I could NOT find a direct link to this film clip, but it can be viewed from Lighthouse Films' Facebook Page:
SEE MORE on Charlie Rivenbark: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2021/07/christian-drug-mafioso-and-murderer.html
After my mother hung the phone up on me when I told her how the Trump Supporters downtown yesterday were so viciously hateful and claimed to be doing it for Jesus, I realized that Mom is THROUGH-AND-THROUGH a Roman Catholic NAZI and will NEVER GIVE UP trying to turn the USA NAZI for her top partner, Pope Francis.
EVERYONE is "Redeemable", but:
My mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, is the BIGGEST WHORE I've ever met in my LIFE -- and I've met Nancy Reagan!!!
Mom told me today, that yesterday, she had gone to a LATER Mass -- because so few of those she worshiped with and spoke with had RETURNED to worship at the earlier service -- but the later one was even MORE ABANDONED!!! And she ADMITTED that she NEVER socializes with those at church, but simply says hello to some she frequently sees there -- and she has NO FRIENDS from her own parish, where she has worshipped since late 1999!!!
It ALL MADE SENSE -- since Mom gets ALL her Catholic Information from RIGHT-WING publications she subscribes to -- and watching Fox News, OAN, and Eternal Word TV Network (EWTN).
So, once again, I've decided that with Mom, I will avoid the subjects she can't stand -- but I HOPE my Readers are MATURE ENOUGH to face truth:

It is EASY to understand why WHITE PEOPLE worship Jesus -- it is GOD'S PROMOTION OF WHITE SUPREMACY -- and my Kenan relatives who had as many as 900 African Slaves at one time, FORCE-CONVERTED THEM to Christian -- since the New Testament says Slaves must obey their Masters as if they are Jesus Christ!!!
So after I RE-ESTABLISHED our DETENTE, I had a chance to discuss my new Medical Issues with Mom -- before calling my Doctor.
For a week, I've had several patches on my right butt cheek that FEEL like boils that have not yet come to having heads -- and I've been WAITING for that to happen so I can safely EXPRESS THEM in a hot shower. Yesterday, I used a mirror and noticed they are NOT like any kind of infection but possibly BED SORES, but they are spreading wider and feel like "cauliflower", and look like red rash. They are so painful I can only sleep on my other side -- AND I sprained my back (probably from the poor posture hunched over my computer for hours every day), and I'm GINGERLY doing stretching exercises and trying to remember to sit up straight.
Mom and I discussed several things that might give me temporary relief from pain, but agreed that I need to see my doctor. AFTER I got off from making an appointment early tomorrow -- I realized that it could even be SHINGLES (I've actually had Chicken Pox TWICE).
That would be ironic, since only a week ago, I decided that the next time I see my doctor, I will get the Shingles Vaccine!!!
And I'll drink a few beers tonight, to sleep.
Martin Luther answering charges of heresy before the Diet of Worms in 1521
The Trial of Martin Luther: An Account
(Luther's Hearings Before the Diet at Worms on Charges of Heresy)
by Douglas O. Linder (2010)
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