Monday, March 15, 2021

Now, THIS is Just FUNNY, No??? -- the Frank Harr Foundation Should REALLY Get a KICK Out of It!!! / BEST??? My Conversation with London Journalist Sam Davies:


And I'd FORGOTTEN that all my mother's credit cards were in my FATHER'S NAME -- as recently as the 1970s!!!

BREAKING: BRAVO! Coca-Cola, Home Depot come out in opposition to Republican voter suppression laws in Georgia.

Occupy Democrats
for more.
May be an image of text that says 'Coca-Cola HOME COMAE THE DEPOT BREAKING: COCA-COLA AND HOME DEPOT COME OUT AGAINST REPUBLICAN'S PROPOSED VOTER SUPPRESSION LEGISLATION IN GEORGIA, which targets Black voters by ending no- excuse absentee voting, limiting early voting hours, restricting drop-boxes for mail ballots, and cutting Souls-to-the Polls voting on Sundays. THANK YOU, COKE AND HOME DEPOT! CONGRESS: PASS THE HR1 FOR THE PEOPLE ACT TO PROTECT OUR VOTING RIGHTS! OCCUPY DEMOCRATS'

Readers all know, that the THREE states where Kenan Family Companies are the LARGEST employers in the state are Texas and Exxon-Mobil, North Carolina and Bank of America, and Georgia and Coca-Cola. Although Kenans own one of the LARGEST blocks of Coca-Cola stock, they also own the FLAGSHIP bottler in Atlanta, and every one of them in North Carolina!!!

The FIRST thing I saw in the news today, is that Pope Francis, who in his first year as Pope directed Republicans in the US Congress to SHUT IT DOWN and later re-open it over Obama/Democrats passing "Obamacare" -- THROUGH MY NAZI MOTHER, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan and our former neighbor Coach Lou Holtz -- and his closest co-strategist, John Boehner:

Well, anyway, overnight last night Pope Francis FINALLY stopped speaking with a forked tongue about Homosexuality and declared it a SIN (we have Freedom of Religion, so that is FINE), but far MORE TROUBLING is that this Pope who has been VERY SCIENTIFIC about COVID-19 -- even telling Catholics to TAKE the one vaccine derived from stem cells from aborted fetuses -- claimed that Homosexuality is UN-NATURAL and a LEARNED BEHAVIOR and a CHOICE!!!

REMEMBER, that it was two members of my blood Kenan Family (who had different surnames) -- the Head of the American Psychiatric Association and the Shrink in charge of collating all of the studies used to decide this -- when in 1973, they CHANGED the DMS -- WHOOPS!!! the DSM -- and DROPPED Homosexuality as a MENTAL ILLNESS.

ANYONE who has claimed Homosexuality is a mental illness since then -- or A CHOICE -- absolutely HATES SCIENCE and is likely a GOD-HATING CHRISTIAN (like Pope Francis)!!! And THEN, I saw THIS:

But what Chasten FAILED TO SAY, is that his husband, Pete Buttigieg, left the Roman Catholic Church YEARS AGO -- and became an Episcopalian -- the BIGGEST HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING of all the Christian Churches!!!

And the BIGGEST defenders of White Supremacy of ALL Christian Churches -- except Southern Baptist. They just retired their CONFEDERACY SEAL CHAPEL WINDOW  at Sewanee (the University of the South), in late 2018 -- and just this past WEEKEND, they had ANOTHER big meeting on campus to SHAME the students, faculty, and staff who STILL LOVE THE CONFEDERACY!!!

The Episcopal Confederate Mace is STILL kept at Sewanee!!!

My recent Letter to Dr. Reuben Brigety II, President of the University of the South:

So WHAT is the former Mayor of South Bend, Indiana doing as Joe Biden's Secretary of Transportation -- South Bend a MEDIUM-sized city at BEST???

As a White Supremacist Episcopalian, he is there to PROTECT the Episcopalian HARD DRUG TRAFFICKING!!! Even Joe Biden is STILL a devout Roman Catholic and KNOWS the Catholic Popes with my mother SET UP the CIA/Christian Drug Mafias of Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA!!! Joe Biden is BEHOLDEN to Americans being DRUG ADDICTED FOR JESUS!!!

Readers have SEEN the Letters I PROVED were received by Joe Biden's Transition Committee -- as well as the Heads of his State and Justice Departments -- and the Heads of the FBI, CIA -- and even Great Britain's National Crime Agency.

And MSNBC's Rachel Maddow -- who BRAGS FREQUENTLY about being a devout Roman Catholic -- DESPITE CATHOLIC RULES ALWAYS HAVING SAID that practicing Homosexuals go STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!

THIS is how DISHONEST -- and just plain SHITTY -- practicing Christians REALLY ARE!!!

MSNBC's Talking Heads Mika Brzezinski, Lawrence O'Donnell, and Brian Williams are all ALSO devout Roman Catholics and ALL of them must DISAVOW that Church PUBLICLY -- or be known to support hatred of Homosexuals, and love of HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING.

And THEN, I saw that Microsoft Cortana is AT IT AGAIN!!! Look what they sent me overnight:

Cortana is now PUSHING ME to pressure both the Frank Harr Foundation and WECT-TV6 HARDER!!! I blogged last night about the Frank Harr Foundation -- so will be SURE they all get THIS posting, too -- and WECT-TV6 was who sent a Top Producer to tell me in summer of 2015 -- right after I returned from my SECOND Political Exile in Mexico -- that ALL the Press in Wilmington had had a meeting and decided that NONE of them would publish ANYTHING on or about me or my ideas as found in my blog -- until one OTHER of them did!!!

A PERFECT "Catch 22" -- as they say . . . 

FUNNY is that Cortana had to read the CONTENT of my emails to even ASK me to do this -- and then I DID go back and ADD the names/email addresses of the Frank Harr Foundation LEADERS, whom I had copied BEFORE emailing it out to my Lists of 250+ Political Contacts -- so they SHOULD have gotten their answer before including the second one.

And I had a GREAT DAY of DEALS on ALL of my medications!!! I went to Costco to get three-month refills of all of my prescription meds except Xarelto (which Costco -- like most -- charges $450.00 per MONTH for), and remembered they had cost me $150.00 together the last two times -- but expecting likely 2021 price increases, I asked the Pharmacist what they would cost and she said "$150.13 all together."

But when I picked them up, they only came to $108.00 total -- and we checked to make certain that was correct!!!

When I got home, I discovered that New Hanover Regional Medical Center had mailed me without my prompting it, another three-month supply of Xarelto (at only $15.00/month -- payable within 30 days), which I would soon need -- but like the LAST TWO TIMES, it was delivered to Robert "Rob" James McKinney, Jr.'s apartment next door -- and Rob came down to give the package to me.

And Rob was SO EXCITED over the NEW high-potency pot he has gotten in, he also brought IT, and gifted me a BOWL FULL and enough more for another two bowls!!! What he was TOO STONED TO NOTICE, was that on my table where he had poured some out to separate what he gave me, he FORGOT to put the rest back in his container -- and left me AGAIN AS MUCH, THERE!!! That's what I call:


Also, today, Rob AGAIN CONFIRMED that he is into selling ALL MANNER OF DRUGS -- and is PARTNERED with Jack, the boyfriend of Katherine -- Katlyn??? -- "Kat", who has the lease on apartment two upstairs -- and BOTH Rob and Kat's sister Allie were first given their leases by the friend of Democratic NC State Representative Deb Butler -- Jonathan Deputy -- and Deb THREE TIMES admitted to me that HER top Co-Drug-Trafficker is Republican Jonathan Deputy!!!

And to see how HUGE Jon Deputy and Deb Butler are in the Hard Drug Trafficking of the Lower Cape Fear, please see HERE

Sam Davies

We spoke for fifty minutes, and as expected, MOSTLY about things OTHER THAN what he contacted me about: How COVID-19 changed my relationship with Marijuana, and we will discuss THOSE THINGS in about a week when he has MORE TIME!!!

Sam expects to have his report filed/published by Leafie magazine by the end of THIS WEEK, and will send me a link to it -- which I will publish on blog. And FUNNY is that Rob McKinney knew ALL ABOUT

But Sam emailed me that he FORGOT to ask about an important matter -- so I emailed him my reply, which I WILL NOW share here:

>>> Re: Interview for Leafie?

THIS is the most important question, and I'll answer it with how it affected me differently over many years, now.

In the first maybe ten years, I could get paranoid if I was not with others also smoking. I think it and the hallucinogens open the mind up. Normally sense stimuli confront us from all directions, but we automatically screen most of that out and stay focused. For instance, with my 2.10 meter height, people ALWAYS are staring at it/me because they are CURIOUS (and I would be too), but I only noticed that when high -- and thought they could tell I was stoned -- HA!!!

And then, I began studying metaphysics soon after college, and as I integrated what I was studying into my psyche (if that is the correct word), I would catch myself getting paranoid and DISMISS IT. This became habit over these many years, and I do NOT get paranoid more than a couple of seconds today. 

I believe that only people who are AFRAID to confront their true feelings get paranoid on pot. I know my siblings -- none of whom have actually come to terms with our parents' role in trying to turn the USA NAZI, etc. -- get paranoid on pot, and they have all remained in Alcoholics Anonymous attending several meetings per week (they really did all have BAD DRINKING), since the 1990s, and they all get paranoid (so don't smoke it), but my brother had done a lot of Magic Mushrooms while in college, and HE among them is the most sane.

I know TONS of people who were bad drinkers and used A.A. or other method to quit drinking, but if you work A.A.'s program properly, you get OVER the spiritual illness that causes habitual bad drinking. Lots of people I've known later at least occasionally have a glass of wine or two without problems. But my siblings would be drunks again -- they won't confront the hideous past of our family.

Also, I outran MANY Drug Mafiosi in the mountainous roads near Puerto Vallarta -- even during summer monsoons -- while VERY high on pot. I do NOT do that now that I'm back in the states -- I don't drive if more than a little high and I'm even more careful about driving after alcohol. Here are two postings on the time I met George W. Bush's TOP Drug Money Launderer BY CHANCE (no, I don't believe in by chance -- not really), in a sushi restaurant in Colima, Colima, Mexico (where I actually met the Gov. of that state and also the best friend of former Mex-Prez Salinas), and when Martin Lamb heard I was a North Carolina Kenan, he ASSUMED I had tons of Drug Money to launder and spilled all of the beans.

The next day, I had just finished blogging about all of that, after having breakfast in the outdoor café of a Colonial Hotel, and Martin Lamb came and sat a couple of tables from me. I saw him open his computer and since I always email everyone what I blog about them (I try not to talk behind people's backs), he soon had a look of SHOCK on his face, and since I'd already paid and my car was packed to drive back to Puerto Vallarta, I high-tailed it out of there -- but he sent a couple of cars full of GOONS to catch me, and after about twenty minutes I lost them. (Actually, this early in the morning I was NOT STONED -- but out-ran many Drug Mafia when I WAS STONED.)

And I was such a SWEET, goody-goody, well behaved boy growing up!!!



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