Sunday, May 14, 2023

I APOLOGIZE in Person to Dem NC State Rep. Deb Butler (and HALFWAY to Drug Mafia Mayor "Bill" Saffo)!!! / Mother's Day for ME and Some of My Friends!!! / I JUST Read the "RIOT ACT" to Drug Mafioso Robert "Rob" James McKinney, Jr. / SEWER WATER Floods My Bathroom -- Through the CEILING!!!


>>> Dear  Vice President Harris  (and REALLY, ALL OTHERS):

I've baked one for each and EVERY ONE  of you -- HA!!!

Kind of like the ELECTRONIC version of the "Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes", no???

Dear President Biden,

I have now FULLY BAKED IT , so OPEN the oven door, take it out to cool a bit, and ENJOY your Post-Mother's-Day Cake!!!

Also, drink a glass of milk with it  (2%).



But FIRST , here is additional  FOLLOW UP  from here:

  • Jeff Manley
    Scott Kenan more liberal mob talk!
    • Haha
    • Reply
    • 1w
  • LCharlie Patrickh
    Scott Kenan there was no insurrection. Get your facts straight
    • Scott Kenan
      LCharlie Patrickh : Have you had "The CHOP" yet??? My research shows that you are in transition from from Charlie Patrick to the female LCharlie Patrickh, and it is possible you need to have your hormones adjusted!!! And although you have used this name on Facebook for several YEARS, googling your name brings up NOTHING but some rather HOT MEN -- some black; some white. If you checked ME out, you know I work with the FBI and NC Atty. Gen. Josh Stein to identify and prosecute FAKE IDENTITIES on Facebook -- and in this one thread of TRAITOR David Rowzer, so far THREE people who harassed me have REMOVED THEMSELVES FROM FACEBOOK!!! And my 7th grade crush, Linda LeBoutillier, I caught trading BIG BUCKS with Trump's Re-Election Campaign, Dan Bongino (who FOX NEWS had to FIRE recently over HIS crimes), and Linda's husband Frank Moscia apparently MURDERED LINDA within a week to inherit her fortune -- before the FBI confiscated it!!! Well, here is photo I found on Facebook several years ago that you can USE for YOUR Profile Photo:
      May be an image of one or more people, blonde hair, makeup and costume
      • Like
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      • 1m

As READERS all know, I've known Grant Henry since about 2007, when he and Hollis Gillespie taught me to BLOG. Grant IMMEDIATELY BLOCKED ME when I added him a few days ago -- because he REMEMBERS that he told me he vacations on  Isla Mujeres  -- off the coast of CANCUN  -- because they ALLOW sex with underaged boys!!!

Sean Hannity, Neil Boortz, unknown, Hollis Gillespie, Clark Howard, James Carville, and unknown -- who TOGETHER, working from Atlanta's TOP NAZI/REPUBLICAN Talk News station -- WGN   WSB  -- STOLE CBS TV-5 for FOX  -- where it remainsCBS is now on UHF-TV in Atlanta.

My FATHER was also part of this and they did it even SECRETLY FILMING ME reading a script VERBATIM that Patrick Lee Stansbury had written for Fund-Raising for the Georgia Fraternal Order of Police!!! This played over and over for FIVE NIGHTS on Atlanta News Stations' Local News Programs.

Beginning to understand why I developed COMPLEX PTSD???

And RIGHT AFTER I got out of FIFTEEN WEEKS of JAIL without charge -- I had to CHARGE Dekalb County's Sheriff Jarvis with Writ of Habeus Corpus to get a CHARGE AND A TRIAL, eventually, and I pled NOLO CONTENDERE -- accepting a YEAR of HOUSE ARREST PROBATION  when I had never before been charged with a crime -- and the charge was for SIMPLE TRESPASS!!!

>>> And MEANWHILE, Trumpty-Dumpty got a  SERIOUS LECTURING  -- if he HOPES to  stay out of JAIL for LYING about his recent TRIAL !!!


The FRONT of my Mother's Day Card to Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan

FIRST, it took SIX DAYS to get to Raleigh -- thanks to JOE BIDEN KEEPING DONALD TRUMP'S HEAD of the US Post Office!!! Then, Mom was CERTAIN this is an ELEPHANT, and without looking but only remembering, I said it CAN'T BE since there is NO TRUNK!!! I promised Mom I would LOOK AGAIN, and when I called Mom today, she was LAUGHING HER BUTT OFF -- because there ALSO are NO BIG FLOPPY EARS!!!

But the BOTTOM LINE is that Mom said that both she and my sister Jane keep CRACKING UP over it -- since it was from me a PERFECT CARD!!! And Mom even said, "I REALLY AM GLAD that you are my SON -- I love you!!!" -- and I told her the same (I could NEVER have DESTROYED the NAZI GOVERNMENTS of the LOWER CAPE FEAR and Joe Biden/Donald Trump's TOGETHER-MADE NAZI US Government in service to Rahm Emanuel, Brett McGurk, David Plouffe, Mark Zuckerberg, Vladimir Putin -- and Thomas S. Kenan III)!!!

>>> I NEVER could have DESTROYED THEM -- without getting my STRENGTH WRESTLING  America's Top NAZI and "BULLY for FAKE JESUS"herself!!!

And I had Mom laughing MORE over the fact that two nights ago, someone SNAPPED OFF the five biggest blossom buds of my FIRST ROSE, since I grew nearly 100 rose bushes at my Stone Mountain, Georgia house -- until Army Col. Dorothy Newman (Colin Powell's retired CPO while he was Sect. of State), had to get me to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for my FIRST PERIOD of Political Exile: late May 2010 - mid-December 2010!!!

Then, LAST NIGHT, someone snapped off a blossom from one of my Marigolds. This CRAP happened also about a year or so ago, when DRUG MAFIA "Rob" McKinney had the NERVE to cut off a bunch of the little lights on my string of white Christmas Lights strung on my deck for SECURITY!!!

"This morning, I noticed that Rob had CUT OFF two of the lights with their bases, and placed one of those on the deck rail where I'd be certain to see it. I'd examined the spot where it was, yesterday, and the mutilation happened after that. And it DOESN'T MATTER since I'd actually planned to take the string-lights down several days ago and throw them out." (Many had BURNED OUT.)

This evening, "Rob" was smoking a blunt in the dark corner next to the stairs to the yard from my deck. I LIT INTO HIM AS FAST AS I COULD THINK AND YELLED, LOUDLY : Your HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING with both Kat and Jack upstairs, is COMPLETELY ENDANGERING THIS NEIGHBORHOOD, and the guy who actually was in MY APARTMENT resisting my SEXUAL ADVANCES for twenty minutes before leaving to FIND YOU, you later told me had PLANNED TO KILL YOU, and he entered your apartment by the WINDOW you leave UNLOCKED so Drug Mafia can come and go when you aren't HERE, is the REASON that your HUGE MAFIA FATHER, Robert "Bob" McKinney, Sr., and "JET-MULCH, WILMINGTON" NAILED your side door SHUT, and installed motion-detecting LIGHTS and CAMERAS!!!

I told Rob to NEVER, EVER come up on my deck again !!! Rob said, "You think being MEAN TO ME, the BEST POT DEALER  you ever HAD -- makes you BETTER THAN ME !!! I NEVER hear anyone say anything BAD about YOU !!! "

I said:

Then I turned my back on Rob, and closed and LOCKED MY DOOR !!!

MORE on my BUDDY Imran Anwar!!!:


What I realized while walking around for FIVE HOURS downtown, yesterday, is that EVERYONE LOCAL, anyway, ALREADY KNOWS that Mayor Saffo, D.A. Benjamin R. David, Sheriff Ed McMahon, and nearly EVERY CHRISTIAN MINISTER IN TOWN run WHITE SUPREMACY and HARD-DRUG Trafficking with the following merchants:

Misha of Slainte Irish Pub -- the FIRST PERSON I ran into, we AVERTED OUR EYES and passed without words or incident.

Frank Delia of Italian Gourmet Market -- who ALLOWED then Wilmington Republican Mayoral Candidate Justin LaNasa's friends to RUN ME OUT in 2011 -- claiming I had MOLESTED THEIR SON!!!

Justin owns the chain of four HardWire Tattoo Parlors, and sells MILITARY GRADE ARMAMENTS!!! Here is a SIGN from his western North Carolina MILITARY CAMP:

ALSO, the owners of I Love NY PIZZA and The Dixie Grill -- are HUGE DRUG TRAFFICKING PARTNERS with Wilmington City Government and New Hanover County Commissioners -- EXCEPT FOR ROB ZAPPLE.

My SEMI-APOLOGY to Mayor Saffo is that as CORRUPT AS HE IS (a Democrat who only gets campaign support from REPUBLICANS), he is FAR BETTER than ANYONE who has run against him since 2011 !!! Except for Harper Peterson, who LOST in the last election.

And I had an EPIPHANY of MEANING !!!

I realized I was WRONG, and we must FIRST SECURE VOTING RIGHTS, WOMEN'S RIGHTS, Freedom from GROSS REPUBLICAN GERRYMANDERING here in North Carolina, so I NOW FULLY SUPPORT DEB BUTLER and GOV. ROY COOPER -- but NOT A.G. Josh Stein who APPROVED giving NHRMC System to the Presbyterian Churches, the Cameron Family and their Live Oak Bank -- and CIA Operatives Julia Olson-Boseman (BEST FRIEND to Bill and Hillary Clinton and a DRUG TRAFFICKER with them -- who just TURNED REPUBLICAN), Hollis Briggs, Jr., Carl S. Armato, Kevin Maurer, and Benjamin Schachtman.

So, I drove to Deb Butler's house at 4th and Nun Streets, Deb was in the street unloading a huge PROTEST SIGN from the back of her SUV with a younger woman. I stopped, rolled down my window and said to Deb, "I'm SORRY for all of our past misunderstandings, and THANK YOU -- as well as Governor Cooper -- for ALWAYS VOTING RIGHT -- and you BOTH have my COMPLETE SUPPORT, NOW!!!"

She was DELIGHTED, but baffled due to being "ambushed", and I waved and drove on home.

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