Monday, August 6, 2018

Kick-Ass Pot and Alcohol Water-Slide Party Last Night at Spofford Mills Executives Playhouse Apartments -- and SO MUCH MORE!!!

GOOD GOD!!! As a woman, I look like a former Fox News Talking Head who was FIRED after a feud with Donald Trump -- and NOTHING like my sisters or other female relatives -- HA!!!


This was morphed from this ten-year-old photo of me when I was only 57 years old:

Daniel J. Murtaugh shared a link.
5 hrs

Ninety-four years after his birth (and more then thirty since his death) James Baldwin remains an intellectual, moral, and creative touchstone for many Americans—whether writers, critics, or simply…
Scott Kenan "When you’re writing, you’re trying to find out something which you don’t know. The whole language of writing for me is finding out what you don’t want to know, what you don’t want to find out. But something forces you to anyway."

- in a 1984 interview with The Paris Review

Scott Kenan James Baldwin is NOT for "Clinton Democrats" or ANY Republican!!!

Daniel J. Murtaugh No joke, Scott!

Scott Kenan Daniel J. Murtaugh, did you know that Randall Kenan -- NOT related to me but descended from slaves at Liberty Hall in Kenansville, NC (who gave me info linking my Kenan Family to the murder of Tennessee Williams), was in the 1980s commissioned to write the FIRST in a series of Gay Bios -- and it was on James Baldwin. I LOVE Randall Kenan's work, but we had a tift because he believes Jesus is going to save him -- LOL!!! Still, this is my fave book of his:Manage

Brett Webb-Mitchell, my friend who was ordained a Presbyterian Minister, but is now ALSO high in the United Methodist Church, as Brett put it, "bringing the Love of Jesus Christ to Methodists".

Well HERE is one water slide:

Brett Webb-Mitchell shared a link.
4 hrs

About this article

CHARLOTTE, NC—Regular attenders of Elevation Church reported being surprised Sunday morning when they were directed to the “new balcony entrance” for seating. “We normally get there early so we can sit as close to pastor Steven as possible,” Marie Dotwiler told reporters. “We were all li...
Scott Kenan Best paragraph
In the dry-off area next to the baptismal pool, a dripping congregant, who identified himself only as Eddie, was trying to get his iPhone to turn back on. He told reporters, “This was my first Sunday here.” Asked if he planned on returning to Elevation Church he said, “No. I think I’ll stick to the rivers and the lakes that I’m used to.” Just then, Pastor Furtick jumped in front of Eddie and doused him again with a large water gun and shouted, “Revival!” 
Too bad this is from 2016 -- it seems so au courant and timely!!!

Christian Halstead See. You need something catchy like that to get that car!

Scott Kenan Googling, I just found they now have NINE locations around metro Charlotte -- MERCY!!!

Kelley Ray Wescoe Yes, and one in Toronto, Asheville NC, Columbia SC, Melbourne FL, Roanoke VA, Winston-Salem NC and two in the Raleigh area! 😊

Scott Kenan Well, at least none here in Wilmington, NC -- although we have TONS of Christian Charlatans here!!!

Significant news from Shelby County (Memphis) TN, where the Democrats routed Republicans last night and swept them from county-wide office.

Dems won 21 of the 26 offices up for grabs. "Before the election, Republicans held nine of the 10 most high-profile county offices, including mayor and sheriff. Now, they hold zero."


About this article

In The 9:01 today, Shelby County Democrats sweep the county elections, more revelations about Memphis Police's surveillance of activists, and more.

Scott Kenan shared a link.
2 hrs

About this article

Vice President Mike Pence once argued the president of the United States should be held to the highest moral standards to determine whether he should resign or be removed from office.
Back in MY day, The Doors recorded a song about this -- linked to in comments:


About two dozen straight people showed up, ages about 20 - 24, and there was a long table to the left TOTALLY covered with beer bottles and cups used for Bourbon mixed or straight.

Everyone showed up right after 5:00 PM, and while I did not expect them to be so thrilled with the water slide for much more than an HO
UR, these guys (and I mean especially the males), could NOT GET ENOUGH OF IT!!!

They were yelling and screaming and running races as alcohol drinking games until I went to bed about 12:30 (and slept soundly through the rest of it). MOST of that was the MEN, who went down together in groups of two or more. Many looked like Ryan Lee Burris's (local Cape Fear Equality Leader and former 3rd Vice Chair of New Hanover County Democratic Party), new boyfriend, Joe Allred:

Joe Allred in recent photo 

Others were more to MY taste:

But I just enjoyed the eye-candy occasionally when I went out on my deck to smoke a fag.

THEN, I got it -- I understood!!! Some guy called out loudly (but not so loud that most heard him)

"I'm NOT GAY!!! Really, I'm not."

And THAT is why God invented Alcohol, Marijuana, and Water Slides (and other slippery wet activities that all men like so much) -- to GROPE EACH OTHER even in front of their WOMEN FOLK -- LOL!!!

Well after raining every day for over two weeks here in Wilmington, it did NOT rain today.

WHO KNOWS what ELSE might have happened!!!

Remember this -- the Mexican Blogging Machine I wanted to buy in Villanueva, Mexico in 2012 to drive back to use to BLOG IN WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA???

It was NOT JUST because I had dated Mexico's Consul to Atlanta in 1983 -- Villanueva (Newhouse), being one of his two surnames:

I wanted to honor some KICK-ASS WOMEN as well (and would have added a sidecar):


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