Monday, July 8, 2019

Today, I was SODIUM-SHAMED in Both Costco and Jason's Deli (but my tests show all my levels are FINE)!!! (Rockefeller was a DEVOUT PRESBYTERIAN!!!)

>>> ADDED LATER: The emailing of this posting to my 100 Political Contacts took ONE MINUTE for my US State Department Contacts to CONFIRM RECEIPT OF -- but TEN MINUTES for my account to get it -- but it went INSTANTLY to my email -- HA!!!

* * *

OK, today -- after banking a little extra cash I came in possession of -- I not only bought a four-pack of frozen pepperoni pizzas in Costco (catching HELL from an observing woman as I told the cashier -- whom I knew -- that THURSDAY I'm getting a repair to my Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm).

"SODIUM HELL!!!" she exclaimed.

Then deciding to pig out on the salad bar addition to a quarter of a Muffaletta sandwich (New Orleans COMMUNION), at Jason's Deli, the manager (whom I've known for a while), said "That's a LOT OF SODIUM!!!"

I told them BOTH that all my tests keep coming back FINE for sodium, cholesterol, etc., so if I go heavy occasionally, it's not TOO MUCH.

But the BEST conversation today was with a very tall woman looking to be about 55 years of age, in Costco, who said she was on TONS of meds similar to mine -- until the day she was the last patient before lunch at her doctor's -- and a caterer arrived with a DELUXE LUNCH for the entire office staff. She asked if it was a special birthday -- and learned that a PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY supplied the ENTIRE STAFF EVERY DAY with Deluxe Lunch -- because they prescribe so many of their OVER-PRICED PILLS!!!

She got OFF THE PILLS and chose to eat and drink sanely, and is fine now. 

They were being COMPENSATED for prescribing the over-priced pills.

This is COMMON in today's Democrat/Republican/Christian/GOD-HATING America

Dr. Carole Kunkle-Miller was in my class (1973), at Denison University -- but will not speak with me, she good friends with Hilary Ann Russell/Pritchard who co-founded with me -- then worked with my Mother and her Swatikas to kick me out, sell super cheap to Hilary and her husband Charles Octavius Pritchard. Hilary's FATHER was a Drug Company Exec, and Hilary's mother and my mother planned for Hil and I to marry -- EVEN THOUGH THEY KNEW I AM GAY!!!

That was 1976, and two years later, they worked together, got me FALSELY DIAGNOSED BIPOLAR (I have recently been correctly diagnosed as suffering "Complicated PTSD") -- so they could SOFT-LOBOTOMIZE ME on Lithium Carbonate for THIRTY-ONE YEARS. -- in the Name of Jesus Christ the FALSE GOD of Haters.

And there is not a DAMNED BIT OF TRUTH to the Christian Religion -- although Jesus and what he taught were TOTALLY COOL!!! The New Testament ITSELF proves that Jesus could NOT be the "Son of God" -- NO ONE can reconcile these -- and many other -- INCONSISTENCIES OF STORY:

And of course Votaire was EXACTLY RIGHT:

Wait until we see WHO-ALL Jeffrey Epstein is connected to -- BOTH PARTIES!!!


But THIS is the best of FACEBOOK -- where I was allowed back in today after my FOURTEENTH 30-DAY JAIL TERM -- for criticizing Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin (who with my Kenan Family, the CIA, and Christian Churches controls Facebook), and Christianinity -- Christians who ADORE DONALD TRUMP!!!


  • Kerry Glatts It just kind of funny how people who served don't make a big thing and about it , ones that went yo Canada were welcome to come back, the ones thawed came back from the service r the bad guys but they don't complain. I FEEL they r the one who have the right I say anything about draft dodging,

    • Karen Roney Peed Kerry Glatts, I always thought you were fighting for our freedom, which includes freedom of speech. We’re all entitled to our opinions. Doesn’t make us one of us right and the other wrong. I appreciate your service.😊

    • Guinness Brown I think he's a gutless coward who now waves the flag like he earned it. I served and I make a big deal out of it. So should everyone else. I just got a message from a fellow vet in Alaska. He said the band Jefferson airplane was named after Thomas Jefferson 's jet in the revolutionary war

    • Bob Flynn I also served and concur with Guinness is a BIG deal. Dugan...can you fact check this with your Alaska contact----rumor has it that after president Washington created the Space Force there was a name change to Jefferson Starship.

    • Bob Jones Thanks Guys always good to hear from you, I know you're always there.
  • Scott Kenan Sorry Kerry Glatts: I was not completely clear. I meant to ask why DID you serve since you seem to have little respect for the Rights guaranteed in the US Constitution (Racial Equality, Freedom of and FROM Religion, Freedom of Speech and Press, etc.)??? Like Bob Jones and so many of our generation, I was AGAINST the Vietnam War, but blamed our Service People unfairly when it was the Politicians who were the criminals. Today (now), I continue to work with Patriots including General Colin L. Powell's people, Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' of Green ARMY -- even members of the Bush Family to get the GIANT CHRISTIAN NAZI out of the White House. ONLY fake Christians support Prez Trump TODAY (since his lies have all been exposed -- I fully understand why he was elected -- Hillary Clinton is ANOTHER Sick Puppy, and some couldn't stomach one, some the other). But to be CLEAR, George Bush's cousin Bill Toups (whom I had a one-night sex-fling with two years ago, he traveling to Wilmington to bed me), and I were up all night discussing how the Kenan and Bush Families with the Christian Churches (certainly not ALL Churches or individual Christians were part of it), run Hard-Drug Trafficking (with the CIA and US State Department) -- and White Supremacy. My Kenan Family has controlled Standard Oil/Exxon-Mobil/Rex Tillerson (who GUTTED the US State Department and is BEST FRIENDS with Vladimir Putin as the Press has reported widely)Bank of AmericaCoca-Cola, the Ku Klux Klan, Episcopal Church USA, and the largest trucking company in the USA, Canada, and Mexico,, which the following photo shows violating Native American Rights and Territory under Donald Trump's FEDERAL POLICE PROTECTION just a year ago and in Oregon. The ENTIRE US Political Establishment is corrupted through and through -- and Bob Jones is who opened my eyes to DEMOCRATS being as bad as REPUBLICANS (although Dems tend not to be ABJECT RACISTS like most Republicans). My blog is getting more and more hits and I am more and more effective in Politics. TOO MANY FOOLS trust the US Media -- and Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC are ALL TRAITORS or they would have reported how Presidents Nixon, BOTH Bushes (GW Bush was the most discrete, Daddy Bush the LEAST discrete over his love of under-aged boys), and Barack Obama all had male lovers while in the White House. My blog tells it all:
    Image may contain: one or more people and people standing

  • Kerry Glatts I dropped out of college for one semester to transfer back home to West Chester State. In the meanwhile my number was called I was drafted I served in the US Navy for four years I was in the submarine service in the last year-and-a-half I played basketball for the Navy

  • Scott Kenan Kerry GlattsI PROUDLY serve my Country TODAY -- and especially the last ten years -- falsely convicted of crimes (that I forced the D.A. to erase), falsely committed to Mental Hospitals FOUR TIMES in eight years. POISONED five times, CRAP beat out of me three times by "Christians" from the Episcopal Church (but in Mexico), and I was forced to Political Exile in Mexico -- ALL by so-called Christians. Republicans mostly, but "Clinton Democrats" too, so may ALL CHRISTIANS get the HELLS OF THEIR OWN CREATION that they so richly deserve (poverty, drug and alcohol addictions, etc.)!!! I have NO PROBLEM with those who follow Jesus's Teachings -- as long as they don't commit BLASPHEMY, and think he's a MAN-GOD -- LOL!!!

This is the TRUEST TRUTH I've seen in PUBLISHED NEWS in YEARS and YEARS!!! Nancy Pelosi is the QUEEN of Insider Profiting in Congress

When she and her husband profited many MILLIONS while having inside knowledge of the Sinatra Family's SELLING their TOP VISA name/logo (which was originally BankAmericard but changed to VISA so could be used broader than just the Sinatras' BankAmerica)

Then later, Patricia Sinatra told me in 2011 how she sold BankAmerica control to my Kenan Family of Chapel Hill's NationsBank -- and we Kenans reverted the whole thing to the EARLIER NAME, "Bank of America"

Nancy Pelosi is just as much a Democrat as the INSIDE of Donald Trump's ARSE -- LOL!!! (Actually, that's a LOT, if you know Trump's History.)



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