More Than 500 People Were Shot In America During the Week After Orlando
The massacre at Pulse nightclub was the beginning of a typically bloody week in the U.S.
1. What on EARTH "Testosteroni" is thinking -- he has not responded at ALL!!!
2. It feels GOOD that my landlady thinks I look so Happy and Confident -- and now I'm connecting with a REAL Political Activist, well known and established in Wilmington (and often in the news)!!!
3. Perhaps Mayor Bill Saffo isn't SCARED to meet with me now -- LOL!!!
He's STILL a "White-Assed, God-Hating Christian" (Greek Orthodox).
Father Jon Samuelson there IMMEDIATELY blocked my emails of my blog, while my other two contacts there block them about 50% of the time.
Of Wilmington Religious Organizations, ONLY First Baptist Church (on Kenan Plaza), has blocked me as much.
Pastor Matt Cook of First Baptist
Now, I want to AGAIN give credit where it is due: A man from First Baptist named Gary ran the MOST HELPFUL and seemingly LARGEST of church services to homeless when I was homeless in 2011 - 12.
At St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox, they just seem to FEED at the SAFFO TROUGH, no???
Renee Saffo (now divorced from Mayor Bill Saffo), is lookin' for a NEW SANTA-DADDY, no???
And getting "back to the Baptists", it was Dr. Matt Cook's predecessor who tried to STEAL my friends the Pughes' HOUSE from them legally, FOR First Baptist Church, an Official Church Action!!! -- with a claim so THIN he was LAUGHED OUT OF COURT!!!
And BOTH First Baptist and St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox are MAJOR CONTRIBUTORS (with First Presbyterian, which FOUNDED it), to Wilmington's WELL-ESTABLISHED HEROIN DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM:
In 2011, while I was homeless, I learned from several people that THEIR Christian Congregations had at FIRST supported the Good Shepherd Center -- until they found enough PROOF FOR THEIR CHURCHES that staff there had embezzled enough money to buy boats and cars.
This past week, it was reported in the Wilmington Star News that the Good Shepherd has now received enough GRANTS from orgs -- to begin construction on housing for some class of homeless -- which will take something like a total of $5,000.000.00 to complete.
I bet a lot of CHRISTIANS embezzled TONS in getting all THAT together.
This is actually Carlos Salim "Slim" Helu of Mexico -- Bill and Hillary Clinton's TOP co-Narco-Trafficker there, who OWNED the Wilmington Star News until recently (as well as the New York Times), to CONTROL Wilmington News so no one KNEW Wilmington is the LARGEST Drug Import Port in the NATION -- set up by my parents when they lived here 1980 - 2001, with help of Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman, and eventually Bush/Cheney/Bin Laden/Saudi Royals-controlled PPD.
PPD World Headquarters DOMINATES Wilmington's skyline -- and the Bin Ladens and Saudi Royals SOLD OUT their portion of the owning Carlyle Group -- so that their having PLANNED 9/11 together was less obvious.
Some PROBLEMS I had with Good Shepherd Center -- PERSONALLY:
1. While I had the apartment on South 8th Street (in the middle of the self-admitted PADEZANIN DRUG GANG):
And FREQUENTLY, a Good Shepherd logo-ed van parked in front of my house hacked my wifi.
2. I caught "Whitey" -- a well-known, long-time Good Shepherd resident CUTTING HEROIN in a mens room stall at the KING'S BREAKFAST at Pine Valley Church of God -- and informed the Pastor of it. They NO LONGER serve homeless IN the church!!!
George and Cheryl Padezanin of "Hand Painted Homes" lived across the street, and Peter and Jess Demaria lived in the other side of my shotgun-duplex house -- running a METH or CRACK LAB there -- until I blogged about it, and they moved it out in the middle of the night, PISSING OFF my landlord, Kenneth Jernigan that I had done so -- LOL!!!
Kenneth Jernigan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenneth-jernigan-60a26114
Peter and Jess Demaria
2. I caught "Whitey" -- a well-known, long-time Good Shepherd resident CUTTING HEROIN in a mens room stall at the KING'S BREAKFAST at Pine Valley Church of God -- and informed the Pastor of it. They NO LONGER serve homeless IN the church!!!
3. THREE residents of the Good Shepherd Center contacted me in early 2011, to let me KNOW that MANAGEMENT had posted an 8" x 11" poster with my face, saying "Scott Kenan -- Wanted DEAD OR ALIVE"!!!
4. And my first roommate, David Escalante, whom I'd met at a homeless charity at Dock and 16th Streets in 2011 -- an undocumented Latino, whose Wilmington IMMUNIZATION RECORD I still possess -- FLED Wilmington, TOTALLY TERRORIZED, after he and two others in his plight had worked for WEEKS for Good Shepherd Center, then the other two were shot DEAD IN THE FACE in front of David, for DEMANDING they finally get paid.
The Good Shepherd employees -- their bosses -- told David they would murder him TOO, if he ever expected to get paid again.
The Good Shepherd employees -- their bosses -- told David they would murder him TOO, if he ever expected to get paid again.
CLEARLY, God's People need to RUN THE CHRISTIANS (any whose church or other org still gives to Good Shepherd Center) OUT OF TOWN ON RAILS!!!
But do NOT do as William Rand Kenan, Senior did in 1898:
Let's get them ALL INTO PRISON, instead.
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