A Stephen King inspired GAG on Donald Trump's SPACE FORCE.
They REFUSED to take Hillary Clinton (who is nearly as bad as Trump), so I DOUBT they will take The Donald.
No WONDER, given what they have to TYPE ON!!!
Before beginning, I should CLEAR UP any possible misunderstanding from this last posting, http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2018/08/it-aint-calla-lilies-that-are-in-bloom.html.
I just now took this shot showing my front door on left, the stairs to apartments 2 & 3 to the right, and WHERE Allie Ryan and her sister stored three of the chairs from their party last week, added to a framed print and a bag of tent poles left here a month ago by Kelsey Holmes when she moved out of Allie Ryan's apartment.
ALL of that -- if they could not fit it in their apartment -- could have gone under the stairs, which has NOTHING stored there. BUT, the last time I spoke with John Gray Hunter from apartment 3, he was PISSED because he says they keep filling the walkway back to HIS front door with so much of their JUNK, he barely can get to his door.
And while I was taking this photo, an uncharacteristically HEALTHY and HANDSOME young white man carried a container of empty beer and booze bottles from Rob's apartment and dumped it into his rolling TRASH container at the curb. Rob's RECYCLE container remains at the side of the house, but Rob and Co. and Pete, Allie, her sister, and boyfriend Jack have left THREE rolling containers at the curb for WELL OVER two weeks -- DESPITE the City coming out more than a week ago and leaving WARNINGS NOT to leave them out through the week.
The Filmmakers
Martin Clark, W. Horace Carter, and Walter E. Campbell III
Dr. Walter E. Campbell (on the right) is President and CEO of Memory Lane Productions, Inc. of Durham, North Carolina. He holds a PhD in American History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and he specializes in the history of science, business, and race relations in the American South.
Born and raised in Savannah, Georgia, Walt has lived in North Carolina since 1976. He is an independent scholar, author, and filmmaker and has created print and video works for more than two decades. In 1996 he was awarded the Clarendon Cup for Across Fortune's Tracks: A Biography of William Rand Kenan, Jr. (UNC Press). His most recent book, Foundations for Excellence: 75 Years of Duke Medicine, was published by Duke University Medical Center Library in October 2006.
I read this EXTRAORDINARY book about ten years ago -- and still posses it -- and THIS even includes MY REVIEW from 2013!!!
In 2011, "Bruce Lee" -- also called "Billy" by his Common Law wife Tammy Stanley (whom I'd met after a PREVIOUS ILLEGAL COMMITMENT to "The Oaks" by Brenda McKnight and her cousin Gerald Austin-Wynn with help of Judge Sandra Ray Criner), was the HEAD of the Ku Klux Klan in the Lower Cape Fear -- and they now accept GAY MEMBERS -- and told me they would "ROUGH UP" D.A. Ben David and Judge Criner for what they did to me!!!
But I REFUSED, and accepted two packs of Marlboro cigarettes and lunch at The Olive Garden instead.
PREVIOUSLY, Wilmington Police PROTECTED Sherman Lee and Sandra Criner when he was caught DIDDLING THE VAGINA OF A YOUNG GIRL in Thalian Hall (she headed the local Republican Party then and Sherman was SOON made a judge of young girls in the Azalea Festival!!!).
Here is how the local paper reported some of THAT: http://www.starnewsonline.com/article/NC/20060629/News/605135694/WM/
My house in Stone Mountain, GA 1988 - 2010 had the site of two moonshine stills belonging to James R. Venable -- as well as that Oak being where he LYNCHED BLACK PEOPLE.
James R. Venable was credited with SINGLE-HANDEDLY resurrecting the Ku Klux Klan in the Twentieth Century -- here seen in 1971. And my former employer Tennessee Williams was well aware of that EVIL -- WHY he used the Venable name for one of his MOST EVIL CHARACTERS:
Violet Venable in Suddenly Last Summer.
And when my mother was six years old, the Ku Klux Klan burned a CROSS in her front yard, because her father, Henry John Meyer, had as a Democrat won election as Franklin County Indiana Clerk -- and he was CATHOLIC, but then CONCEDED DEFEAT despite winning!!!
I know SOMETHING about the Ku Klux Klan!!!
My GRANDFATHER, Joseph Emerson Kenan, Sr. was a MEMBER and in his TEENS participated in the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898:
My GRANDFATHER, Joseph Emerson Kenan, Sr. was a MEMBER and in his TEENS participated in the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898:

Kenan Steeple topped by the "Six-Foot Kenan Cock" DOMINATES Wilmington's skyline -- and it was former Pastor Ernest Trice Thompson who TOLD ME how he PREVENTED my friends, a retired Army Full Colonel and his wife from joining -- JUST BECAUSE THEY WERE BLACK!!!

Pastor Ernie Thompson ALSO told me he wanted to have SEX WITH ME -- but had to honor his commitment to his wife!!!
NEW Pastor Dan Lewis is from STATESVILLE, GEORGIA -- where Walter E. Campbell III also spent his FORMATIVE YEARS -- where the ORIGINAL book, The Kenan Family, was published by the Kenan Print Shop in 1967:
I will get this out, and then take a break before writing Walt Campbell (as he is called)!!!
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