Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Cleaning Rep. Hakeem Jeffries' Christian (Baptist), White Supremacist, Hard-Drug-Trafficking CLOCK -- LOL!!! ONLY a Fellow Democrat (and Kenan Family Member), Can Do It RIGHT:


Hakeem Sekou Jeffries

>>> I ALREADY got a Received Receipt from Congressman Hakeem Jeffries -- and HAD to be certain Ali Velshi of MSNBC got this RIGHT AWAY!!!


Cc Scott Kenan

The BEST NEWS TODAY, is that like yesterday, when Blog Hits ZOOMED 22% HIGHER -- after Google/Blogger RESTRICTED VIEWS to my posting (and in retrospect, I can see I got a bit DRAMATIC in my use of adult terminology)

Yesterday's posting CLIMBED ANOTHER 23% HIGHER THAN THAT!!!

I have been WANTING to contact Democratic Challenger Jessica Cisneros to Hard-Drug MEGA-Trafficker Texas Congressman Henry Cuellar -- and I crossed the border MANY TIMES at Laredo, Texas, under Cuellar's oversight, and the Border Guards told me how GW Bush had effectively CLOSED THE BORDER for months, backing up Drugs in Mexico so they were sold there to ADDICT MORE PEOPLE and increase the demand for Bush/Clinton Hard Drugs in both Mexico and the USA!!!

Also, Martin Jacobo, part of the Exxon-Mobil (my Kenan Family), CIA, Obama/Clinton State Department Drug Mafia, alternately was very friendly, a SUPER SEX-PARTNER -- he's GIGANTIC, and tried to KILL ME TWICE!!!

Martin Jacobo on left with "Sonny" legally Jimmy Humberto Montaño Prieto (who had helped set up the Colombian Drug Mafia beginning in Brooklyn and beginning with the NYC Police Department and spreading south to Florida -- he a BUTCHER, caught and convicted but released from MAX SECURITY US PRISON after serving 11 of 25 years -- so he could kill for the CIA to protect its operation in Puerta Vallarta).

Martin Jacobo told me how his Mafia Family owns all the land around the big US Customs Checkpoint a few miles north of Laredo, Texas and BACK-PACK the drugs AROUND IT -- in fact Martin was caught doing exactly that, convicted and sentenced to a YEAR in jail, let out after six months, and WENT RIGHT BACK TO DOING IT!!! See halfway down here:

I'm CERTAIN Rep. Cuellar must be a Business Partner with these folks!!!

So, I will send this to Jessica Cisneros tonight -- and write her more extensively, soon.

Also this evening everyone's FAVORITE LIGHT-WEIGHT ATTORNEY with a TV Show, Ari Melber, ONCE AGAIN had Barack Obama's DIRECT LINK to Vladimir Putin via Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook (Trump's BIGGEST Social Media Ally in 2016 and again in 2020), David Plouffe, on his show tonight -- LOL!!!

David Plouffe LEFT Obama's employ to work as the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative's PROGRAMS DIRECTOR only WEEKS before the end of Obama's term!!!

>>> Exclusive: Top House Democrat Unveils Plan to Beat Back Progressive Rebellion

House seats are on the line as progressives challenge incumbents in a string of contested Democratic primaries, part of a broader struggle over the party’s future


Representative Hakeem Sekou Jeffries

Cc: Jessica Cisneros

Additionally, this will go to all Supreme Court Justices, Presidents Biden, Obama, and Clinton, plus VEEP Harris, Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton, and a selection of Progressive Democrats in Congress, via Secured Servers, plus my 390 Political Contacts via email.

February 16, 2022

Dear Congressman Jeffries,

My name is Scott David Kenan and to simplify, a Bernie Sanders supporter in 2016 and 2020 who held his NOSE and voted for TOTALLY CORRUPTED Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden -- but NEVER AGAIN!!!

I'm sure you know of my Kenan family that co-founded UNC Chapel Hill, was FIRST CAUSE via William Rand Kenan, SENIOR, to the Wilmington, NC Coup d'Etat of 1898, controlled Standard Oil of New Jersey in the mid-Twentieth Century when William Rand Kenan, JUNIOR, sent Hitler 43% of all funds used to elect him Chancellor, then built the Oil Refineries in Germany that produced the MAJORITY of motor fuels, lubricants, and petro-chemicals (including Pervitin or Methamphetamine), that FUELED HITLER'S WAR MACHINE!!!

If you know anyone who lost family members fighting Hitler in Europe, send a THANK-YOU CARD to my cousin, Thomas S. Kenan III, c/o Kenan Management, Inc., Europa Drive, Chapel Hill, NC!!!

He and his family control the Lobbyists of Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, Kenan Advantage Group, and MANY other companies that Mainstream Press claims that Joe Biden, Joe Manchin, Nancy Pelosi, probably Chuck Schumer, and apparently YOU AS WELL -- are PAID FOR BY!!!

ALL Politicians are addicted to studying Polls, so you have to know that Progressives are THRILLED that TRUMP-SUPPORTING WHOOOPS!!! -- BIDEN-SUPPORTING MSNBC's ratings have all gone to HELL -- especially since Devout Roman Catholic Rachel Maddow has gone on hiatus to make a film with producer Lorne Michaels (Jeffrey Epstein's close associate who also "cliented" with Frank Hawkins Kenan II), and Donald Trump's HUGE BUSINESS PARTNER Rev. Al "Booty-Call" Sharpton -- 2004 - 2016 -- is MSNBC's idea of America's BEST CHRISTIAN!!!

You also know that nearly every "Christian" voted for Donald Trump, and 64% of those who voted for Biden DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD -- or believe God NEVER responds to PRAYER -- if Christians believed in PRAYER, they would pray COVID, Poverty, Gun Violence, etc., AWAY!!!

Although I was born, raised, and educated as a YANKEE, I am now more of a REBEL (the OPPOSITE of a Christian Idiot), and honor Jesus's Ministry of Peace and Love -- but will FIGHT EVERY GOD-HATING CHRISTIAN DEMOCRAT like New Hanover County Sheriff Ed McMahon, Mayor "Bill" Saffo, District Attorney Benjamin R. David -- as in Wilmington, NC -- like some other places -- the Dems are bigger White Supremacists and Hard-Drug Traffickers than the REPUBLICANS!!!

And I HATE to have to tell you this -- I've known a LOT OF KENNEDYS, but especially Jackie Kennedy Onassis, who WARNED TENNESSEE WILLIAMS at Jean Babette Stein and George Plimpton's party on January 11, 1982, that the Episcopal Church (especially Sewanee), with the Republican Party, CIA Agent John Eastman of Eastman & Eastman Law in NYC (still alive), and the FBI -- and later I learned also with the help of my relatives Frank Hawkins Kenan and James Graham Kenan -- would murder him and then steal his estate -- then worth $10,000,000.00, but now worth OVER $2/3 BILLION -- for the Episcopal Church which also partners with Pete Buttigieg, Tucker Carlson, Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu, and El Chapo Guzman in Hard Drug Trafficking -- from HARVARD:

My own parents set up the Christian Drug Mafias of Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA with Nixon's Aide John Ehrlichman -- whom I got to know WELL -- but never smoked pot with him like some of my co-workers at -- who worked with him TOO!!! 

And Coach Lou Holtz lived across Larwell Drive in Columbus, Ohio in 1968 and 1969 -- when we had SWASTIKAS on our dinner plates and my parents and the Holtzes did the INITIAL PLANNING for the NAZI TAKE-OVER of the USA by Christians in BOTH THE DEM AND REPUB PARTIES!!!

>>> So, the BOTTOM LINE is that I had NO CHOICE ABOUT THIS -- but I must  SERVE MY MASTER !!!

AND, since I had been in correspondence with CLOSET-CASE GAY Massachusetts Congressman Joe Kennedy III -- for YEARS, and knew his 6' 10" black, gay, office manager who had been his COLLEGE ROOMMATE AND LOVER, but Joe PRETENDS to be married (always question the ones who marry LATE!!!), Joe was BEATING MA Senator Ed Markey in the 2020 Primary -- until I sent Senator Markey's Campaign -- as well as the Boston Globe, Harvard Crimson, and other newspapers in the state the following LETTER TO JOE KENNEDY -- and soon Joe Kennedy dropped out of sight like a LEAD BALLOON!!!

I will do the SAME TO YOU if you keep FIGHTING the PROGRESSIVES in the Dem. Party!!!

My Kenan Family had three properties -- each with over 300 African Slaves that they FORCE CONVERTED to Christianity -- and EVERY SOUTHERN WHITE CHRISTIAN PERSON laughs their ASSES OFF at BLACK CHRISTIANS who worship the PAGAN IDOL JESUS -- who was used to ENSLAVE THEM -- like YOUR OWN SORRY ASS DOES.

I HOPE you choose CORRECTLY!!!


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