Although this is of David Terry about the time I met him on Wrightsville Beach in summer of 1991, I did NOT take this photo.
>>> ON A PERSONAL NOTE: I got Bernie Sanders' text message to watch his address, and did so, live. In some ways it confused me, but the next few days are likely to clarify things. This delayed me in completing this posting:
David Terry to you + 127 moreshow details

I immediately replied to David when I got this, and I'll paste that in before interspersing my notes in bold, within the text of David's. And to begin with, it is true that I have exaggerated the romantic/sexual aspect of my relationship with David. We've only been naked together twice, and the second time he DID enter my "back door", but then withdrew for reasons he didn't explain.
For several years, we corresponded with David's LONG single-spaced, typed letters being often 6 - 8 pages long, and I know I came across some of them when I fled to Mexico the first time, so I should still have some of them, now. And in our eight or so meetings in person over the years, David talked without allowing a word in by me -- something that I've since learned to do as well -- LOL!!!
And David CLEARLY was an AGGRESSIVE racist in his attitude over all those years, including in many Facebook threads -- some of which are preserved among the over 3,200 blog postings. This was also where David typed of being so high -- and traveling with Herve.
I should also say that even though David is RABIDLY LOYAL to his alma mater, Sewanee, although for a brief time I thought he was keeping an eye on me for them, I later decided it was just coincidence, and that is not likely true. Readers should also know that I've engaged more than one of David's brothers, and many of his friends, in very STIMULATING conversations on Facebook -- David freaking out -- because some of them did NOT know then that he is GAY!!!
Hi David, and thanks for your response, which I KNEW, as always, would be lengthy. Thanks for taking so much time. I'll publish it in toto on my blog, but probably not until tomorrow, with some comments. I can tell you IMMEDIATELY that you are correct about Shirley Q. Liquor, and I thought you'd said you had done her part. Of course it was on low-energy, conservative, local AM radio -- like Curtis Wright does here in Wilmington -- it was "literary shorthand" to say "Republican radio". You should come down so we can do the beach, again!!!
The phone number on your website is "disconnected" -- but my calls have frequently been interfered with, as Wilmington's Risk Manager and others can testify. You blocked me from your Facebook Page many years ago.
More later.
Dear Scott, (et al)
To begin with, it would be nice of you to stop bothering Laura Argiri (she’s a busy lady and a kind person). In any case, there would be no need for you to bother any of my friends in order to “contact” me (rather obviously, you’ve just done so, or I wouldn’t be writing this response). My telephone number (I may be the only person on the planet who still doesn’t have a cell-phone), address, and all other contact information can be readily found via a quick google search and perusal of my website and Facebook page. My life is, as ever, a completely open book (albeit a far less intrigue&incident-filled one than you seem to think).
A few points (intended for those who’ve read your most recent posting):
1. I wasn’t your “informal lover” at any time…..and certainly not from 1990 to 2009 . That would 19 years of informality (a record, even for me). In any case, I’m fairly sure that I’ve seen you only three times in my entire life, including the evening we first met in Wilmington (close enough locale).
- Yes, those are both old photographs of me. Presumably, you can find more recent photographs on my Facebook page, if you’re so interested. (I'm blocked.)
- How in the world would I have ever known that Allan Gurganus is your fourth cousin? (Beats me, but you were CORRECT!!!) I know nothing about Allan’s family (although he does live around the corner from me). In any case, I’ve certainly never told you anything about Allan, since I don’t know anything that isn’t public knowledge.
Nor have I ever told you anything about Tommy Kenan, since I don’t know anything about the man, except for his name and the fact that we have a lot of mutual acquaintances. I don’t believe I’ve ever met him. I do know that I’ve never referred to anyone’s being the “Toast of Gay North Carolina”….if nothing else, I have a long-held aversion to clichés. Rather obviously, you don’t. In any case, I’ve never written or used that phrase about anyone.
Now, now. As my blog makes clear, it is LITERARY and NOT "Court Quality Testimony", and since you said that lots of guys claim to have slept with Tom Kenan, I used a literary device, transforming it to "The Toast of Gay North Carolina" -- which I borrowed from a guy I met in spring 2011, and eating breakfast with him in Dixie Grill, he pointed out former Mayor of Raleigh -- and already former Head of the NC State Republican Party, Tom Fetzer (and wife and at least one young child), who ALSO had slept all around and WAS called the "Toast of Gay Raleigh".
Fetzer kissed my Kenan BUTT that day, WORSHIPING Frank Hawkins Kenan but refusing to say Tom Kenan's name -- so TYPICAL of Wilmington Christian/Republicans to dis the GAY KENAN -- LOL!!!
Thom Goolsby sure HATES mentioning Thomas S. Kenan III's name -- and Thom is GAY!!!
As you might know, after the Tea Partyists had BOOTED Tom Fetzer, he finally had married a woman and today has FIVE children (but not much sway)!!!
Now, now. As my blog makes clear, it is LITERARY and NOT "Court Quality Testimony", and since you said that lots of guys claim to have slept with Tom Kenan, I used a literary device, transforming it to "The Toast of Gay North Carolina" -- which I borrowed from a guy I met in spring 2011, and eating breakfast with him in Dixie Grill, he pointed out former Mayor of Raleigh -- and already former Head of the NC State Republican Party, Tom Fetzer (and wife and at least one young child), who ALSO had slept all around and WAS called the "Toast of Gay Raleigh".
Fetzer kissed my Kenan BUTT that day, WORSHIPING Frank Hawkins Kenan but refusing to say Tom Kenan's name -- so TYPICAL of Wilmington Christian/Republicans to dis the GAY KENAN -- LOL!!!
Thom Goolsby sure HATES mentioning Thomas S. Kenan III's name -- and Thom is GAY!!!
As you might know, after the Tea Partyists had BOOTED Tom Fetzer, he finally had married a woman and today has FIVE children (but not much sway)!!!
Nor have I ever known Betty Kenan (except, obviously, by name). I’ve been introduced to her at various receptions over the years, but so have at least 100,000 other folks. She’s a nice lady, Scott; don’t you think you ought to leave her alone?
People who actively support the Narco-Trafficking Episcopal Church -- ESPECIALLY Sewanee -- should be IMPRISONED, not called "nice", you asshole!!! Your spin now does not compare to your spin on all these things then.
People who actively support the Narco-Trafficking Episcopal Church -- ESPECIALLY Sewanee -- should be IMPRISONED, not called "nice", you asshole!!! Your spin now does not compare to your spin on all these things then.
As for Elizabeth Edwards? Given that she died at the early age of 61, I don’t she ever qualified for “dowager” status (True, I was lazy.). In any case, it’s in extraordinarily repulsive taste (even for you) to mention her name in a posting such as yours.
No one gives a RATS ASS about a fucked up white supremacist who supports the Narco-Trafficking Episcopal Church and especially Sewanee -- who MURDERED Tennessee Williams, BTW, which I can still prove in Court and others alive can confirm.
It was Jackie Onassis who told us how it would happen -- and it DID!!!
No one gives a RATS ASS about a fucked up white supremacist who supports the Narco-Trafficking Episcopal Church and especially Sewanee -- who MURDERED Tennessee Williams, BTW, which I can still prove in Court and others alive can confirm.
It was Jackie Onassis who told us how it would happen -- and it DID!!!
She did, indeed, commission a portrait of her husband for the kick-off for his presidential campaign. They did, actually (and contrary to what you’ve written), use it as a poster for that particular event. I should emphasize that I was not, as you’ve written, “especially close” to Elizabeth Edwards. I never met or even spoke with her; the commission was entirely arranged and handled by one of her assistants.
Contrary to what you’ve written, I’ve never been featured on any “republican radio shows”. I have been featured/interviewed on a few, predictably anodyne NPR programs over the years. I think you’re confusing me with Chuck Knipp (who also has a Sewanee connection) of “Shirley Q. Liquor” notoriety.
As for Herve Mommeja-Marin? I do wish you’d stop this business of publicizing that he “hooked” me on opiates. He is, after all, a doctor, and your allegation is a very serious one. I’ve never, actually, taken any opiates whatsoever. Amusingly enough?.....I did, for a while there, have a stockpile of them (prescribed to me after various dental surgeries) that I never used, since I never needed them. The running joke for a while there was that I was only person from East Tennessee who was trying to get rid of opiates rather than get hold of some.
In any case, it would be wise of you to stop using Herve’s name in this fashion. He’s a busy professional. I’ll let him know, tonight, that you’re writing again about him. Presumably, he’ll address the problem. You can save yourself a lot of very-real trouble by simply deleting all references to Herve Mommeja-Marin.
Thank you for informing Herve of all of this -- and I would be happy to post his statement on all of this -- unedited. I had his email and used to email him at Chimerix, but don't have his current one. And in FAIRNESS to him, I don't know that Herve supplied you with WHATEVER it was -- although he should have pressured you to apply the brakes sooner. It might have just been alcohol, but didn't seem to be. Your friends on Facebook were poking fun at you when you got so out of it you would disappear, come back, be incoherent, etc.
So I WILL go ahead and modify what I recently wrote about Herve. He lists no current employment on LINKED-IN, and doesn't need that to be "google-able" -- assuming he's looking for work not in the underground economy. I have done similar for "Virginia Pinga-not", associated with Monica Lewinsky and whose family built and control Mitt Romney's Bain Capital from El Salvador as a Criminal Enterprise -- she now living in William R. Kenan, Jr. built Carolina Apartments.
Thank you for informing Herve of all of this -- and I would be happy to post his statement on all of this -- unedited. I had his email and used to email him at Chimerix, but don't have his current one. And in FAIRNESS to him, I don't know that Herve supplied you with WHATEVER it was -- although he should have pressured you to apply the brakes sooner. It might have just been alcohol, but didn't seem to be. Your friends on Facebook were poking fun at you when you got so out of it you would disappear, come back, be incoherent, etc.
So I WILL go ahead and modify what I recently wrote about Herve. He lists no current employment on LINKED-IN, and doesn't need that to be "google-able" -- assuming he's looking for work not in the underground economy. I have done similar for "Virginia Pinga-not", associated with Monica Lewinsky and whose family built and control Mitt Romney's Bain Capital from El Salvador as a Criminal Enterprise -- she now living in William R. Kenan, Jr. built Carolina Apartments.
As for my work?.....don’t worry too much, Scott. The last three years have been the most prolific I’ve ever experienced. (YAY!!!) You’d have no way, of course, of determining when any particular entry has been posted on my website (I found many of them dated, the top one 2016, then the next dated ones were all 2015). As for the “S is For Sweet Sewanee Sisters” drawing?...........that’s rather obviously a SATIRE/Parody/Whatever, Scott. It’s taken from “The Southern Alphabet” series I did a couple of years ago.
TOO BAD you didn't post that series -- more than "S" -- LOL!!! I let the viewer judge your intent. Although the title ran silly (and the asymmetrical breasts were odd, but not distracting). I thought the ladies looked intent, confident, and "humbly waiting their revenge".
TOO BAD you didn't post that series -- more than "S" -- LOL!!! I let the viewer judge your intent. Although the title ran silly (and the asymmetrical breasts were odd, but not distracting). I thought the ladies looked intent, confident, and "humbly waiting their revenge".
I would appreciate your deleting the description of me as an “Uber racist”. I could probably live with “unwitting racist” or “un-self-conscious racist” (particularly since it seems that would describe pretty much everyone on the planet).
I cannot do that, especially, David. You practically ARE Sewanee -- which has been blessed by nearly $100,000,000.00 in donations from Thomas S. Kenan III and near relatives over the last 95 years.
I cannot do that, especially, David. You practically ARE Sewanee -- which has been blessed by nearly $100,000,000.00 in donations from Thomas S. Kenan III and near relatives over the last 95 years.
Thanks in advance,
David Terry (click on the “contact the artist” icon to settle any doubts about my continued existence/availability)
Herve Mommeja-Marin by David Terry 2009
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