Monday, March 8, 2021

This Morning, Microsoft Corporation Asked Me to FOLLOW UP with Fred Eshelman (founder of PPD here in Wilmington, NC), on My Questions about His SUING Donald Trump -- and Fred's DRUG TRAFFICKING for JESUS CHRIST!!!


This actually came via EMAIL to my secondary (Microsoft), account, and at FIRST was a little FREAKY -- to think that some person there or Artificial Intelligence has been monitoring my emails -- but I am a TOTALLY PUBLIC PERSON with NOTHING TO HIDE, since I break no laws except minor Marijuana temporary possession -- until I destroy the evidence by FIRE!!!

Since it is in response to an email whose title also mentions my missive to the Head of the United Kingdom's National Crime Agency, I will be CERTAIN to send this posting to them as well. They need SOMETHING other than the ROYAL-HOUSE FREAKOUT over Harry and Meghan to contemplate, no???

And then I will send Microsoft a REPLY to their question about whether their questioning me was helpful -- with a link to this posting.

My original Open Letter to Fred Eshelman:

Fredric Eshelman

Fredric Eshelman, Owner

Eshelman Ventures, LLC

319 N. 3rd Street, Suite 301

Wilmington, NC 28401


March 8, 2021

Dear Mr. Eshelman,

I hope you are doing well, despite your still-missing $2.5 million dollars that you FOOLISHLY sent to Donald Trump to OVERTURN the 2020 Election. YOU -- of all people -- had to know he didn't WIN, so YOU deliberately financially supported the Christian/NAZI/Ku Klux Klan Insurrection of the Capitol as well!!!

I found NOTHING in the News showing any change of your situation -- except that your lawsuit has so far gone NOWHERE.

But what was MOST important to me was for Microsoft Corporation to ask me DIRECTLY via email -- instead of just popping up a Cortana Message on my Windows 10 computer. I'm lining up CORPORATE SUPPORT (or at least interest), not just the interest of Merrick Garland, Antony Blinken, Christopher Wray, David Cohen, and Dame Lynne Gillian Owens, DCB, CBE, QPM, Director-General of UK's National Crime Agency.

So, AGAIN, I ask you directly, did you act -- as so many Wilmingtonians believe -- with my parents William Scott Kenan and Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan -- Nixon's Aide John Ehrlichman, and the Bush, Cheney, Saudi Royal, and Bin Laden Families -- as well as the CIA -- and FLOOD Wilmington with Opioids and other Addictive Drugs???

And since you are a non-specific Christian, on WHAT AUTHORITY do you call yourself that??? What SPECIFIC Bible and or Theological Training do you have -- and WHO provided it to you??? How much money do you send to Christian Church(es), and how much each of the last five years???

Or did you just see these and take them as LITERAL TRUTH???

And your TOP SUPPORTER in Wilmington Politics, Drug Mafia, Closet-Case HOMO Mayor Vassilios Avgerinos "Bill" Saffo is now SCARED TO DEATH to declare his 2021 Candidacy for Mayor -- as is DRUG THUG City Councilman Charlie Rivenbark. The Filing Season has been open for a MONTH NOW, and Incumbents who plan to run should have DECLARED THAT by now!!!

But, as everyone knows, Saffo FIRST ran for Office in FULL SUPPORT of PPD's remaining in Wilmington (you ARE a HUGE EMPLOYER, so some sense in that), and Saffo's FIRST POLITICAL HERO whom he worked for was Republican Senator Jessie Helms, the SAME PERSON that my own FATHER always claimed HE was most responsible for getting elected to the Senate the first time.

When "Bill" Saffo was FIRST elected Mayor, he was HOT AS HELL and sharing his dork with his now-divorced wife, Renee Saffo, as well as MANY YOUNG MEN!!!

And of course, NOW, Saffo's BIG ACHIEVEMENT is FALLING APART before it is even COMPLETED!!!

Let me say that ONE SOLUTION would be for Harper Peterson to AGAIN run for Mayor. He planned to serve another six years as a North Carolina State Senator, so surely he could serve two or three two-year Mayoral Terms, no???

And he could partner with City Councilman Kevin Spears in REFORMING City Council to serve the PEOPLE -- instead of the Drug-Trafficking, White Supremacist Christian Churches (especially Presbyterian and Episcopal ones), and all the CHRISTIAN FAT CATS, such as yourself!!!

Well, I've satisfied myself with this second missive -- and only hope that Microsoft Corporation (and my pals in Law Enforcement in North Carolina, the US Federal Government, and UK's National Crime Agency), are satisfied too.

But NO ONE will be satisfied until you ANSWER OUR QUESTIONS!!!

All best,

Scott D. Kenan


Soul Alchemy

6d  · 

The Lie said to the Truth, "Let's take a bath together, the well water is very nice." The Truth, still suspicious, tested the water and found out it really was nice. So they got naked and bathed. But suddenly, the Lie leapt out of the water and fled, wearing the clothes of the Truth.

The Truth, furious, climbed out of the well to get her clothes back. But the World, upon seeing the naked Truth, looked away, with anger and contempt. Poor Truth returned to the well and disappeared forever, hiding her shame. Since then, the Lie runs around the world, dressed as the Truth, and society is very happy...

Because the world has no desire to know the naked Truth.

Painting: Truth Coming Out Of The Well, Jean-Léon Gérome, 1896.

Michelangelo's Naked Christ


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