Tuesday, April 9, 2019

My Request of City Attorneys Daniel Thurston and John Joye for the FULL POLICE REPORT on the Death of Evan Fish on September 3, 2011:

Evan Fish HATED Christianity, and Wilmington Police used his former girlfriend Eleanor "Ellie" Schwaner (who with Evan had been the 2nd largest distributor of Cocaine in Maine -- until Evan broke with her and came to Wilmington to get OUT of that business).

According to New Hanover County Sheriff's Deputies to me at that time (including the Negotiator), Evan had been talked back from the edge after hours of negotiation, and then Wilmington Police released Ellie from where she'd been kept in hiding a floor below. She ran up to Evan, whispered something in his ear, and yelling, "There's NO WAY OUT!!!", Evan jumped to his death.

Ellie Schwaner in 2015. She has since then STOPPED WORKING and closed her "Tiny-Toes" massage (whoring) business, but her LINKED-IN profile is still active: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eleanor-ellie-schwaner-2a594957/

And I FORGOT to mention to Attorneys Thurston and Joye that back then -- and continuing now -- Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, Georgia (my employer 1990 - 2010), is the BIGGEST SUPPLIER of Hard Drugs to Wilmington via his employee and my father's BEST FRIEND in 1990 when setting things up, Lee E. Gosney, Jr.

Lee (on right), and the Gosney Family, 2016. Lee now does NOT WORK WILMINGTON!!!

>>> Request for FULL POLICE REPORT on death of Evan Fish on September 3, 2011:

To Daniel.Thurston Daniel.Thurston@wilmingtonnc.gov, John.Joye John.Joye@wilmingtonnc.gov

Cc scott scott@scottdavidkenan.com, ben ben@localvoicemedia.com, breakingnews breakingnews@newsobserver.com, breakingnews breakingnews@starnewsonline.com, wilmjourn wilmjourn@aol.com

Daniel Thurston
Assistant Wilmington City Attorney
305 Chestnut Street
2nd Floor
Wilmington, NC 28401

April 9, 2019

Dear Mr. Thurston,

My name is Scott David Kenan, a citizen of Wilmington, and the reason I am contacting you is to find out how to get – under the Freedom of Information Act – the FULL Police report on the death of my friend Evan Fish on Sept. 3, 2011, when he jumped to his death from the top of the parking deck next-door to the downtown Library.

I have twice had to flee to Mexico by help of Sect. of State Colin Powell’s Chief Protocol Officer Col. Dorothy Newman -- for Political Exile, and since I returned the second time, late June 2015, I have attempted to get this Police Report from both the Sheriff’s and Police offices – they sending me back and forth to each other – until Sheriff’s Deputies finally told me Mayor Saffo had to release it, but I’ve gotten no help from either Bill Saffo or Dawn Grants – until today, Dawn said to contact City Attorney John Joye, and his office said that you actually handle all Police matters.

This is all there is to my request – but if I did not also fill you in on the complications, I would be remiss.

I am the best friend of Law Enforcement when it comes to getting rid of the ADDICTIVE DRUGS and the atmosphere of illegality in the USA of corrupted governments that makes people despair of Justice and turn to drugs. Marijuana should be regulated like alcohol.

My parents, William Scott Kenan (now deceased), and Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan (now 96 and living in Raleigh since 1999), helped set up the Drug Mafias of Wilmington as well as Atlanta, GA in the 1980s and 90s with the help of Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman, whom I knew, and in Wilmington with Father Robert J. Kus of St. Mary’s Catholic who fled last summer to Honduras to escape prosecution. My personal friend Lt. Gen. Russel Honore’ knows all about my WEALTHY Kenan relatives associated with UNC Chapel Hill having spread much corruption in Atlanta (where I lived 1983 – 2010).

I feel a Moral and Patriotic obligation to expose these crimes, and Kenans controlling Standard Oil/Exxon-Mobil since 1913, are at the CENTER of International Drug Smuggling in partnership with the CIA, Bush Family especially (GHW Bush marrying his CIA with Kenans’ Esso/Exxon smuggling years ago). Today, the Clinton family work for the Bushes, as do the Cheneys. My last date was with a Bush cousin, and we discussed these things all night. Barack Obama was blackmailed over his homosexuality into protecting it.

After near constant feuding with virtually ALL elected and appointed Politicians in Wilmington and New Hanover County – of BOTH Parties – as well as with Law Enforcement, especially D.A. Benjamin R. David, I have finally pulled myself out of the HELL HOLE of being homeless and falsely charged and convicted of MANY crimes (since then Defender Jennifer Harjo FORCED Ben David to erase them all), as well as FOUR false commitments to New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital. Judge Corpening released my commitment papers, and all were by Drug Traffickers angry that I had blogged about their business.

The ONLY one of those still in town is Jonathan Deputy of http://suncoastvr.com/index.php/contact, and NC State Representative Deb Butler told me to my face that she DOES “Drug Trafficking” with Jonathan – and when I repeatedly contacted her to explain herself (hoping she was kidding), she has NOT clarified that, and in fact, her legal wife Maria Antonietta "Anni" Parra died of an apparent overdose on Dec. 28, 2018.

Former New Hanover County Democratic Party 3rd Vice Chair Ryan Lee Burris died of a drug overdose in October 2018, and the year before, his fiancé Wes Taylor died of an overdose. They BOTH worked closely in their “business” with Atty. Gen. Roy Cooper, now our Governor – as well as with disgraced Republican NC State Senator Thom Goolsby (who works now DIRECTLY for my Drug Trafficking Kenan relatives who got him appointed to the UNC Board of Governors).

Currently, I work with quite a few Patriots exposing corruption, including top NC State Prosecutor Kimberly Overton Spahos and several in Federal Offices, and have a Political Blog that so far has gotten 1.5 million registered hits. I was the last assistant to playwright Tennessee Williams, and can prove he was murdered by the Episcopal Church (with help of now deceased Frank Hawkins Kenan and his brother James Graham Kenan), so they could steal Tenn’s estate from Harvard (now it is worth $2/3 Billion), just like Jackie Kennedy Onassis warned us would happen on Jan. 11, 1982.

I’ve known many Kennedys, the Reagans, Frank Sinatra’s Family and many other top Politicians and Military Officers in both the USA and Mexico – and been debriefed by the Officers of what I know about Kenan Family/CIA/US State Department Drug Trafficking – in conjunction with TOO MANY Christian Churches.

I have already filed a serious Complaint with the NC State Bar against Ben David: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/03/complaint-just-filed-against-wilmington.html, and have since then gotten their FILE # for the case. I also intend to file complaints against Judges Hogston, Ray/Criner, McKee/Luther, Faison, and Noecker for grievously violating my Civil Rights. 

The State Bar EMPHASIZES that I should SUE or PROSECUTE these people, but my second cousin Robert C. “Bobbie” Kenan, Jr. of Burgaw’s Admin told me that since I angered Lawyer David A. Nash by blogging about all the Hard-Drug Trafficking in his Costello’s (gay) Piano Bar in 2011, I would NEVER be able to get a lawyer short of Charlotte – and likely would have to go to Asheville to find one willing to rep me.

And this is TRUE, because when I FIRST tried to get the Police Report from Mayor Saffo and had emailed him that I was walking to his office to try to get it, I was knocked 12 feet out of the crosswalk at 3rd and Princess in broad daylight by a Time-Warner truck (and I’m 6’ 11” tall). I hired lawyer Bruce Mason to rep me, and he and other lawyers all assured me I should have gotten $20,000.00 - $40,000.00 with no problem (I had damaged valves in both legs, etc. that took many months to heal), but Bruce Mason after taking it, soon told me that EVERY Republican and TOO MANY Democrats are in the Wealthy Kenans’ pockets, and that he had to FIRE ME!!!

He then RAN out of his office and down Princess Street, calling back to his Admin Hannah (she quit right after that, and I have her contact info), and me, “I have NO CONSCIENCE!!!” And I have NOT been able to get a lawyer in Wilmington to rep me in ANYTHING since then.

I assume you actually work to protect the City – and not necessarily Mayor Saffo or any other City Employee – so you should know that I hope to one day sue the City for all the crimes of its employees against me. And most crimes were actually by employees of the County or the State.

Councilman Charlie Rivenbark – a total Drug Trafficker with Mayor Saffo and his Mafia run by Bill’s Uncle in NYC (I know someone who worked for the Saffo Mafia in NYC for 30 years), when I met him in Saffo’s office a year ago, told me he HOPES I get a dog and IT TOO gets HIT BY A TRUCK!!!

Oh yes, I am ANGRY at Wilmington’s FAKE CHRISTIANS who run all the Mafias here with their Churches, and I will not QUIT seeking Justice until I get FINANCIAL COMPENSATION for all the abuse I’ve suffered.

Thank you for your help in getting that Full Police Report for me. Since this is so important, I am copying Mr. Joye, as well as some in the local Press, and will publish this request on my blog as well, here: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/04/my-request-of-city-attorneys-daniel.html.


Scott D. Kenan
Wilmington, NC 28403

Cell: (910) 200-XXXX


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