir Putin in putting Trump into power and FB is accused of the same.
Again, I don't care if you leave this image off -- it is not important. I posted it OVER THREE MONTHS AGO, so what took you so long to flag it???
Thank you for your consideration -- google my name to find more about me on the internet.
Scott David Kenan
Scott Kenan
Anyone on this thread remember Theodore Druch, who was in my Puerto Vallarta Writers Group 2010 - 2015?
He lived there two years and was Leary's lover like so many others. When I knew him, Druch had converted Jewish to Evangelical Christian, married a woman, and they both were HUGE in CIA Drug Mafia with the Governor of Nayarit State -- a gang that tried to kill me several times.
My Kenan Family (I'm not in line of inheritance), that co-founded UNC The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and today controls Exxon-Mobil, Rex Tillerson, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, the Ku Klux Klan, etc., and were most responsible for putting Trump into power has run worldwide addictive drugs with the Bush, Cheney, Clinton, and Obama Families and the CIA.
My family and I do not get along -- I'm a Bernie Sanders supporter. I was Tennessee Williams's last assistant and can prove the Episcopal Church with Republican Party, FBI, and CIA murdered Tenn and stole his Estate from Harvard -- just like Jackie Kennedy Onassis warned us would happen at a party on January 11, 1982.
And strangely, when I returned to Wilmington, NC in 2015, Sa'ant "Sam" Celia, Jr., who lived in the apartment downstairs from me turned out to have been a huge supplier of LSD to Leary and Druch -- as well as his good friend Jerry Garcia -- and still had a small operation, but has since disappeared.
Timothy Leary and Neal Cassady first meeting in Ken Kesey's Merry Prankster bus driven crosscountry with Kool-aid L.S.D. pitchers for hitch-hikers and local Police, San Francisco to New York to meet Kerouac, then on up to Millbrook's psychedelic commune just before election time 1964, "A Vote For Goldwater is a Vote for Fun" writ large on the FURTHER bus side as trip logo Neal and I tried D.M.T. that visit. [caption and photo: Allen Ginsberg, courtesy Stanford University Libraries / Allen Ginsberg Estate]
In The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, Tom Wolf claims that Leary and Kesey never met, & that Leary refused to even leave his room. Leary had always claimed otherwise. While this photo isn’t proof that Leary met Kesey, it is proof that he did get on the bus.

Ted Druch in 2015 -- and Ted's wife Maria Ruiz in 2015:
And Maria Ruiz's "BEST-selling" book:
Arturo Pedilla, his (breasts-free), English wife Emily, and a cook at their Chac Mool Cafe in Chacala, Nayarit, Mexico where I lived several months late 2012.
Arturo was HUGE in Hard Drug Trafficking with Theodore Druch, Maria Ruiz, and the Governor of Nayarit -- who had a big house in the gated community of Chacalita, right behind MY APARTMENT:
The ENTIRE upper floor was my apartment, and my neighbors who were American were all from Oregon State, worked for the Episcopal Church USA, and all had the gold Obama "O" on their rear windows so that Law Enforcement knew they were protected by Obama's CIA.
This was Dave Wilson's car -- Dave lived across the street from me and down about three doors.
They had the NERVE to sue me in COURT, where I was told to take down my STORIES -- as well as my photos of my landlady's (Beatriz Villa's), husband loading many two-kilo bags of METH into a car with California plates, which then was to take it to the States.
In Court, I played humble, and they said they COULD expel me from Mexico because their Constitution says it is ILLEGAL for non-Mexicans to criticize Mexicans in a blog, letter, or press release.
I knew that could NOT be true, and when I got HOME, claimed I'd worn a
WIRE and recorded the whole thing and had ALREADY sent it to Authorities in Mexico and the USA. This SCARED THEM and bought me a month to find a place to move to back in Puerto Vallarta, in the next state of Jalisco!!!
But I KEPT running into Arturo Pedilla in Cafe Canela (cinnamon), very near my FIRST apartment in PV, and when I saw Arturo the LAST TIME -- January 2015 -- he told me to my face that he now had to KILL ME!!!
And it took a few months, but soon Martin Jacobo -- who had been coming to my apartment for HOT SEX -- came back twice in one week to kill me, and a week later, my car was broken into and a FAKE bomb placed in it. When I called Puerto Vallarta Police, they proved to be PART OF IT -- so I quickly packed up and drove back to Wilmington, North Carolina.
Martin Jacobo was paid BIG BUCKS by this wealthy woman from the USA -- because his DORK IS HUGE and he sure was FUN IN BED for me -- while it lasted. He had just gotten sprung from a half-year in US Prison for illegal entry to the USA. Martin always claimed that his Mafia Family owned all the land around the BIG check-point about eight miles north of Laredo, Texas, and they BACK-PACKED the drugs around the check-point!!!
From my distant IRISH cousin, Dan KEENAN Savage!!!
In case you were wondering.
John Boehner, the former Republican House speaker, reportedly blurted out, "Oh, and [Sen.] Ted Cruz, go f—k yourself," while recording the audio for his upcoming book titled, "On the House: A Washington Memoir."
There is no secret that the two—at least publicly—do not have a good relationship. In 2016, Boehner reportedly called Cruz "Lucifer in the flesh" and a "miserable son of a bitch."
Boehner tells Cruz to ‘go f—- yourself’ while recording audio book: report
John Boehner, the former Republican House speaker, reportedly blurted out, “Oh, and [Sen.] Ted Cruz, go f—k yourself,” while recording the audio for his upcoming book titled, “On the House: A Washington Memoir.”
Plum Street Jewish Temple in Cincinnati, Ohio (my place of birth -- the town, not the Temple), was built in 1866.
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