Thursday, December 20, 2018

Thank GOD We Have Come to THIS!!! (a side-tracked blog posting):

And following, is the WORST TRASH of my Kenan Family:

An Episcopalian Sycophant, Betty (Price) Kenan of Durham, NC, and Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Let's face it: Congress is made up overwhelmingly of Christians -- with a few Jews (all of them Democrats), some Mor(m)ons, and a tiny number of Muslims. I am not aware that there are any Buddhists, Hindus, or Atheists.

Mormons are FAR MORE EVIL than even the worst Christians, and to GET TO A BETTER SOCIETY, society and the physical world have to FIRST get to near total ASHES, before the "Savior" can appear. 

Jews, Christians, and Muslims ALL are REQUIRED to believe this, and although MOST WILL DENY they believe this (think "Liberals and Progressives" -- but it is THIS in their sub-consciousnesses that turned the Democrats into PUSSIES in their EFFECTIVELY fighting the Republicans)


So let's all let the God-Hating, God-Fucking RELIGIONISTS work all this shit out.

The rest of us will make a new world from the rubble they leave behind.

And any of THEM still alive -- will work as our MANUAL LABORERS!!!

An "Equal Time" message from the WHITE SUPREMACISTS -- AKA: Christians.

So there is so much news that needs some digestion, still, today, but it FLOODS IN -- like it or NOT!!!

This morning, I called Carry Haddad Gallery in New York -- they had gotten me back in touch with Mark Beard in 2009 -- to VERIFY if I have Mark's long-time partner, now legal husband, Jim Manfredi's correct email address (which I pulled up from a very old posting of all the addresses my blog gets emailed to).

The woman I spoke with was so nice -- and we laughed through some of my Kenan Family's crimes, as well as my having to TWICE live in Mexico in Political Exile with Colin Powell's people's help, that I now work with Lt. Gen. Russel Honore', Rob Reiner, and even former President of Mexico Vicente Fox. See, I bet they all know that Mark Beard's great-grandfather was one of the three Joseph Smith dictated the Book of Mormon to -- and they NOW own the BIGGEST Mormon Bank (and disinherited Mark DECADES AGO).

But I learned almost NOTHING from Mark about the corruption of the Mormons -- and I have TONS of GREAT STORIES of my own dealings with Mormons which I think will tickle Mark's fancy -- beginning with Jennifer McCracken of Wilmington, and ALSO my direct dealings with Mitt and Ann Romney, after Mitt's second cousin, Bill (Wilhelm) Romney by legal gay marriage wanted to DATE ME, but commenced to HARASSING ME -- LOL!!!

And the woman I spoke with said I had the right address for Mr. Manfredi (whom I also know), and I never had Mark's email address -- but wrote him (a very busy -- compulsive, even, artist -- like I'm a compulsive blogger), through Jim. And then she offered that she will email Mark directly, and give him MY email address, which she got.

I told her I will try writing through Jim anyway, because the CIA, Russian Hackers -- or whatever -- frequently interrupt my electronic communications of all types.

Here is how MOST people know Mark's work -- he designed all the somewhat homoerotic environments of Abercrombie & Fitch, years ago:

The ceiling of A&F's flagship store in New York City.

In the meantime, I suggest my Readers check Carrie Haddad Gallery's extensive posting of Mark's work available for SALE!!!:

You will notice, that in the top row at far right is THIS IMAGE that Mark Beard gave me permission to use in my blog:

And I also used it in the BLOG EDITION of my memoir (free for all to read), on THIS page:


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