Let me also say, that I did not think to include many things -- including that the YOUNG MAN, my roommate, Andre Tyler Breton, was diagnosed BOTH BIPOLAR 1 and Attention Deficit Syndrome, and although SPEED of any kind will KICK a Bipolar into even HALLUCINATING MANIA, his doctor (whom I confronted -- in person), gave him HIGH DOSES of ADDERALL (Methamphetamine or Pervitin).
He had a Pilot's License that allowed him to drive a boat into INTERNATIONAL WATERS to the Mother Ship full of DRUGS, and then pilot into wealthy people's docks in the MYRIAD little inlets of the Lower Cape Fear Coast. It was Rusty Hooks, Jr., whom I worked for for nearly two months in late spring 2011, who explained how that worked -- and Rusty was PART OF IT -- LOL!!!
And EVERY ONE of these recipients GOT IT -- not ONE of them blocked it -- including the Millers at DDT Outlet -- LOL!!!
>>> Re: Emailing... Bob Jones your email appears to have been HACKED!!!
To Bojones@verizon.net Bojones@verizon.net, bojones1951@gmail.com bojones1951@gmail.com, jkenan02@gmail.com jkenan02@gmail.com, mikekenan@comcast.net mikekenan@comcast.net, kenan5@aol.com kenan5@aol.com, duffyjr3@verizon.net duffyjr3@verizon.net, connor.kenan@nordicwi.com connor.kenan@nordicwi.com, max.kenan17@icloud.com max.kenan17@icloud.com, gmeyer@optikos.com gmeyer@optikos.com, susan@susangrant.com susan@susangrant.com, marybethlernihan@gmail.com marybethlernihan@gmail.com, lena.ludwig@vitalgains.com lena.ludwig@vitalgains.com, bill.saffo@wilmingtonnc.gov bill.saffo@wilmingtonnc.gov, council@wilmingtonnc.gov council@wilmingtonnc.gov, officeofthechief@wilmingtonnc.gov officeofthechief@wilmingtonnc.gov, emcmahon@nhcgov.com emcmahon@nhcgov.com, benjamin.r.david@nccourts.org benjamin.r.david@nccourts.org, jennifer.harjo@nccourts.org jennifer.harjo@nccourts.org, jenharjo@aol.com jenharjo@aol.com, reservations@suncoastvr.com reservations@suncoastvr.com, deb.butler@ncleg.net deb.butler@ncleg.net, ddthome@aol.com ddthome@aol.com, acsgdl@state.gov acsgdl@state.gov, info@joshstein.org info@joshstein.org, outreachcharlotte@fbi.gov outreachcharlotte@fbi.gov, contactgov@nc.gov contactgov@nc.gov, contact@ncjustice.org contact@ncjustice.org
Cc Scott Kenan scottdkenan@aol.com
Hi Bob,
I got these emails this afternoon from you:
Sat, Jul 2, 2022 1:39 pm
Bob Jones bojones@verizon.net
-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Jones <Bojones@verizon.net>
Sent: Sat, Jul 2, 2022 2:29 pm
Subject: Emailing...
Hope you doing great today? (That is NOT A QUESTION, Aldine Gearhart, our 11th grade English teacher would rise from her GRAVE and RAP YOUR KNUCKLES -- LOL!!!) Kindly email back as soon as you get this.
Bob Jones
And the one I'm replying to -- did NOT stay attached when I hit "reply", so here it is too:
Sat, Jul 2, 2022 2:32 pm (EXACT same email, again.)
Bob Jones Bojones@verizon.net
Hope you doing great today? Kindly email back as soon as you get this.
Bob Jones
Sat, Jul 2, 2022 1:39 pm
Bob Jones bojones@verizon.net
How are you doing? Sorry to bother you, do you have account with Amazon? (WHAT does THAT have to do with ANYTHING???)
Bob Jones
I had just gotten back from a four hour walk downtown, talking with merchants, townspeople, and tourists -- every single one of them except one "pinch-faced" old white woman agreed that Biden is FAR WORSE than Trump, and they know the Mayor, D.A., Sheriff, Police Chief, and nearly ALL local Politicians of both Parties work for my Kenan Family in Chapel Hill and nearly every Christian Church distributing HARD DRUGS and CHRISTIAN WHITE SUPREMACY. MOST know that my landlady Gold Walker's SON, Allen Walker's http://www.walkerworldnc.com/ is the BIGGEST import port of Hard Drugs on the Lower Cape Fear -- and FEW believe Gold doesn't know about it.
In fact some shopkeepers told ME that she only rents to HARD-DRUG MAFIA at her 141 N. Front St. restaurant space -- and the LAST ONE was so bad -- Drug Mafia followed him down from NYC and shot him DEAD in the space he was renovating -- but Wilmington Cops were very near and ARRESTED HIM!!!
Well, Gold recently told me she now HATES MAYOR SAFFO -- for his DRUG TRAFFICKING -- but has ALSO BRAGGED about banging BOTH of Saffo's BROTHERS in the apartment and bedroom I had of hers on S. 4th Street. TWO of them going at it so hard they SPLIT the antique headboard in HALF!!! Betty White was CORRECT!!!
Anyway, your "voice" in these emails did not seem to be yours. You sent it to me as a BLIND COPY and to no one else that I see. WHO would send a single email that way??? And when I hit "Reply to All", it said it would go to ALL OTHERS whom you had BLIND COPIED -- and I NEVER saw that happen before. So they may get this, too, and I'm copying those mentioned as well!!! I won't blog this, but I want Saffo, City Council, etc., to see what is going on. I've added the US State Department, FBI, NC Atty. Gen. Josh Stein, and Gov. Roy Cooper as well.
I'm TOTALLY EXHAUSTED, but now that the CIA as well as Google/Blogger, HP, and Microsoft are actually HELPING ME, I can relax and assume Saffo, Charlie Rivenbark, and the others CANNOT MURDER ME, now!!! Or don't DARE TO.
CHRISTIANS -- Satan's TOP DEVILS!!! But I still stand with Pope Francis and the Jesuit Order.
The BEST summary of the INSANE WORLD of Gold Walker and Scott Kenan -- LOL!!!:
DDT Outlet has begun TV ADVERTISING and they are HUGE DRUG TRAFFICKERS and Republican/Trump people!!! From their TV ad, I learned that THIS SHARK is the LARGEST SHARK EVER CAUGHT in the ENTIRE WORLD -- or so they claim. Maybe I'll include THEM, TOO, as I send this. And Deb Butler and Jonathan Deputy -- EVERYONE deserves a PROPER WARNING, no???
CAN'T WAIT for Mayor Saffo to direct the Wilmington Symphony Orchestra on July 4!!! BUT a Tropical Storm is forming off South Carolina and we could have up to gale-force winds and tons of rain -- or it might peter out -- weather can be so CHANGEABLE, no???
Well, I HOPE everyone receiving this email has a LOVELY FOURTH OF JULY!!!
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