Saturday, February 26, 2022

Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Lit Fest Announces 2022 Program HALF A YEAR LATE!!! / The Episcopal Church that MURDERED Tennessee Williams and STOLE His $10 Million Estate from Harvard ALSO Was Given $100 Million by My Kenan Family that Put TRUMP INTO POWER for Jesus -- HA!!!


EFFECTIVELY, the entire Tennessee Williams Festival SUPPORTS PUTIN and HATES UKRAINE 


I have not yet decided how MANY of my SCOTUS down through Presidents and TOP CONGRESSIONAL PROGRESSIVES to my cousin-in-law Greg Lernihan I will send this to via Secured Servers!!!:

>>> ALL will see WHY I included Kenan Loomis and Gregg Loomis at the BOTTOM of this -- HA!!! Thomas S. Kenan III BLOCKED ME TOTALLY several months ago:


Cc Scott Kenan

* * *

-- it is NO SECRET that my relatives Frank Hawkins Kenan and James Graham Kenan HELPED THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH MURDER TENNESSEE WILLIAMS -- actually the same people who taught Tennessee's closest friend in late life, Socialite "Texas Kate" (Schweppe) Sharp, Moldawer, and later McNamara, to act like the WEALTHIEST WOMAN ON EARTH -- just like Mary Lily Kenan of Wilmington and Kenansville, NC was declared to be by the New York Times when Henry Flagler, in 1913, left her his ENTIRE ESTATE (including control of all of the new babies of Standard Oil from the 1911 break-up), FORTY PERCENT of all railroad stock in the USA, all of Flagler's Steamship Lines, Florida Land Development Corporations, and of course NEARLY all of Florida's Electric, Gas, and Water/Sewer Utilities -- all of which Kenans have grown to be MORE PROFITABLE!!!

Kenans have been buying Politicians of BOTH Parties for GENERATIONS, now .


1. I continue to have major HACKER PROBLEMS so that BOTH my Windows 10 and 11 computers are each only PARTLY WORKING -- but between them, I have a FUNCTIONING COMPUTER!!!

2. EVERY TIME I boot either one up, it has to RE-REGISTER with Microsoft over my Windows Licenses, and AGAIN I have to establish Google Chrome as default and also Google search, etc., and THEN, SOMEHOW the memories of all my other HISTORY comes back. It is pretty FUNNY -- now that I'm used to it rather than PANICKING that the CIA or my Kenan Family and Vladimir Putin are in charge of that.

3. Yesterday -- right before I finished writing this posting (that has gone SUPER VIRAL), my brother Mike texted me this photo:

I don't remember going there with Mike, but I LOVED SOUTH PHILLY and the Italian section -- in fact, my FAVE RESTAURANT THERE, Cafe' Sud, I used as the SETTING for a DREAM in which Tennessee Williams appeared to me, half-physical and half like a hologram.

In TRUTH, it all happened in my BEDROOM and was a VISION!!!

Mark Beard, the lover of Tennessee Williams's friend Vassilis Voglis who put him through ART SCHOOL after his MORMON PARENTS tossed Mark into the street, created this image of the Ghost of Tennessee Williams leaving the Hotel Elysee where he died by BEING SMOTHERED WITH A PILLOW by John Uecker.

And in fall of 2009, when I'd gotten back in touch with John Uecker -- but had not yet realized that HE had murdered Tennessee Williams on command of Episcopalian CIA Agent John Eastman (ALSO responsible for the CIA murder of John Lennon, and NOW totally partnered with my Kenan Family, Paul McCartney, Dame Jillian Sackler, and GUN-SLINGIN' ALEC BALDWIN), in BRINGING IN THE HARD DRUGS for the CIA and Christian Churches.

Anyway, John Uecker had travelled to the 2009 Provincetown Tennessee Williams Festival by train with Thomas Elliot Keith -- and told me Tom Keith said he had ALL THE GOODS on John Lahr cheating on Connie Booth and having sex with young men, and he was AUTHORIZED BY THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH to BLACKMAIL LAHR to NOT MENTION ME or the truth of Tenn's MURDER, which on the SURFACE did work -- but Lahr and I were connected in email conversation the whole last couple of years I worked completing my manuscript.

So, ANYWAY, Mike inspired me to buy everything for about five cheesesteaks HOMEMADE, so about $10.00 for all of THAT, when the cheapest in Wilmington would cost me $8.00 just for ONE!!! 

Also, I bought a turkey tenderloin to roast in celebration of Elizabeth Taylor's Birthday, tomorrow.

I will write Brenda Janowitz tomorrow while that roasts with potatoes, etc. See bottom half here:

And HERE is my Prologue that includes my "Dream"

THIS is what only NOW I am finally FULLY APPRECIATING:


February 26, 2022

After I send this FIRST to these people, I will post TO WHOM I SENT IT at the top of this posting -- and then I will SAVE IT and ADD TO IT, and over the next month, get all of this info and MORE to MANY of this year's Presenters whom I have NOT MET!!!

I will write mostly as if addressing Thomas Elliot Keith. One of the FIRST people I ever met at the Festival the FIRST time I attended, in 2004. At THAT time, I had a HUGE CRUSH on Thomas and even blogged (after I began it in 2008), about how he "dripped Testosterone everywhere he walked!!!"

And I mostly have GREAT MEMORIES of Tom Keith. JUST LIKE Thomas told me in 2005 that he plied Festival Executive Director Paul J. Willis with TONS OF DRUGS and then sticking his GIANT DORK up Paul's butt. Later, in 2009 and in Greenwich Village, during a lunch with Thomas and his long-time Colombian Lover, Arturo Noguera, I don't remember if they actually OFFERED THIS, or their behavior implied it, but they BOTH PROMISED SEX WITH ME in a THREESOME!!!

See Arturo's GIANT EARS??? Yep, he's as HUNG as all the OTHER COLOMBIANS in the Exxon-Mobil, Episcopal Church/Kenan Family with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton DRUG MAFIAS that held me HOSTAGE five times in Puerto Vallarta in 2010 -- WITH MY PARENTS' AND SISTERS' HELP!!!

And WHILE I'M AT IT -- this shows all those OTHER connections of Crime and Criminals SPONSORED by the CIA and the Episcopal Church:

OK, Thomas Keith has NOT AGED WELL -- as is COMMON for DRUG ADDICTS:

Tom Keith actually gave them this photo for this year's brochure -- and he looks TERRIBLE -- even worse than his LAST PHOTO:

But look who TOTALLY SNUBBED ME at the event in Episcopal Cathedral St. John the Divine -- and every other time I've run into him -- but SUDDENLY, I find him HOT AS HELL and the OBJECT of ALL OF MY LUSTS RIGHT NOW!!!


And LOOK at Jef Flavin-Hall's (sic), TWITTER PAGE, where he OFFERS HIS BUTT IN THE AIR for some HOT PROBING!!!

May God also grant all of us the wisdom to ask what concrete steps we can take to reduce the violence and weaponry in our midst.

To Jef's CREDIT, he has NOT TWEATED since posting this!!! I wonder if he met Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel in Chicago's Man's Country Gay Bathhouse -- like SO MANY of my friends have, including Jamie Lee Sutherland, working with Wilmington, NC's D.A. Benjamin R. David, Fox News -- and even Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel.

ALL of this has been established as ABSOLUTE FACT -- no matter WHAT the MEDIA SAYS!!!

OK, this is enough for tonight. Later, I will add MORE and send it to more and more Presenters at this year's TENNESSEE WILLIAMS FESTIVAL!!!

I hear HUGE LAUGHTER from not just Kenneth Holditch and Annette Saddik, but Paul Willis -- a very nice guy who in his youth allowed Tom Keith to PLOW HIS SKINNY BUTT repeatedly -- but with BOTH LUBE and DRUGS!!!

Erol and Peggy Scott Laborde -- who SEVERAL top Festival People have written to me are two of the BIGGEST CRIMINALS in New Orleans -- need to RESIGN IMMEDIATELY!!! I will go for the BIGGEST FISHES FIRST!!!

JUST LIKE Chris Cuomo -- the closet-case GAY like his Uncle former Governor "Tit-Barbells" Andrew Cuomo -- whom Miss Don Lemon fell in love with ON AIR!!!

Looks like Don Lemon GOT OVER IT!!!

And speaking of BIG FISHES -- I for the first time in YEARS ran across Kenan Loomis, when I googled "Kenan" to see the results since SO MANY KENANS have Wikipedia, UNC Archives, TOP CHARITY LISTINGS, etc., -- but Kenan Thompson is now GRABBING ALL THE OXYGEN from the Kenan Family Online!!!

Of course, I came up high on the list, but ALSO HIGH ON IT was Kenan Loomis:

In 1990, when James Graham Kenan of Andrews Drive in Atlanta was going SENILE, he referred me to his WIFE'S NEPHEW Gregg Loomis -- so no blood relative of mine -- but Uncle Jimmy had married a ROMAN CATHOLIC and they raised all of THEIR CHILDREN in the Catholic Church!!!

I met with Mr. Loomis in his outer office, and HE first told me that the Episcopalian Kenans hate only JEWS more than they hate "NIGGERS" -- but then sent me to his SON, Kenan, then three years out of Law School with a small office in Decatur, GA -- but Kenan couldn't help me EITHER -- but I had NO ANIMOSITY with either of them, and I ran into Gregg Loomis TWICE -- years later -- and he CONFIRMED THIS when he was featured speaker at the Atlanta and later Georgia Writers Clubs!!!

Gregg Loomis in 2015

So, I will put Kenan Loomis on one of my Email Lists -- at least for a few days -- so he and his father SEE what I am doing to the EPISCOPALIAN KENANS -- HA!!!

The ORIGINAL Episcopal Confederate Mace STILL KEPT at Sewanee/University of the South.


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