Friday, April 26, 2019

Letter Just Emailed to New Hanover County, North Carolina, Sheriff's Department Information Officer Lt. Jerry Brewer (after our phone conversation, today):

Lt. Jerry J. Brewer, New Hanover County Sheriff's Department Public Information Officer (who I BELIEVE was in that position in 2011) -- and THEN helped COVER UP THE TRUTH of Evan's Death with HELP of the Wilmington Star News that kept ERASING Evan's name in comments on the report then -- even half a year afterward.

Man dies after jumping from seventh floor of downtown parking deck 

Published: Saturday, September 3, 2011 at 12:30 a.m.

>>> Regarding the Full Police Report on the death of Evan Fish on Sept. 3, 2011 -- and copied to several others who might have interest:

To jbrewer, emcmahon, ksarvis, lmacneish

Cc scott, kimberly.n.overton, meredith.everhart, Daniel.Thurston, John.Joye, ben, acsgdl, breakingnews, breakingnews, wilmjourn

April 26, 2019

Dear Lt. Jerry Brewer,

This is a Freedom of Information Act Request for the FULL REPORT on the death of Evan Fish, who jumped from the top of the parking deck next-door to the downtown Library (onto Second Street), in the early morning hours of September 3, 2011, after a long negotiation with the Sheriff's Negotiator and many Wilmington Police Officers and NHC Sheriff's Deputies on the scene.

The Sheriff’s Negotiator as well as more than one other Deputy told me that Wilmington Police released Ellie Schwaner from hiding after the Negotiator had Evan talked back from the edge. Ellie then ran up to Evan, whispered something in his ear, and he immediately jumped to his death shouting, “There’s NO WAY OUT!!!” Civilian witnesses I spoke with (and maybe a Deputy or two as well), told me that Police on the street below had LED the crowd in chants of “Jump! Jump!!! JUMP!!!”

I have been trying to get this report since I returned to Wilmington in June 2015, after returning from Political Exile in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (a second time) – that, because my Kenan Family that set up and controls the Drug Mafias here with many Christian Churches and top Politicians -- had tried first to kill me in Georgia in 2010, after not being able to commit me to a Mental Hospital there after five tries in one month early in 2010. Sect. of State Colin Powell's retired Chief Protocol Officer, Army Col. Dorothy Newman warned me that my immediate Kenan Family with CIA and Republican Party -- and Patrick Lee Stansbury, owner of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA, my employer 1990 - 2010, planned to kill me because I knew too much about their Hard Drug Trafficking.

Mr. Stansbury fired me when he learned that I had learned he distributes all the Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB from Maine to Florida, but especially to Christian Clergy and Politicians of both Parties here in Wilmington and in Atlanta. That distribution then by the person Lee E. Gosney, Jr. (who served three sentences that I know of for running Meth Labs in the 80s and 90s).

Anyway, Evan Fish knew Lee Gosney who had been a close friend of my father, William Scott Kenan, who with Mom, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, set up Drug Mafias here in Wilmington and Atlanta, GA in the 80s and 90s with Father Robert J. Kus, now fled to Honduras, and Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman – both of whom I knew well (and with Patrick Lee Stansbury/Pentagon Publishing, Inc.), well, because Evan and his girlfriend Eleanor "Ellie" Schwaner (, had for two years been supplied with Cocaine in Maine by Lee Gosney/Pentagon Publishing where they had been the second largest Coke distributors in the state for two years, but Evan broke off with Ellie and moved to Wilmington to get OUT of Drug Distribution (or so he claimed -- he still liked to do Cocaine).

Interesting today, is that when I dropped by the City Attorneys' offices to follow up with THEM after submitting a Freedom of Information Request which I had made two weeks ago to attorneys Thurston and Joye. They were not in, but Deputy City Attorney Meredith Everhart came out and said that they had searched and discovered they had NOTHING there, because it had occurred on County property, so the Sheriff's Department had to have the info, and to contact you.

She said they DID find that the day before, they (Police), had been called to do -- and I forget her term, but it means a mental-health check -- on Evan, which does not surprise me at all. Bottom Line is that they did NOT feel Evan was committable then, but had they DONE THAT, Evan might still be alive today.

I had actually met Evan in what was then called "The Oaks", either when Chief Public Defender Jennifer Harjo had hidden me there because then Republican 2011 Candidate for Mayor (and Tattoo-Parlorist/Weapons-Collector) Justin LaNasa's buddies who sold hard drugs around Wilmington and hung out at his Hardwire Tattoo on Front Street had chased me around downtown streets claiming falsely that I had molested their grade-school boys. Everyone in town knows that Justin was preparing for the War for White Supremacy and has quite an arsenal in his mountain cabin in western North Carolina, because Justin BRAGS ABOUT IT.

See:, where Mr. LaNasa promotes guns, tattoos, and drinking alcohol, as well as this article that shows Justin apparently owns a TANK:, and then when Brian Berger, the Republican on NHC Commission who went ROGUE, he was apprehended at Mr. LaNasa’s mountain cabin and had broken into Justin’s HUGE stash of armaments – I don’t know what happened to Mr. Berger over that, but D.A. Ben David – a major Drug Trafficking PROTECTOR with his brother D.A. Jon David – and I am already challenging Ben David’s LAW LICENCE with the NC State Bar: -- PROTECTED Mr. Berger from the Felony Charges he deserved. 


And it might have been when Judge Sandra Ray Criner (who later divorced Sherman Lee Criner, once apprehended about ten years ago in Thalian Hall for diddling the vagina of a young girl, but Wilmington Police talked her father out of pressing charges since the Criners were HEAD of the Republican Party then – and exemplary Christians), after I published photos of Sherman Criner in “Christian Snake-Worshiping” -- while I was in Political Exile in Mexico – HA!!!

Anyway, Judge Criner committed me on word of my then roommate (who had the lease), Brenda McKnight and her cousin Gerald Austin-Wynn who was one of the BIGGEST CRACK suppliers to Wilmington, and soon thereafter, Mr. Austin-Wynn was convicted in South Carolina of Drug Trafficking, served several years, and now lives in Virginia near DC, see:

I have informed the NC State Bar that I will soon also file complaints against NHC District Court Judges Chad Hogston, Lindsey McKee/Luther (known for attending White Supremacy Meetings in Ireland as well as in the USA), Sandra Ray/Criner, James H. Faison III, and Jeffrey Noecker, for violating my Constitutional Rights in their capacity as Judges – to support either Drug Trafficking and/or White Supremacy. ALSO, lawyer Bruce Mason, whom I ran into on the street, today, and he reminded me WHY I need to also attempt to remove his license and get him convicted of crimes.

To learn more, simply google my name in quotes followed by any of these names to see what I have published about any of them – not a single one of these lawyers sent me a “cease-and-desist” letter – nor threatened me with a Libel or Slander Lawsuit, and I have made CERTAIN they all get copies of everything I blog about their crimes.

You told me today that the Freedom of Information Act does NOT allow Citizens to get Full Reports if the Police, Deputies, or others don’t want it to be released, and all you will give me is a one-page report with very few of the facts – and that I will have to hire a lawyer and get a Judge to order the release of the FULL REPORT.

This is the OPPOSITE of what my acquaintance Ben Schachtman of Port City Daily has published (he said you would try to DELAY, but would have to release the material). So, could you please also send me a link to where I can find online that YOUR CLAIM is actually TRUE???

You might know that when I petitioned Chief District Court Judge Corpening most of a year ago to release all the material on my several commitments to the Mental Hospital here, that he quickly did so, and I discovered not only what I have already reported about Judge Ray/Criner, but that Jonathan Deputy had committed me in March 2018 on lies – because I would not stop blogging about HIS Hard-Drug Trafficking, and later NC Representative Deb Butler admitted to my FACE in person that she “Drug-Traffics with Jon Deputy” – and has NOT clarified that despite my several requests of her to do so. Deb’s legal wife Maria Antonietta "Anni" Parra died of an apparent overdose on December 28, 2018. And former 3rd Vice Chair of the Democratic Party and Head of Cape Fear Equality Ryan Lee Burris and HIS fiancé Wes Taylor, both died of Drug Overdoses in 2017 and 18.

We have GOT to stop this DRUG TRAFFICKING of our TOP Politicians, Law Enforcement Officials, and Christian Churches!!!

I believe Judge Corpening would order the release of that material – if you in fact have Legal Cause to withhold it now.

The GOOD NEWS for your Sheriff’s Department is that I know Ed McMahon well, and UNLIKE Mayor Saffo, Councilman Charlie Rivenbark, and D.A. Ben David, Ed is NOT afraid of me – despite his admitting to me about July 3, 2011, that he was aware of his Deputies – with the CIA – guarding the mini-subs that unloaded Hard-Drugs under Snow’s Cut Bridge for years. This is NO SECRET among Wilmingtonians. And when the CIA corrupts a local Sheriff’s Department, he has NO CHOICE about it.

The Deputies are FAR MORE PROFESSIONAL than the Wilmington Police, and if you know which three of your Detectives came to interview me at my former apartment at 205 S. 4th Street in 2016 (when I had trouble filing charges against a roommate who I discovered was HUGE in Hard-Drug Trafficking and dropped a Letter about that at the Jail Office for Ed McMahon), I refused the gift of marijuana that one of them offered – afraid she was setting me up for arrest – but since then learned from NC Prosecutor Kimberly Overton Spahos,, that NO ONE cares about “reasonable amounts of marijuana”, and in fact I have TWICE witnessed small groups of Wilmington Police in uniform smoking pot (and am told the Wilmington Police drug of choice is actually CRACK – Chief Ralph Evangelous smoked CRACK daily in the home of the uncle of a friend of mine in 2011-12) – and several people have told me that Police Officers have correctly told them where they could BUY POT!!!

My final point today, is that my friend Deb Baratta, a major scientist employed at about $200,000.00/year then (2011), in the Research Triangle, walked across Snow’s Cut Bridge one night to retrieve her car, and CIA Agents with Sheriff’s Deputies ASSUMED she had witnessed the mini-sub being then unloaded under the bridge, but Deb had NOT seen that. They arrested her for minor marijuana (I think Deb said they planted it on her, but she DID smoke pot), DRUGGED DEB, RAPED HER REPEATEDLY, arrested then committed her to “The Oaks”.

I was there at the time, and witnessed Deb’s totally black-and-blue flesh from the bottom of her short-shorts to her knees, and Deb was BEYOND FURIOUS, and we knew each other after both getting out of the Oaks as well. But Deb was forced to take drugs that prevented her from remembering anything, had to leave her job, and later only remembered that I had been her friend, but had NO MEMORY of anything else about me.

So please consider all of these things carefully, and I HOPE you will release the FULL REPORT without my having to take FURTHER LEGAL ACTION to get it.


Scott David Kenan

Cell: (910) 200-XXXX

The Jesus that Wilmington's Christians pray to!!!

Justin LaNasa and his TANK, 2017.


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