>>> THIS POSTING WAS DESTROYED IN TRANSIT BY THE CHRISTIAN CIA OR VLADIMIR PUTIN TO THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE -- SO YOU WILL LIKELY HAVE TO READ IT DIRECTLY, HERE: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2020/09/scott-david-kenan-at-6-11-tall-is-most.html
Bob Jones's friend Jim Smith BLOCKED ME -- but not his wife, Lauren Schofield (the Cape May County SHORE GIRL)!!! Christian CIA DESTROYED parts of this while I transferred it to email, so I HOPE all can read it!!!
To socialmedia@visitingangels.com socialmedia@visitingangels.com, lauren@theshoregirl.com lauren@theshoregirl.com
Cc pr@visitingangels.com pr@visitingangels.com, ben@localvoicemedia.com ben@localvoicemedia.com, breakingnews@newsobserver.com breakingnews@newsobserver.com, newsroom@wect.com newsroom@wect.com, scott.nunn@starnewsonline.com scott.nunn@starnewsonline.com, bojones@verizon.net bojones@verizon.net, info@whalestalecapemay.com info@whalestalecapemay.com, jkenan02@gmail.com jkenan02@gmail.com, mikekenan@comcast.net mikekenan@comcast.net, kenan5@aol.com kenan5@aol.com, duffyjr3@verizon.net duffyjr3@verizon.net, connor.kenan@nordicwi.com connor.kenan@nordicwi.com, lenaludwig@gmail.com lenaludwig@gmail.com, scott@scottdavidkenan.com scott@scottdavidkenan.com
Frank Biester shared a link.
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LOL!!! My CRIMINAL KENAN FAMILY that put Donald Trump into POWER to DESTROY Democracy for Jesus Christ and FAKE Christianity will NOW -- with a few REAL REPUBLICANS -- take the
Sandra Beckham is with Frederick Rogers.
“Facing different options, you must always choose the one that makes you most uncomfortable, the one that creates a tingling feeling of excitement inside your b…
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Imagine if one member of each Christian Nuclear-Family HAD TO memorize the entire Bible, end-to-end . . . Christians would be FORCED to become CHRIST-LIKE -- instead of HATE-MONGERS!!!
The Vatican’s Pontifical Marian Academy launched the think tank Friday at a conference titled “Liberating Mary from the Mafia.” It was a reference to the historic relationship between the Italian mob and the Catholic Church, and the popular displays of Marian devotion by mobsters in Italy and beyond. In a message from the pope read out at the start of the conference, held at Rome’s Museum of Civilizations, Francis said the religious and cultural image and patrimony of the Madonna “must be preserved in its original purity.”
I never HEARD of a mentally healthy Pastor or Church!!! Here in Wilmington, NC, in Puerto Vallarta Mexico PV/JAL, Atlanta, GA, Key West, FL, Cape May, New Jersey -- and Exton/West Chester, PA -- they are all DRUG ADDICTS (or sellers), and mostly White Supremacists:
The content for the Online Pastors' Retreat is incredible. We'll be sharing some of the topics starting next week. Encourage your pastor or ministry leader to register, as a gift for themselves and for your church.
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