Janet Morra, a TIRELESS Bernie Sanders promoter, posted this FIRST THING when I awoke from a THREE HOUR NAP at 11:35 PM Saturday (an hour and a half ago).
Janet Morra
And YES, Ed McMahon broke down and CRIED, claiming he had known NOTHING OF IT.
John Boehner is NOTORIOUS for his crying, too -- maybe Boehner is McMahon's HERO, no???
Then WHY do nearly ALL Wilmington Citizens know about it -- this -- I mean the powder drugs being off-loaded from mini-subs under Snow's Cut Bridge -- and it CONTINUED after that as well.
In FAIRNESS, how can a local Sheriff control a Hillary Clinton/CIA drug operation (set up by my own PARENTS with Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman, PPD, etc.) -- I doubt he can.
But the BIGGEST problem had ESCAPED MY CONSCIOUS MIND (until I woke up): Randy Jones's BEST FRIEND in Wilmington is narco-trafficking Ryan Lee Burris, and they always spend time together socializing when Randy is in town.
Wait. So Sarah Palin wasn't enough to make him leave? The party's gay-baiting and race-baiting wasn't enough to make him leave?
Its welcoming the Dixiecrats with open arms wasn't enough. Willie Horton wasn't enough. The criminality of Nixon wasn't. Its embrace of torture as an official US policy wasn't. Scalia wasn't enough. Thomas wasn't enough.
It seems that the last straw for this right-wing prig was the vulgarian in his midst and the proletariat in his party who have foisted themselves upon him and his elitist ilk.
Cry me a fucking river.
This, in the EARLY DRAFT, just completed.
Staffers from BuzzFeed, The Washington Post and The Guardian tweeted about being blocked from attending Trump's visit to his golf course in Aberdeen, Scotland.
On Monday, according to police, a drunk Florida man who was obsessed with his female neighbor stood outside her house and fired 33 rounds into it with a semi-automatic handgun.
Luckily, she wasn’t home when Sparber opened fire on her residence, blasting into the storm door, front door, foyer and kitchen cabinetry, and causing around $3,000 in damages. Police say he shot up her house in an attempt to get inside.
You have to sign statements of "Faith" to work there.
No Jews or other non-Christians, Homos, or believers in Evolution are allowed to work at this Kentucky Tax-Payer Assisted project!!!

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