Jason was very WISE in that over the last few days he has posted ads for his campaign on Facebook titled, "BREAKING NEWS!!!"
And Jason ALSO was SMART to let my two, THREE, long comments on them REMAIN -- because I can post what I can prove to be true, but NO POLITICIAN could post without being SHOT DEAD BY CHRISTIANS -- HA!!!
As ALL Wilmingtonians know, New Hanover County Commissioners -- with only the exception of Rob Zapple -- allowed the Christian CIA, CIA Agent Kevin Maurer, the Presbyterian Churches with Mayor Saffo's LAP-DOG Tony McEwen, the Cameron Family and with their Live Oak Bank -- to STEAL the Citizens-Owned Hospital, New Hanover Regional Medical Center -- now NHRMC-Novant Health -- for their Republican Party and Presby Church.
Commission Head Julia Olson-Boseman -- at least a month ago -- voluntarily CEASED FUNCTIONING AS A LAWYER -- because she knows she will soon lose her License and PROBABLY get a long PRISON TERM!!! She is a DEVOUT METHODIST like her top co-Drug Traffickers, Bill and Hillary Clinton.
Democratic Commissioner Rev. Jonathan Barfield, Jr. is an Asst. Pastor at the BIGGEST BLACK CHURCH in Drug Trafficking in the Lower Cape Fear, New Beginning Christian Church, whose Pastor Robert Campbell NEVER had a class in Theology, but has ADVANCED DEGREES in Business:
AND, Dem. Barfield got next to NO CONTRIBUTIONS FROM DEMOCRATS -- but HUGE FUNDS from a Republican Dark Money Org in Raleigh -- the SAME ONE who did everything spreading LIES about my personal friend Leslie Cohen so that she lost -- because REPUBLICANS WANT TO MURDER ALL JEWS!!!
I've seriously reported on how Mayor "Bill" Saffo and Commissioner Charlie Rivenbark run HARD DRUGS in association with the Saffo Drug Mafia of NYC, DID MURDER my friend Evan William Fish on September 3, 2011, and TRIED to murder me on February 13, 2017.
MORE worrisome is the CORRUPTION of Councilman Kevin Spears, the son of a TRUE CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER, who allied himself very recently with Sonya Bennetone-Patrick, whose alias is Sonya AmenRa. ALL of the REAL Black Civil Rights Leaders I've met in NC CONDEMN Sonya Patrick as a FAKE!!! And here is her SLUTTY DAUGHTER, Rhonda Sekhmet Ra -- another pretender to EGYPTIAN ROYALTY and SPIRITUALITY -- HA!!!
The New Hanover County School Board is SUCH A MESS that I can't begin to describe what's been happening there. It BARELY continues to FUNCTION, NOW, and I charged Nelson Beaulieu with CLEANING IT UP!!!
And my Kenan Family made CERTAIN to appoint Ammo-Sexual Holly Grange to the Board of Trustees of UNC Wilmington. She's so HATEFUL that even REPUBLICANS TOTALLY REJECTED HER in her last statewide election!!!
How the Republican Party of New Hanover County raises funds under Chairman Will Knecht:
I DID pick up my CORRECTED Diltiazem prescription yesterday, and laughed with many Costco Employees about how their CEO Craig Jelinek is a TOTAL TRUMP SUPPORTER in partnership with their LARGEST SUPPLIERS, my Kenan Family of Chapel Hill, who supply every Costco not only with GASOLINE, but with Coca-Cola products.
OK, other comments I posted on other ads by Jason Minnicozzi, that BEGAN with this one at top, here: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2021/07/jason-minnicozzi-my-acquaintance-and.html

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