Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Stanley Winborne IV, James Graham Kenan IV, and Frank Hawkins Kenan II Are SEARCHED by People Who Then Land on THIS BLOG / Mafia Mayor Bill Saffo and His Challenger Devon Scott Are ALSO Popular / Robert Mueller Proves He's an Old Fashioned GOOD FART (but Christians vow to flush him and the US Constitution down the toilet, anyway):

Stanley Winborne IV, and his wife and baby from his Facebook page several years ago.

What a surprise!!! My good friend Stanley Winborne III -- who grew up on Third Street near his Grandmother's Mansion here in Wilmington, NC (his family controlled the Atlantic Coast Line railroad, one of his Grandfathers had been US Ambassador to China during the Opium Wars):

Stanley's Grandmother's house is now the Graystone Inn

Anyway, Stanley does NOT get along with his son Stanley Winborne IV -- who is called "Stan" -- and told me (and it was verified on July 4, 2015 by a US Special Ops guy flown in from the Middle East, who debriefed me in my Carolina Apartments apartment), that Stanley Winborne IV was who shipped all the Heroin back to Maxwell AFB from Afghanistan, while he was #2 in the Hillary Clinton State Department in Afghanistan.

WHY did you think we are THERE (and NO ONE gets us out)???

In 2001, the religious Taliban SHUT DOWN Opium production -- so we ATTACKED AFGHANISTAN although the 9/11 attackers ALL CAME FROM SAUDI ARABIA!!! 

Opium Production SPIKED AGAIN in 2017 and 18 under Donald Trump!!!

In any case, the last week many searching Stanley Winborne IV have found this blog, and I found Stan on Facebook again (includes photos of when he visited his father -- who would NOT be photographed with him) -- in Guanajuato City, Mexico, just before Stanley and his wife Alice (not Stan's mother), moved from there to Puerto Vallarta: 

Stan Winborne IV in 2016:

Stanley Winborne III in 2016:

And Stan and Stanley Winborne are CLOSELY related to Frank Hawkins Kenan I's widow, Betty (Price) Kenan -- but NOT her stepson Thomas S. Kenan III!!!

Betty Kenan in center, and Tom holding his perpetual drink!!!


And I'm not going to say much about all the hits I have been getting from people searching James Graham Kenan IV and Frank Hawkins Kenan II:

James Graham Kenan IV with his wife Candice Cline of Virginia Aristocracy is a TOTAL LIGHTWEIGHT and likely to soon be alcohol and/or drug addicted like his Uncle Thomas S. Kenan III has been a lifelong high-functioning Alcoholic (and NOT allowed to make MAJOR decisions about Kenan Money -- except at Charities).

Frank Hawkins Kenan II has SHAPED UP WELL -- and although not married to man or woman (yet), he is learning to MANAGE HUGE MONEY very well!!!

So there WILL BE good Kenan Money Management in the future!!!

* * *

I have been getting CONSTANT ADS on FACEBOOK -- PROMOTING Christianity and all kinds of Christian Churches. I leave them ALL this message, hoping to WAKE THEM UP, but this evening, I got one from a Pastor I KNOW and I ABSOLUTELY KNOW his HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING for JESUS!!!

New Beginning is ðŸŽ‰ happy to announce that our🌟Brighter Beginnings Early Learning Center ðŸŒŸ is NOW ENROLLING! For more information call 910-772-3737.

New Beginning Christian Church
Religious Organization

Scott Kenan Pastor Robert Campbell -- whom I know and that he is HUGE in Hard Drug Trafficking with Christian Sheriff Ed McMahon -- who ADMITS to me all HIS Hard-Drug Trafficking for Jesus and with my Kenan Family of Chapel Hill -- (who caused the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 and put Donald Trump into power) -- who have told me to my face since 1990 (29 years) -- the only people they hate more than "Niggers" are Jews!!! 
In the New Testament it says that SLAVES must obey their Masters as if the masters are Jesus Christ. My Kenan Family cut down S.E. North Carolina's virgin pine forests (making the FIRST Kenan fortune before the American Revolution) with three properties each having over 300 African Slaves

They KNEW if they kept them CHRISTIAN, they could keep them SLAVES. Wake UP!!!



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