This guy is a Psychotherapist and Hypnotist -- but I prefer the term "Mesmerist". I just found out about him, and hope to reach him tomorrow -- if he hasn't flown off to Florence, Venice (or some-such), for the Holiday Weekend, already.
This photo is about 30 years old, and today he is bearded.
What is happening here is that I decided I simply need to stop smoking tobacco -- I've been addicted since a freshman in college -- and I've been struggling with it, but have managed to smoke as little as two cigs/day (but for a week wasted money buying two separate packs to get one and give the rest away -- or I would smoke them), and then smoke up to a half-pack of super-light MENTHOL cigs (which give me mild nausea, but helped smoke less and not be tempted to smoke more, or spend all that dough), and I have NOT smoked in my car for all this time, so most of the smoke is gone from its ventilation now.
In 1985, I underwent hypnosis, and am a very easy subject. It was to stop smoking, but I didn't think I could afford the highly recommended second session, and was smoking again within three weeks. This time, I think Medicare will pay for all or most of it, but I will ask tomorrow about that.
Yes, I exaggerated my actual CURRENT connection to former Presidente Fox, but I really did know the Governor of Colima State in 2010 and 12 -- as well as the late Dr. Valdemar Salazar (best friend of former Presidente Carlos Salinas):
Dr. Salazar on left
And I dated the man who a few years ago was Mexico's TOP DECORATED DIPLOMAT to the USA -- back in 1983, when he was Consul to Atlanta.
In 2010, I dated the former Chief Protocol Officer of the US Embassy in Mexico City, Luis Alberto Gonzalez Perez, and it was like HEAVEN, but his Drug-Mafia Handlers separated us after one night of bliss, and while someone FAKE wrote me a few years later claiming that if I didn't stop trying to find him, they would KILL HIM. I don't know if they have. I have no photos, but he was extremely handsome and about ten years younger than I.
I blogged about that several times, including these words:
In 2010, I met the former Chief Protocol Officer of the US Embassy in Mexico City, Luis Alberto Gonzalez Perez, who had set up the security for several visits of both President Clinton and George W. Bush, and since then I came to understand WHY he didn't particularly like either of them, but DID prefer Clinton.
Because Luis Alberto DEFENDED the US Constitution, he was FIRED one week before 15 years and his getting the right to live in the USA indefinitely. Since then he has been living in poverty in Mexico City, and Our Government needs to do RIGHT by him!!!
And of course it was Theodore Druch (former lover of Dr. Timothy Leary at Millbrook), and his wife Maria Ruiz, who with the Governor of Nayarit State, who tried to kill me with agents of the CIA, US State Department, Episcopal Church USA, and Exxon-Mobil/Rex Tillerson, in 2015, causing me to flee back to the USA.
And how CONVENIENT that Sa'ant Samuel Celia, Jr., who lived downstairs from me in Gold Walker's 205 S. 4th Street property 2015 - 2017, ADMITTED that he'd supplied Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead, Dr. Leary, AND Theodore Druch with what they all AGREED was the BEST LSD!!! Sam, as he's called, STILL makes it there, and even Gold Walker told me those strange chemical smells were his CHEESE-MAKING, LOL!!!
And SO MANY Drug Traffickers I knew in Puerto Vallarta are DIRECTLY CONNECTED to top Politicians in Wilmington, North Carolina -- ESPECIALLY Sheriff Ed McMahon and Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther.
And then his Christian wife -- whom I also knew well -- Maria's book -- HA!!!
And while I'm at it, in 1983, I dated Rife Huey in Atlanta, the retired Chief Protocol Officer to Admiral Zumwalt, and in 2010, Col. Dottie Newman, who'd been Secretary of State Colin Powell's Chief Protocol Officer got me to Political Exile in Mexico -- because my parents, both sisters, employer Patrick Lee Stansbury -- and as Dottie made VERY CLEAR, as did the Dekalb County, GA head Psychiatric Nurse, the Republican Party of Georgia and the CIA planned to KILL ME, since in five tries in a month they could not commit me.
So much for LOVING FRIENDS AND FAMILY!!! And no wonder I still smoke cigs.
But back to Vicente Fox, in the last several days I have gotten SEVERAL EMAILS from his org,, and now I have his CLOSE DEPUTIES' EMAIL ADDRESSES, and would love to write the former President, ASAP!!!
Today (although this is a winter photo), Pete and Allie in apartment two FINALLY brought their trash containers back by the building -- LIKELY because they had filled MY container out of CHRISTIAN WHITE PRIVILEGE (I'm a HOMO, so they have NO RESPECT for ME), but I'm holding off still on writing Apartment Manager Jonathan Deputy, Landlady Gold Walker, and her Lawyer Oliver Carter III, still about that.
What is ODDEST is that with Sherry Hall Spivey (who Jon Deputy told to call me a CHILD MOLESTER, like HE frequently did), kicked out next door, her house SEIZED then sold, and now her other DRUG-TRAFFICKING PARTNERS who lived on the other side of Sherry ALSO fled, the neighborhood is REJOICING, with NO MORE DRUG-SELLERS on Spofford Circle!!!
Except Pete and Allie in apartment Two, and "Jim" and Aaron Gallimore in apartment One.
And Gold and Jonathan apparently smoking TOO MUCH POT to know when THE GIG IS UP!!!
My REAL point here is that the residents of apartments 1 & 2 think that Spofford Circle is STILL a protected DRUG-TRAFFICKING area, when in the last two weeks, the other neighbors I've spoken with want to RUN THOSE RESIDENTS OUT -- and even take LEGAL ACTION against Gold Walker for having leased to SO MANY hard-drug addicts and sellers -- and even having an OPEN HEROIN and CRACK WHORE HOUSE in the apartment I now live in.
(Another case of my occasional bold exaggeration.)
John Gray Hunter upstairs who's been here about 15 years, agrees with me that Gold Walker has a "Heart of Gold", but is about as STUPID as her son Allen Walker, whose is thought by several Police (said to me), to be a HUGE drug import port on the Northeast Cape Fear River, and Allen, SPOILED ROTTEN according to Gold's maintenance supervisor Tom Purdy. He USED TO grace the covers of Wilmington's Press, but NOW seems to have gone into HIDING!!!

I just think it is funny that the TOP SEARCH KEYWORDS bringing people to the TWO MIRROR SITES of this blog are currently:
And Randall Kenan is TOO COMPLEX to go into here and now, but in 2010, Randall established that we are NOT blood related (and he appears to be 100% Black African blood), but DESCENDED from the cook, pictured in the kitchen of Liberty Hall in Kenansville, NC:
Randall Kenan has been a TOP INFLUENCE on my own writing -- after I read two of his books beginning in 1989, this my FAVE:
And in 2010, Randall told me how the TOP PEOPLE at the Sewanee Writers Conference,, where Randall has taught for about 15 consecutive years now, are ABSOLUTELY TONE DEAF TO LITERATURE!!!
Randall said that's ESPECIALLY true of Wyatt Prunty -- whom I had met and heard read "Nonno's Poem" from The Night of the Iguana at the installation of Tennessee Williams's Poet's Stone in Episcopal Cathedral St. John the Divine in Manhattan, late 2009.
Wyatt Prunty
And my brother Mike was HIDING in that audience -- just to get a GLIMPSE of the life I had once had.
Anne Jackson, Eli Wallach, Sylvia Miles, Olympia Dukakis, John Guare, Vanessa Redgrave, and John Patrick Shanley at Tennessee Williams Poets Stone Installation in 2009.
I'm MORE THAN READY to send ALL CHRISTIANS (since "good ones" NEVER challenge the GOD-HATING MAJORITY of them), back to the HELL THEY CAME FROM!!!
Please join me and other PATRIOTIC AMERICANS in kicking out the Church -- like Mexico had to do many decades ago -- starting with REVOKING TAX-EXEMPT STATUS of ALL CHURCHES!!!