This sums up the SAD SIDE of John McCain -- so let's HONOR HIM as the BEST Republicans have recently had to offer, and then GET BACK TO FIXING AMERICA!!!:
My Facebook Friend Jonathan Shapero is selling his Atlanta condo -- comes with "Knock-Knock" rights to Elton John!!!
Jonathan Shapero is

And on the University of North Carolina Board of Governors, we have "Kenan Stooge", disgraced former Republican NC Senator Thom Goolsby of Wilmington:
I doubt that Thom Goolsby, Tom Fetzer, or especially HEAD of the Board, Harry L. Smith, Jr., a Republican known for contributing large sums to support Conservative NC Supreme Court Justices, will respond to my CHALLENGE to them of Friday, today, being the FIRST DAY I could reasonably expect one:
Harry L. Smith, Jr.
1. My deck garden is going well -- the plants that didn't DROWN in the month of torrential rains that recently ended, and yesterday I picked nearly a QUART of Sweet 100 Tomatoes, ate all of them over the course of the day, and this morning, they cleansed my colon!!!
2. Friday, I saw some men removing a washing machine from 1202 Spofford Circle -- where the evicted from 1206 Sherry Hall Spivey and her remaining dogs have often been seen, as well as a "Trailer-Park Trailer" that had been parked there for a few days.
But first the trailer disappeared, and I THINK they moved out, I've seen no one there, several flattened moving boxes on the porch, and the doors to the storage shed remained fully open all weekend.
3. Chad Wagner hooked up some solar-powered lights to highlight the green Japanese Maple he planted in front -- and motion-detecting lights covering the gate to the backyard.
4. Gray Hunter's air conditioning was quickly repaired, and was running by Saturday late afternoon.
5. STILL no word from apartments manager Jonathan Deputy, and his tenants "Jim", Aaron Gallimore, and unnamed still live in apartment 1 -- DESPITE no water for bathroom or kitchen.
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