Even CHRISTIANS are beginning to GET IT -- no???
John A. Suozzi -- connected to the Pender County Fire Department next to Wilmington, North Carolina -- and his apparent lover whose photo is posted FAR MORE OFTEN than his WIFE'S!!!: https://www.facebook.com/john.suozzi.9
I miss presidents with intelligence, maturity, and self control
John A Suozzi
The three on the left had boyfriends while in the White House, Clinton had Monica, but only Jimmy Carter was faithful to his wife -- LOL!!!John A Suozzi
whoever thought George Bush would be categorized that wayScott Kenan
that's a new one. Both Bush's and Obama had boyfriends while in office.
The human imagination is quite vast.
John A Suozzi First go back to grade school and learn the difference between the plural possessive "Bushes'" and the "Bushes" -- singular possessive is "Bush's".
Then google to find the gay scandals that plagued both Bush Presidents.
Then CALL Jamie Lee Sutherland -- the FIRST Democrat who told me he saw Barack Obama and Hard-Drug Trafficking Rahm Emanuel in his Man's Country Gay Bathhouse in Chicago many times:
A private wealth advisory practice of Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC
-- and then contact THESE people who told me so much MORE!!!
As you know if you researched me, my last all night sex date was with the Bush cousin Bill Toups and after he deposited his "Bush seed" deep inside of me, we were up all night discussing how my Kenan Family and our Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, and Ku Klux Klan have partnered with the Bush Family control of the CIA, Christian Churches, Cheney, Clinton, and Biden Families. to run worldwide Hard-Drug Trafficking and WHITE SUPREMACY.
You don't know ANYONE -- but hide on Facebook attacking people like me who are COMMITTED to voting straight Democratic and as soon as I legally can.
How the SEED of Mexico's TOP DIPLOMAT was planted deep in my colon by the Mexican Consul to Atlanta in 1983, who became Mexico's TOP DIPLOMAT to the USA -- until former Presidente Enrique Pena Nieto RECALLED him from Texas:
People with Tattoos TOTALLY are F'ed in the HEAD!!! But SOME have gotten OVER THEIR YOUTHFUL FOOLISHNESSES -- and SOME have NOT!!!
Sponsored · Paid for by New Hanover County Republican Party
· Now's the time to make your voice heard!
Vote for Tony McGhee for the Board of Education!
Tony McGhee is a TOP HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKER with his Christian Church that he hides behind. My Kenan Family CONTROLS Republican Politics in North Carolina and RUNS all the Hard Drugs with the Christian Churches -- and CORRUPTED Dems like Mayor "Bill" Saffo, D.A. Benjamin R. David, Sheriff Ed McMahon, and NC Rep. Deb Butler -- all of which I can PROVE IN COURT -- HA!!!
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