Monday, November 19, 2018

I Might Not Yet Be THROUGH with Ben Schachtman (or even his side-kick, Michael Praats), so I Sent "Mr. Ben" the Following Note:

Ben Schachtman of Port City Daily contemplating "The Ethers" and building his future . . . 

And Mr. Schactman's sidekickMichael Praats, is not just -- like me -- "an Atlanta transplant to Wilmington"but for a hairless, tattooed pup -- not bad AT ALL!!! (And I'm gonna copy him in the email of this just for fun):

Top clue to the calibre (in the "Old Fashioned Sense"): notice his Polyester Pants:

Yes, I met Tab Hunter, and was once scheduled to "Spaghetti-Wrestle" Divine at The Monster in Key West -- but  how many OTHER John Waters Stars have I met??? 

Here's a clue:

See for more

Sent: Mon, Nov 19, 2018 2:57 pm
Subject: Re: ALSO: Ben Schachtman is the EDITOR of Port City Daily -- NOT the Assistant Editor, as I have PREVIOUSLY reported!!!


One day I hope to run my own outfit, where - as opposed to PCD - we can run opinion. Don't get me wrong, I love PCD and hope to be there a while, and I think staying neutral is important for journalism (even when that's difficult to do).

But, yeah, a Kenan Column (The Libidinous Libeler?) would be a treat. Maybe Encore would be so bold? 



Hey Ben,

Your suggested title is PERFECT -- and far better than any of my own imaginings. I appreciate the lead. And then I got thinking, and I might have on blog, too, a twice-weekly humor feature devoid of politics. And for your information, the best and closest friends I've had were all straight or straight enough guys to live that life without real temptation -- and every one of them has a hairy chest, but we all got to joking about it, and I've even joked with one of their wives about it. I always get over the lust quickly. And I used to shower with them -- many, many years ago -- we joking about THAT, too -- unlike my experience with you!!!

I fully expect to watch your even surprising career -- whether we are in touch or not. You must have been Asst. Editor when I got back from Mexico in 2015 -- I don't know WHEN you got the promotion, but I DO know that PCD has improved ENORMOUSLY since then. I also know that my posting of earlier today -- as well as a couple of older posts about Ryan Lee Burris's crimes -- are getting hit out of the park today. 

I don't think you reported on his death -- or need to (I think PCD has given proper attention and is fair to gay issues, for your size, and this is an unfortunate death) -- but if you do, perhaps in some "word-smithy way" you could ask why he shows no real job for years -- or inheritance -- yet lived quite well. Or just WHEN did his five years of Parole end. That was from Ryan's mouth to my ears in 2011, and I only researched and found some of his old Criminal Records (all drugs, but maybe some larceny or similar).

The other thing is that "hope" is a subtle cheat. Think about it (I wanted to CLOBBER Obama over using it so prominently). Hope means you know something is possible, but it is HIGHLY unlikely. It shows LITTLE actual faith in a thing -- and this all operates on the subconscious. KNOWING is what you want to find -- when you KNOW a thing will happen, you can withdraw for a minute or two and couch yourself in the FEELINGS of it already being literally true. 

That impresses "The Ethers", "Collective Unconsciousness (or Subconscious)", "Universal Mind", or whatever term you might find to MAKE SENSE TO YOU. It definitely speeds things along, and I used these principles to ALWAYS bounce back -- no matter how many times over the last nine years I was poisoned, beat up or severely intimidated, run out of apartments by Drug Mafia -- or held by them in captivity, and all the jailings and nut-house commitments -- every one of them based on LIES.

Anyway, I might send you "deep background" on things I see you reporting on -- I know only YOU know what you can tell of the truth about Wilmington -- but I bet it grows, and surprisingly rapidly.

Back to savoring my piece on Ryan Burris (I'm kinda proud of it -- and edited it SEVERELY after emailing it out)



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