Monday, July 22, 2019

Technically Speaking, the USA Has Been NAZI Since Right After WWII -- When So Many TOP NAZI SCIENTISTS Were Invited to LEAD Our Science Programs!!!

My own mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan -- now 96 and living in Raleigh, NC -- was HEAD of Procter & Gamble's Skin Research Labs in Cincinnita, Ohio at the end of WWII -- when they were given Dr. Josef Mengele's data from his experiments on Jews and others in NAZI Concentration Camps. Mom worked mostly on his MIND CONTROL WORK -- under direction not just of the CIA-- but also a string of Catholic Popes.


FIRST thing this morning, wanting to know how much Benefits Management, Inc., credited my Pay Card overnight, I easily signed into their site -- but this morning, they had to ask TWO extra questions to identify me (I only wanted to see my balance -- no withdrawal or transfer of anything).

Three times ago, they pulled the SAME STUNT, and I remembered how I correctly answered that VIBE was the type of Pontiac I drove five years ago, and that Aldi's is my FAVE FOOD MARKET.

Today, those answers did NOT work, so I called Customer Service of "CenterState Bank of Florida" -- as listed on the back of the card, and got a TOTALLY INSOUCIANT young black woman with the name she pronounced as "ahr-TIH-shuh", who claimed repeatedly that she could not hear me, and then when she COULD hear me (and I made sure to hold the phone correctly -- she was perfectly clear to me throughout), she kept answering questions I was not asking.

Finally, I said, "Articia (sp?), what is your last name and I need to speak with your supervisor -- since you and I cannot seem to communicate in BASIC WAYS???"

She replied that I needed to tell her what I would tell her supervisor so she could figure out which supervisor to send me to!!!

"No," I said, "put me through and THEY can send me to someone more appropriate if necessary -- I never HEARD of such a smart-aleck person allowed to work in Customer Service!!!"

Articia put me on hold for two minutes and then came back: "We have no supervisors on duty who can speak with you."

NOT even missing a beat, I said, "Well, you handled THAT fully hearing/answering me -- so let's ONCE MORE try to straighten out my account and UNBLOCK ME from my money."

And in a few more seconds, she unblocked it, and reset my questions.

The CHRISTIAN ones are the WORST!!!

The SECOND thing that happened today, was that some guy called from Praful Patel, MD's office (the doctor in charge of my getting the Pacemaker), to say he wanted to move my appointment for next check-up on August 1 up a day so that a DIFFERENT Dr. Patel could look at me rather than a Nurse-Practitioner -- which was fine.

Except that he said Dr. Patel might need to do another "procedure" -- which to ME always translates to "operation", when a doctor says that.

I was surprised that the guy knew very little about what these doctors do -- or have much curiosity about any of it. 


But I was VERY HAPPY that I'll be seen by an actual doctor -- even if NOT the one in charge (and I've known TONS of Patels from India -- it's the most popular surname there, and means "Innkeeper" -- as everyone I've ever associated with knows)!!!

I have what was at the time I got it called a GREAT EDUCATION -- but TODAY it is so good, I could pass as GOD -- I seem so ALMIGHTY!!!

Actually it is NOT -- but that brings up MY POINT!!!

NOT A SINGLE Doctor, Nurse, Practitioner, or other Physical Health Specialist of any kind, has suggested I REDUCE SODIUM in my diet -- or GET MORE EXERCISE!!!


WORSE: All my lab tests come back FINE for sodium, cholesterol, and all the other things one can change via diet -- and so the PILLS ARE WORKING -- but there seems to be MORE TO THE STORY!!!

And then mid-afternoon, the guy called back to say that Dr. Praful Patel wants to reschedule for a WEEK LATER -- so that HE can see me, himself. I felt SO MUCH BETTER -- especially since the chances of him being just a TYPICAL WILMINGTON NAZI-CHRISTIAN are nearly ZERO -- and I DID enumerate some of the crimes of my parents and wealthy Kenan relatives of Chapel Hill putting Trump into power to destroy DEMOCRACY and to enslave and/or murder all NON-WHITES, eventually -- my mother getting all her orders from Popes Pius XI - Francis I (without John XXIII or John-Paul I participating).


This from the Private Facebook Group "Firesign Theatre":

I don't say much here but this gets my goat.

This was an interesting chat going on vaguely criticizing the rules here and then the unelected, appointed by Zuckerberg, moderator acting like the "Man" turns off comment to this post just when it was becoming interesting.

This is not the first time this moderator has done this or censored posts that were breaking his "Rules".

I say rise up with our pitchforks and overthrow this petty lackey of Zuckerberg mindset.

Set this Firesign chatroom free.


  • Kurt Hilbig We shall see how long this stays up before it's deleted.

  • Kelly Lute Where did this "Doug Smith" come from, anyway? How did we get stuck with somebody so anti-Firesign as a moderator?

  • Kelly Lute We are, as it is, "The Mindless Fellowship Pavilion", so mindless things are meant to pervade, here. In any case, the ramblings of the mind are frequently seen as mindless to those with minds that are different from the minds that ramble. Why is Doug qualified to judge mindful from mindless, when he is only a single mind with a single perspective?

  • Scott Kenan Welcome to America -- which has been NAZI since right after WWII. I will probably go back to another (my SIXTEENTH) 30-Day Facebook Jail for posting this here -- because Facebook Administration hates TRUTH!!! The Bush and my Kenan Family (Kenans control Exxon-Mobil/Rex Tillerson, Bank of America,, the Ku KLux Klan, Republican Party and Clinton Democrats -- and run Worldwide Hard-Drug Trafficking with them all and the Christian Churches), lead NAZISM in the USA -- followed by the Cheneys and Clintons. Obama was blackmailed over his well-known Homosexuality into supporting it.
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    • Neil Schneider Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality was tacitly denied by their philosophy. "The heresy of heresies was common sense.” - 1984 George Orwell


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