"Christians" believe they get HAULED TO HEAVEN in Kenan-carbon-fueled vehicles, without their OWN effort!!!
The TRUTH of finding ONENESS with GOD.
What Mary Lily (Kenan) Flagler inherited TWO YEARS after Ida Tarbell BROKE UP the Standard Oil Trust -- she a JOURNALIST who fought both Congress and ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT who were PAID OFF by the THEN Rockefeller-Flagler-Kenan Family -- even back then!!!
>>> TODAY:
1. I spoke with my mother, covered later.
2. I got NO REPLY from Ryan Lee Burris's sister, Erin Galloway, and since I AGAIN found that she and her father have CRIMINAL RECORDS, I did NOT, from her request, bother changing that I had blogged that.
3. Charles Smith, manager of Ibiza gay club in Wilmington, NC either did NOT get my email, or has refused to send it on to Scott Grey, and Mr. Grey has gotten MORE FRUSTRATED:
4. I've written TWO important emails and sent them today. First, I'll post a couple of fun things that came to my attention, and then the emails. I will NOT be able to write to either my friend Marc Lamont Hill or HIS friend (possibly more important), Yousef Munayyer, today, Yousef published this piece HIGH on Huffington Post:
Reply to Hank Keen
Hi Hank -- No problem, and I have no problem with you either -- although we are opposite types in many ways. At least you are smart!!! I was tempted to keep you on for one more emailed posting, because I'm going to next write my siblings to explain why after denying one of her LESS important but TOTALLY PROVABLE crimes against me in conjunction with Raleigh, NC Police Department, I called my mother a Christian Bitch and Total Cunt this morning -- she DESERVES to have her skin peeled off and then be boiled alive in oil -- like Jesuit priests used to do to Jews and Homosexuals. This is only shocking to people who have NOT had to deal with "Christian" women or those affected by that hateful disease of a religion.
I'm writing my siblings next to let them know what happened.
Also, Marc Lamont Hill, whom I used to email back and forth with some years ago, was fired by NAZI Christian CNN (who protects the Kenan Family Drug Mafia in Atlanta, especially), for standing up for Palestinian Rights -- and I intend to write him today and post that as well.
But you can find that later if you want to.
Good luck in your life with Donna -- I had already removed her from my list -- which you would have KNOWN if you'd bothered READING my email TITLES (or communicated with Donna asking if she'd been dropped yet) -- you would not have had to read the body of the email to know THAT -- LOL!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Henry Keen <hankdkeen@gmail.com>
To: Scott Kenan <scottdkenan@aol.com>
Sent: Thu, Nov 29, 2018 7:04 pm
Subject: Re: Please welcome Gwenyfar Rohler -- who with her PARENTS is a LITERARY FORCE in Wilmington, NC -- to THIS LIST!!! (And SO MUCH more!!!)
Hey Scott glad to see you are ok and have weathered the storm well. I have nothing against you but I would really like to be removed from this list. Donna also if she is still on it. If you can do that I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
In a time of HUGE POLITICAL and SPIRITUAL VICTORIES, our mother, Ruth Anne, DOUBLED DOWN on her NAZI CATHOLIC HATREDS -- and this is what went down this morning:
Hi All,
Call me "George Washington" -- but I cannot tell a lie.
It was actually a while ago that I realized that being the oldest and having not only witnessed more of Mom and Dad's crimes than any of you (and they committed them OPENLY when I was young -- not realizing I would remember things well, some going back to age 2.5, having a better memory (especially better than Jane's), and Dad admitting many of his and Mom's crimes -- partly because Dad admitted HIS lust for men to me, partly because like me Dad HATED religion, especially Catholicism, saying it was just how bitches control men.
Isn't it a MIRACLE that despite Mom's forcing me to soft lobotomy of Lithium Carbonate for 31 years -- the same drug that by double dose, Mom murdered Uncle Bob??? His daughter married a JEW -- and then he was leering at young men at college basketball games, but at least Bob twice told me he was actually gay.
And any of you guys who ever had sex with a man (or wanted to), no reason to feel ODD -- in the last Pew (Sun Oil heirs' Org), survey of American Men's Sex Practices, 43% of adult male Americans admitted to having consensual sex to orgasm with another adult man (possibly higher since so many are paranoid to admit that), and 68% admitted getting hard-ons after seeing a naked man. In another study that unlike the other was from a less reputable org, 85% of adult males in America get hot from watching the PENISES in straight porn films -- NOT the pussies or tits. While 10% of American men are classified "Addicted to Porn", Christian men are addicted at 21%, which means that Christians still being in the majority in the USA, the addiction rate for non-Christians is FAR LESS than 10%.
So whatever anyone actually gets off from is your own business, but Christians can GET OFF MY ASS!!!
Today, after a long civil and laughing discussion with Mom, I tested seeing if she can admit to ANY of her crimes against me -- choosing what I consider the least of them. Now it is TRUE that twice Mom has told me -- and this is verbatim or near it -- "I'm sorry I was so terrible to you in the past." And both times I accepted that as if it were an apology. It was clearly a step in the right direction, but most of the recipients of this email had Catholic Grade School, so KNOW that Church Teaching is that an apology must be SPECIFIC to the "Sin", include words showing that they KNOW WHY what they did was an offence to both God and man, and then make amends (if you kill a breadwinner, you have to financially support the family until they become self-sufficient -- was one example Mother Mary Austin used at Saints Philip & James).
What I brought up was that she and Dad -- when I REFUSED to be evaluated by the agency they chose and DEMANDED they meet privately with the system intake interviewer -- in Raleigh, and after Mom's absolute Staten-Island-Ferry-docking insistence.
The guy who was NOT qualified to diagnose, changed from saying the shrink would diagnose me to -- and after a private few minutes with Mom and Dad, told me I am DEFINITELY BIPOLAR, no questions ASKED!!! This was for intake into their system before seeing an actual shrink. And as I blogged and emailed all of you (except Bob Jones), I got that guy FIRED from his job within a month after that happened.
I immediately set up a session to evaluate me with ANOTHER similar org, who said they would NOT ALLOW the parents of an adult who had lived "un-committed" since 1978 and essentially financially independent as well all that time -- unless the client gave them written permission to do so. THAT pissed Mom and Dad off MORE, but they acted as if it didn't, and a couple of days later, I was awakened by Police walking into the bedroom I was in, claiming Mom & Dad had gotten an Ex Parte Restraining Order because they were afraid I would kill them, and made me pack and get out within about ten minutes. I lived in my car in Raleigh -- with another guy in similar circumstances, we making room in my car so we could sleep together and have sex. We parked near Republican HQ in downtown Raleigh, and security being still lax, I wrote HATE NOTES on my promo-cards for my Tennessee Williams book -- and slipped them under the doors of the very TOP OFFICERS of that Party.

The above image is one I saved from Mexico.
We had a four-inch snow and some bitter cold weather, so I decided to motor to Wilmington, two climate zones warmer, arriving late on December 30, 2010 -- and stayed, until D.A. Ben David forced me back to Political Exile in Mexico for another nearly four years.
But my POINT is that I have had Ex Parte Restraining Orders successfully gotten from Judge Sandra Alice Ray (then Criner), by a roommate whom I had no idea was CRACK-addicted, Brenda McKnight and it was her "cousin" (actually lover), Gerald Austin-Wynn, and REFUSED by NAZI-Christian Judge James H. Faison III by me against Major Drug Trafficker Jennifer McCracken of Carolina Apartments, so KNOW that papers have to be given to the person AT THE TIME, with a hearing still scheduled, usually within 10 days. NEITHER of those things happened, so Mom and Dad just got NAZIS on the Raleigh Police to FAKE ALL OF THAT!!!
Remember, my good friend Danny Sinatra (who like Pastor Ernest Trice Thompson of First Presbyterian in Wilmington, then, told me he WANTED to have sex with me, but had to honor his vows to his wife and family, so could not) -- actually it was with his father-in-law, whom I called "Confederate Dollar", we sometimes smoking pot on the riverfront at the base of Market Street in FRONT of Police Cameras but our backs to them, and his last name was Dollar and he had been FIRED as a Raleigh Police Officer for NOT committing the crimes he was ordered by Police superiors to commit -- then claimed he had TRIED to join the Sons of the Confederacy, which I, Mike, Connor, and Max are eligible to join since our ancestors fought for the South, but they REFUSED to accept him, he joking that even THEY have "Standards of Excellence". Confederate Dollar is as smartassy as ME!!!
See, I'm GLAD they kicked me out which got me to Wilmington, so am hardly upset by that crime now -- and it takes a TOTAL GOD-HATING ASSHOLE not to be able to live up to such a silly thing now.
And I'm running out of time and writing oomph now, so will quickly mention the two things that recently freaked me out but I've chalked it up to a moment of panic (something I sometimes have had, so it's easy to forgive without further discussion). First, know that because I'm oldest and have "seen so much more", I completely empathize with the three of you younger than me, and how Mom literally TERRORIZED us with her NAZI-Catholic ways. Julie got it the WORST, being so much younger than Mike, and is the only one hypnotized to extent of remaining Roman Catholic.
Last spring at one point, Mike told me the ONLY reason he was sending me money was that Mom told Mike he HAD TO. I do NOT actually believe that -- especially today. While I was in New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital, committed on lies by Jonathan Deputy, my shrink, Julia Triggs, MD, had spoken with Mike at least once, and I don't know if she actually spoke with Mom, but as she was preparing to RELEASE ME, she said that Mom obviously was an old woman set in very hateful ways and that I should NEVER pay any attention to Mom. She said that as soon as Mike began speaking with her, it was obvious that he was mostly lying -- so watch out for him too.
When I got OUT, my first calls to Mom and Mike included them BOTH hollering at me to TAKE LITHIUM (which I'd told Dr. Triggs I was only taking in the hospital to make her job easier -- it couldn't hurt me more in 10 days -- and would immediately quit it on release). Both Mom and Mike knew my doctor of many years had taken me OFF Lithium on early 2009 -- because she'd NEVER seen a sign of Bipolar in me in all those years.
I also know that Mike can't invite me to Pennsylvania if Gail's father might be around. He's the most RACIST, NAZI Republican I've ever met -- but if Mike had to choose between the two of us, Gail might divorce him, and they even more likely might not get his GENEROUS INHERITANCE -- he, like Mom, "overdue to die naturally".
So I just want everyone to know that I know that any slights I've gotten from any of you have to do with WORSHIP OF MONEY (the definition of "Kenan"). I don't want anyone to lose an expected inheritance, either, so am COOL WITH THAT. And NO ONE in my or later generation of the immediate family needs to apologize to me for any of this. Our ELDERS brought us up in HATRED OF GOD (Christianity), but MOST of us, anyway, are getting more and more into the TEACHINGS of Jesus, The Buddha. Muhammad, etc., and where there is PROGRESS there is LIFE!!!
I hope everyone has a GREAT WEEKEND, and does NOT twist my words here into anything like a "backward swipe". The time for paranoia and fear is OVER and is the work of what Christians call THE DEVIL. Don't listen to it.
Sincerely and with Love,