TR Nunley with Ryan Lee Burris
>>> IN RESPONSE TO THIS BLOG POSTING: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2018/11/breaking-ryan-lee-burris-with-his-drug.html
- Hi Bruce Mason -- I will re-post your comment in a new blog post -- then reply to you there: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2018/12/lawyer-bruce-mason-after-one-too-many.html.
Bruce Mason when I met him in 2015 -- at his HOTTEST (and yes -- before realizing he is married to his Law Partner, Amanda Mason -- I offered him FREE MANLY SERVICES)!!!
Amanda Mason
I think the BEST way to do this is to post Bruce's comment in, and then reply point-by-point:
You say that you take no pleasure in this. I disagree. It's almost like you're doing a victory dance and saying "I told you so!"
First of all, by your not-far-below comment, "and then continued with my statements in a less harsh way," I know from its plurality -- and because it's clear that the others whose comments I more briefly referred to in this posting, Julia Olson-Boseman, and the Admin of my second cousin Lawyer/Drug Court Judge Robert C. "Bobby" Kenan, Jr., of Burgaw, NC, were NOT what you meant.
You are PARTIALLY correct. Although I thought Ryan Lee Burris had HUGE PROMISE, and it is a SHAME that his family, the Gay Groups he led in Wilmington, and his co-Democratic Party Leaders in New Hanover County TOTALLY FAILED RYAN, who should have gotten REAL REHAB -- instead of them ALL profiting from his HUGE Drug Trafficking with disgraced former NC State Senator, Republican Thom Goolsby -- and others.
I personally would have worded this differently to reflect the "no pleasure" you stated. Rather start with a more solemn comment.
This is a very "lawyerly reply" -- and reminds me of the time in 2015 when I ran into Judge Robin Wickes Robinson at the Deli Counter of a Harris Teeter, and she TOO upbraided me for using "bad language" in my blog (at least Judge Robinson READS IT, no???) -- as if lawyers and judges aren't USED to FRANK LANGUAGE. Sadly for you BOTH, I am too honest for that.
I don't agree with politicians that distribute drugs to the very community that they are representing and claiming to love and protect. I don't think you are completely wrong with the point you're trying to make, I just feel like it could have been said more tastefully and maybe people would see this more seriously instead of viewing it as a trash session or attempt at attention.
I'm more definite in MY assessments, and CONDEMN the politicians whom you simply "disagree with". I KNOW you know of what I speak/write -- we discussed that in DETAIL in your office while you BRILLIANTLY got Anthony Humphrey to tell you by phone that he had witnessed Jennifer McCracken slashing my two tires and even ADMITTING THAT WITH WORDS to him -- late summer of 2015. I (actually Joseph Crawford Faulk, Jr., of NYC), paid you about $1,800.00 to defend me -- a negotiated lower fee -- and I selected YOU of the lawyers I spoke with because you were obviously SMARTER.
Then Jenny NEVER SHOWED IN COURT -- because she had EXPECTED her Lesbian Crushee, Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther (http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2015/08/i-squeezed-judge-lindsey-luthers-pussy.html as well as this: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2018/01/evidence-against-judge-lindsey.html):
Jennifer McCracken
Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther
Anyway, while Judge McKee would NORMALLY have presided in that Court on that day, either Judge Hogston or Judge Noecker were SWITCHED IN two days before, so Jenny knew BETTER than to show -- and her claim of my violating a Restraining Order was DISMISSED (but YOU still got paid).
People who get "tied up in their shorts" over my language are NOT MY AUDIENCE -- but I am HAPPY to "piss them off".
And proof helps. I personally would have waited for the results or stated that "I fear that his passing was due to addiction, but I don't know for 100 % until the autopsy report is released."
Well, before writing this comment, YOU never checked results, and I have just learned myself that on December 7, 2018, the REVISED and Final Ryan Lee Burris Obituary was posted here: https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/starnewsonline/obituary.aspx?n=ryan-lee-burris&pid=190928467&fhid=11971, and it begins:

And then the GO FUND ME PAGE was also revised to mirror the above: https://www.gofundme.com/ryan-lee-burris-donation-page.
STRANGEST is that they BOTH claim that a memorial is being planned for Ryan in "Wilmington, DELAWARE" -- LOL!!! (someone ELSE was writing while TOO HIGH, no???).
Also, not much more money has been collected, but at least County Commissioner Rob Zapple (whom I actually TRUST and LIKE), and his wife had the decency to contribute more than most. I have wanted to, but remain too BROKE to give at this time.
And then (you) continued with my statements in a less harsh way.
BINGO: You are identified.
You want to save people from drugs? Then be open minded and realize that you're actually doing more harm than good in publicly shaming someone immediately after their death. In my opinion. And again, I agree with you on the dirty politics, but I am not so much about this public shaming without valid proof. But again this is just my opinion.
I hope maybe next time you might give the family and friends a little time before they have people who are going to treat them differently now and not in a good way, a little time to grieve and yourself time to gather facts. And then maybe I would believe that you aren't doing a victory dance or an "I told you so dance" after someone has lost their life. Or maybe at least word it to reflect that you're not taking pleasure in someone's death.
GOD, I wish you were SINGLE AND AVAILABLE -- just like your PREVIOUS Law Associate, Alex Nicely:
When I was homeless in 2011 - 12 -- and like so many in that situation, "frequently in and out of Court" -- all the men and women had HUGE CRUSHES on the nicely-named Prosecutor Alex Nicely. Then he got ADDICTED TO METH and worked as Bruce and Amanda Mason's Law Associate:
Alex Nicely's photo taken from Mason & Mason's website.
While Bruce BRIEFLY repped me against the Time-Warner truck that knocked me 12 feet out of the crosswalk in front of the County Court House and City Hall on February 13, 2017 -- until my Kenan Cousin, Barbara "Bonnie" Weyher of Raleigh (http://www.ymwlaw.com/ymw-attorneys/barbara-b-bonnie-weyher/), and her FLUNKY LAWYER, Brian M. Williams DEMANDED that Bruce FIRE ME on order of MY KENAN FAMILY -- then SCREWED ME, is well-documented in this blog.
Cousin Bonnie Weyher receives her SUPER-LAWYER Award!!!
My POINT was meant to be that I finally actually TOUCHED Alex Nicely in Bruce Mason's office and he was SO HOT, I nearly burnt my FINGERS!!!
Since then, Alex -- a TOTAL ALLY of Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther's now LONG-DIVORCED HUSBAND, Sheriff's Detective Evan Luther:
Detective Luther, May 2017
And Alex Nicely FACEBOOK LIKED Det. Luther's following postings on Facebook -- but NOW seems to have DISAPPEARED ENTIRELY!!!:
Let me KNOW, should you ever become "available"!!!
You make a nice clean "salad" -- and I will "TOSS IT" with my tongue (as well as ANYTHING else you like to do or have done)!!!
I personally would have worded this differently to reflect the "no pleasure " you stated. Rather start with a more solemn comment.
I don't agree with politicians that distribute drugs to the very community that they are representing and claiming to love and protect. I don't think you are completely wrong with the point you're trying to make, I just feel like it could have been said more tastefully and maybe people would see this more seriously instead of viewing it as a trash session or attempt at attention. And proof helps. I personally would have waited for the results or stated that "I fear that his passing was due to addiction, but I don't know for 100 % until the autopsy report is released. " and then continued with my statements in a less harsh way. You want to save people from drugs? Then be open minded and realize that you're actually doing more harm than good in publicly shaming someone immediately after their death. In my opinion. And again, I agree with you on the dirty politics, but I am not so much about this public shaming without valid proof. But again this is just my opinion.
I hope maybe next time you might give the family and friends a little time before they have people who are going to treat them differently now and not in a good way, a little time to grieve and yourself time to gather facts. And then maybe I would believe that you aren't doing a victory dance or an I told you so dance after someone has lost their life. Or maybe At least word it to reflect that you're not taking pleasure in someone's death.