Saturday, April 27, 2019

My Five Hour Trip Today to OLD HAUNTS of My Homeless Days in Wilmington, NC (2011 - 2012), Was VERY GAY (especially with the STRAIGHT PEEPS!!!):

I HAD to get my photo taken in front of this mural, that I had only seen in USA Today April 11, 2019, and blogged it here:

The above photo was taken by the HOT, STRAIGHT guy standing outside Memory Lane Comics, Jake and Ben Motsinger's store, whose mother, Teri Motsinger, owns Benefits Management, Inc., that handles distributing my Social Security Benefits, just a block away -- and where my friend Evan Fish LANDED almost at Teri's FRONT DOOR on 2nd Street, when he jumped to his death -- forced by Wilmington Police Officers -- like I'm trying to get the FULL REPORT now from Sheriff Ed McMahon:

Anyway, the guy who took the photo for me LOVED my interactions with him (since I told him I would NOT actually proposition him):

He looked like this!!!

Well, it all began when I parked on 2nd Street, just south of the Children's Museum -- because it was the closest without parking meters -- but I FORGOT to check the signs (one-hour parking), so I had a $20.00 ticket when I returned five hours later. 

I almost NEVER pump meters downtown, and this was my first parking ticket since about 1972, so I guess I now support the Parking System!!!

I ran into a woman ten years older than me near the Hannah Block USO Building, and she, too is gay, looks much younger than she is, knew all about my Kenan Family's crimes with Christian Churches and both Political Parties -- and like me had HUGE PROBLEMS with Rev. Cheryl Walker of Unitarian-Universalist Church, whom she ALSO -- like me -- calls a "Christian BITCH of the worst sort", and had TRIED Unity Church (another of the "better" ones, but found it was corrupted too).

And when I got home, I found she had FRIENDED ME ON FACEBOOK -- so I stole this MEME from her -- LOL!!!:

And I stopped into MANY of my fave stores, including the Italian Coffeehouse and Market on Front, and caught up with many old friends, and made many new ones -- working my way up to Red Cross Street on Front, then over to Third, and meandering back and forth between Third and Front at will.

EVERYONE I SPOKE WITH -- including men and women who wore crosses on chains -- KNOW that the Christian Churches now are TERMINALLY CORRUPTED by their hard-drug trafficking for Jesus and their White Supremacy -- black churches included, since this is from the New Testament:

But the BEST PART was that I flirted with at least twenty guys -- and only three turned out to be gay -- but they ALL ENJOYED IT, and so did their girlfriends.

Two groups of two couples I even got the guys to RAISE THEIR T-SHIRTS to show their hairy or tattooed chests -- after promising not to tease their fur with my fingers, or to try to lick their tattoos off!!!

The guys were in late twenties or early thirties and looked much like these two:

Their girlfriends were FRESH, wholesome-looking INTELLIGENT women -- with GREAT senses of humor, who LOVED me making a fuss over their men!!!

Women like this.

And THESE FOUR WOMEN did all hug me as I was leaving -- and I bet those guys LAID THEM SOON THEREAFTER!!!

I sure HOPE SO!!!


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