By the look of things, this is what Fox News would call "FAIR AND BALANCED".
And CONGRATULATIONS to CNN for so effectively making their "Fox News Subsidiary" policy of "My Lies equal Your Facts and Logic" look almost like a NEWS NETWORK!!!
You will find the answer, herein:
You have to sign statements of "Faith" to work there. No Jews or other non-Christians, Homos, or believers in Evolution are allowed to work at this Kentucky Tax-Payer Assisted project!!!
It is important to add here that Mom saw NO SOLUTION except to CONTROL THE JERKS by absolutely giving control to the most powerful DEVIL on Earth, the Catholic Pope and the Pope's Swastikas.
My Mother REPUDIATED the actual Teachings of Jesus in her youth, then MIND CONTROLLED nearly all her family descended from my Meyer grandparents.
Well, I have NEVER believed that "Rev. Gluttony" (William Barber, Head of the North Carolina NAACP), could possibly represent anything INTELLIGENT -- since GLUTTONY is a Cardinal Sin to all who BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE!!!
And the "confused grammar" (o similar!!!) of his title seems to confirm it.
>>> ADDED LATER: until just this moment, I had assumed Barber's book was autobiographical.
Actually, it isn't "CONFESSIONS of a . . . ."
William Barber, this morning on MSNBC, explained "Evangelism" in a way that CONDEMNS most "Evangelical Christians" -- and would MAKE SENSE TO JESUS!!!
While I have seen him barely able to waddle around on his cane at his Moral Monday's Protests in Raleigh (which I always supported in THEORY, but NOT a "human pig leader", Rev. Barber showed signs of having lost some weight, so if HE is healing his body, then I will now listen to him:
"Guns and Religion"!!! !!! !!!
"It would be horribly tragic if my ability to protect myself or my family were to be taken away," Sheats wrote in March on her Facebook page, "but that's exactly what Democrats are determined to do by banning semi-automatic handguns." ~ Christy Sheats, who shot and killed her two teenage daughters and was then shot by police.
Apparently she had no idea how to define tragic.
Heppest of the Hep. added a new video.
57’ & 58’ The Collins Kids on Tex Ritter’s Ranch Party! Let Larry’s guitar playing and Lorrie’s amazing voice wow you as they sing “Shortnin Bread” and “Hot Rod.” Very Rare Rockabilly clips! Dig it the most!!! #heppestofthehep #hep #hoth
ReplyDeleteHey there "Sugarpantz" -- it's been YEARS since you've left comment. Aren't you that gal down Miami way???